REG is hardest??? - Page 2

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    Sorry for the venting. In my opinion REG is the hardest of the four. I took it for the 3rd time yesterday and I know I failed it again. I was looking through my Becker book and saw several questions I missed just because of the details the examiners like to twist and throw at you. I studied harder this time than any other time and harder than any test I’ve ever taken in my life and still can’t seem to defeat the beast (REG). I feel like I know the material but because of the way it’s presented I can’t get past it. I feel like I’ll lose it if they don’t give me 75; that’s all I want is a 75.

    My Becker material expired; crazy to think I’ve been studying for over 18 months now. I never imagined it would take this long. I can’t give up. My wife is closer ever time to leaving. My job suffers. I have no friends. I never see my family. Please let me pass!!!! UGHHH!!! Any advice how to keep going???

    FAR 69, 74, 78
    REG 69, 69, 69, 82
    BEC 75
    AUD 76

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  • #400860

    Hardest is really relative. If you get your professional experience before you take the exams it can have an effect on which is your hardest. For example, I've been doing tax for over 4 years now and I found REG to be pretty simple. AUD was pretty tough for me, (failed it the first time) but I'm sure an auditor would find it easier than REG.

    FAR - 79 - 07/2012
    AUD - 65, 78 - 11/2012
    BEC - 76 - 11/2012
    REG - 78 - 01/2013
    ETH - 98 - 01/2013

    Material: Wiley books


    @KGC111210….WOW….I'm going to have a glass of wine after study time tonight for you! Sounds like you've had a rough time but YOU ARE SO CLOSE, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP HOPE YET!

    Everyone's “hardest” section is different, in my opinion! For example, I work in public accounting so the tax side of REG is familiar territory but the law side is killer as you can see from my 75! Personally, I am TERRIFIED of BEC and I haven't even taken it yet and YOU PASSED it appears on the first shot! I despise cost accounting and have never had a clear understanding of it and honestly it was all I could do to scrape out a C in my grad program class and move on!!! I don't have any manufacturing clients so it's a language I don't speak, but again your personal worst section comes from your own experience…or lack thereof! 😉

    If it is any consolation to you, I'm fairly confident that I am not the only person who thinks you rock for having 3 parts passed to date!!! You are in the homestretch and I hope that in a few weeks you are celebrating your REG domination with your family!!!!!

    Good Luck!!!!!! 🙂

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    You have a lot on your plate right now but you can do it. Focus in on what needs to be done.

    I agree with MintsRGood, everyone has a hardest section. I've had a lot of tax experience so REG was not difficult for me. As you can see by my scores AUD and BEC are another story. I would rather spork my eyes out than take BEC again, but it is what it is. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, we just have to fight even harder through the weaknesses.

    You can do this. We all can!

    FAR 78
    AUD 85
    BEC 79
    REG 83


    I think FAR is definitely the toughest because the material is so vast and varied.

    I thought REG wasn't too bad, haven't found out if I passed or not but nothing was too surprising.

    BEC can be tricky because the topics vary so much and I don't think Becker has a great handle on the material.

    AUD has been the easiest for me thus far. Everything is theory, no math, just pounded the MCQ from Wiley over and over again and had no issue.


    REG is easily the hardest. The rest are a cakewalk

    cool story bro


    I only had took Aud and Reg so far.. When i study for them i though REG was easier to study to.. i took Audit first and i found the exam to be ok. I was pleased with what i did

    But then i took REG and i was so mad after i was done.. I was sure I failed.. Like you, i started looking up questions in my books and everyone of them was wrong. I screwed up 1 or 2 Simulations for sure. I ended up having almost the same score than my Audit Exam

    So dont give up. I bet you passed it. It is a frustrating exam.. Spend time with the wife while you get your score back!


    I don't have my REG score yet, but for me FAR was definitely the hardest, followed by BEC, then REG, then AUD. I have 4 years audit and tax experience though. I agree with what was said above that everyone has different experience even if your only experience is school there were probably professors and classes that you gravitated to more and that specific material clicked better for you.

    I will say that not one section is impossible. I see a lot of posts where people are proclaiming otherwise, but it just isn't the case. Everyone attempting these exams can pass them. Some have to work harder and longer than others, but these exams are very beatable. When I started studying I had built them up in my head to be the most horrific things on the planet, but they aren't. Hindsight is 20/20, and I know it's easy to say after you have passed a few, but it's true.

    Confidence is a huge part of your success. I didn't believe that was the case at first, but I would notice a difference on Wiley test bank when I would start a practice session with the mindset that I was going to get each question right. Did I? No, but I sure scored a lot higher then the practice sessions when my mindset wasn't good.

    Bottom line. You. Will. Pass. Believe it.

    FAR - 81 (8/31/12)
    AUD - 93 (10/19/12)
    BEC - 79 (11/27/12)
    REG - 92 (2/8/13) DONE! All 1st attempt!


    REG is a bear. Kind of sorry i waited last to take this one. I would rather take 2 FAR exams in lieu of 1 REG. I would trade 3 AUD attempts for 1 REG pass. Does that tell you anything? REG is a real pisser.

    FAR - Passed May 2012
    AUD - Passed July 2012
    BEC - Passed August 2012
    REG - Passed March 2013 I'm outta here. CPA Bound for State of Florida.



    Your post sums up my feelings. I just took REG for 2x. I have until November before FAR falls off. Lets not hope it gets to that point.

    FAR - Passed May 2012
    AUD - Passed July 2012
    BEC - Passed August 2012
    REG - Passed March 2013 I'm outta here. CPA Bound for State of Florida.


    I am studying for FAR. My belief is that FAR is the most extensive but REG IS THE MOST DIFFICULT.

    Having survived it on the 3rd try, I would say:

    1. Build a launching pad with the easy stuff ( professional responsibilities and SEC rules if you're like me?, also the easier/basic components of the tax rules)

    2. Listen to NINJA audio at least once a week, preferably more if you have lots of 4.5 hour blocks (hehe).

    3. Hammer the snot out of WILEY MCQ, and do a few Wiley SIMS. Study the explanations for all – even if you get it right.

    4. At the actual test, read the question!!!!! and don't beat yourself. Don't look too hard for a catch – face value is often the right approach.

    Wild Card: on sims, it was easier for me to find topics in the IRC by expanding the tree menu and looking for relevant topics. I tended to do things the “google way” with the search box. Any way, if you're not finding what you need one way, the other might be better.

    B: 77 (LC), 75
    A: 63,74,88
    R: 60,67,80
    F: 71,74,74 again, and 86 - DONE!

    Ethics and application - done.

    Licensed in VA - 07/03/2014


    Thanks for all the great posts and all the encouragement. I ending up not passing but I'm not going to give up.

    Rematch in April.

    What's up with all the 69s though; I'm thinking about disputing it. What's the chance of getting three in a row.

    FAR 69, 74, 78
    REG 69, 69, 69, 82
    BEC 75
    AUD 76

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