REG Q4 2017 – Exam Experience

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  • #1676026

    Took REG Q4, December 4th, 2017. I expected at least 50%+ number questions, that’s what I got. Here’s the breakdown:
    – MCQs Testlet 1 – It took for me at least an hour with all the number problems. They were mostly medium hard questions.
    – MCQs Testlet 2 – It got harder, so okay, this seems like a good sign, but it took me another hour to finish Testlet number 2.
    – SIMs Testlet 3 – They were a little harder SIMs, but I didn’t spend so much time, since I was down to less than 1.5hr left for Testlet 4 and 5.
    – SIMs Testlet 4 – This time, one of the SIMs were familiar, but one of those that you thought it won’t show up again, but it did. Probably just got part marks of that particular SIM.
    – SIMs Testlet 5 – Very similar to Testlet 4, another set of harder SIMs. Maybe if I have that extra hour or even half hour, I could have at least checked or reviewed my SIMs answers, but I had to move and clicked ‘submit’ in the last seconds.

    Overall, I reviewed using Ninja app this time, spent close to 50hrs with 1,750+ MCQs (including redid MCQs). For SIMs, I used mostly my Ninja notes and book. Also read my 2014 Becker texbook a day before my REG exam, just in case I missed something.

    One thing I can say, if you know Becker front to back cover, plus the Ninja app + the book, also visited the AICPA website, you have a better chance of passing.

    Did I pass? I am not sure. All I can say, I finished all my testlets, and it would increase my scores from Q3/Q1 because, I worked a little harder this time, spent more time studying, and knowing the exam format, especially the SIMs at the AICPA website. It did help me a lot. This time, I used the ‘split screen’ for viewing ‘resource – source documents’.

    Hoping for a ‘pass’, but it’s going to be tight. Hard to say. We’ll find out in Dec 19th.

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  • #1676047

    Sounds like you did well on the exam! My SIM testlet 4 was similar to yours, ‘one of the SIMs were familiar, but one of those that you thought it won't show up again, but it did' even with my book open Im not sure if I could have answered 100% correctly.

    You said MCQ testlet 2 got harder, does it mean the length of the questions were similar to testlet 1? I felt like my second teslet was similar to the first testlet in length and difficulty, hopefully that meant i did okay on the first testlet. At my first round with REG I recall the second testlet questions being shorter in length compared to the first.

    I was left with 1.75hrs with two SIM testlets and 45 minutes left for the last SIM testlet and was not easy as most of the SIMs were time consuming and had to rush.

    Hope our hard work paid off!


    Trying to post this in another thread:

    Title: Analysis of My REG Q4 2017 Result

    I have never done any actual analysis in the past, but receiving a very bad result lately, makes me find ways of improving my scores. So far, I received a 52% for my Q4 2017 REG.

    This analysis should have been done a long time ago, maybe it might have saved a couple of decades of misery. So here goes.

    As to Content Area:

    I. Ethics, Professional Responsibilities and
    Federal Tax Procedures (10 – 20%) – Weaker

    Cause: Probably one of the SIMs that showed up again, which I actually briefly read it few days before the exam, using my old 2014 Becker textbook. That must have caused me at least 3%-5%.

    II. Business Law (10 – 20%) – Comparable

    Cause: No surprise here. I am always comfortable in business law. Have read this so much, it's hard to miss.

    III. Federal Taxation of Property Transactions
    (12 – 22%) – Comfortable

    Cause: No surprise here. Studied in the last month before the exam. Knowing it conceptually, and the calculation as well.

    IV. Federal Taxation of Individuals (15 – 25%) – Weaker

    Cause: Can't use my being Canadian tax filer/tax preparer as an excuse. I honestly don't know what happened here.

    V. Federal Taxation of Entities (28 – 38%) – Weaker

    Cause: Again, can't use my being Canadian tax filer/tax preparer as an excuse. Again, I honestly don't know what happened here, as well.

    As to Item Type:

    Multiple Choice (50%) – Weaker

    Cause: I am not sure. All I remember, I have to get another set of two scratch boards during my 15 minutes break time. So I definitely did a lot of calculations. I remember missing one question that I saw from my old 2014 Becker textbook practice questions, which I got wrong.

    Simulations (50%) – Weaker

    Cause: I am not sure, except for the one question I mentioned above and also saw from 2017 Q3 exam.

    I didn't expect to pass, but I expect at least a 70% score at the lowest, and not a 52%.

    My apology for whoever reads this, but I am just trying to make sense with my REG exam results, and my Ninja MCQ practice. It seems like either I study for two days or two months, I get the same results.


    @shawninVA, as to:
    “are you for real ? I just saw your signature You have been at this since 1998? please tell me you took a 15 year break? I am NOT trying to be rude , but this cannot really be…this tops the person in this forum that spent 600 hours on FAR studying , and maybe the other dude the received 24 on BEC”

    LOL! Yes. I am real. My 19 years old son wasn't born yet when I started writing my first exam. Just to make it short, here's my bio:

    As a Canadian resident, I took at least an exam each year, use it as my vacation. I am not stupid or anything, just unfortunate. Each time I was close to getting any CPA designation, either Canadian (former Canadian CA student) or US CPA, I always lost my credits (REG and AUD in 2010).

    Since I have been writing, I never got any scores for REG, under 50%. An average test-taker, or as I said, each time I get so close to mastering the technique, I always lost out because new CPA format is introduced.

    Of course, my being a Canadian resident doesn't help either. I am not like you, I can just take an exam any day, without driving/flying/staying in a hotel. These last two years, I took 13 sections, and cost me at least $12K for US CPA related costs.

    Lastly, appreciate your time and advice.



    I noticed in previous posts that you would use old material to study for current exams. Any reason you are not trying to use new materials/other review course providers? I don't want to assume that cost is an issue, but the expense of flight, hotels, time etc. must be far greater than dishing out a few hundred extra $ on supplementary material.

    As a side note, and this isn't directed at this particular thread, but I see people here write about how to avoid spending another $ 300 for a section they failed, but to me, to be able to pass it will bring returns many times over, I just never understood that logic.

    Your persistence is very commendable, and hope your efforts pay off, all the best!

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