REG – Help (Please!)

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  • #830583

    I just got back from a terrible experience taking REG. This is my second time taking it.

    I added NINJA MCQs to the mix for this round, and felt confident going in – I was trending 80% answer all the tax related question. For B-law my score report showed i was strong, so I reviewed the notes I had and read Wiley for a few troubled areas.

    My testlets did not get harder, in fact, I remember the last testlet had very short sentence with a one word answer – similar to “what one word answer choice below describes this sentence” I felt embarrassed/discourage that I was getting such elementary questions. My test progression felt like: “moderate”, “moderate with perhaps 3-4 difficult questions”, and “wow, let’s give you REG 101 questions to easy the pain.”

    What frustrates me is that I felt I was getting the easy ones wrong, which didn’t allow for the hard ones to pop up.

    Anyway, I’d like to ask (partly to give me tiny bit of hope/insight, and partly so I can stop analyzing)..In all brutal honesty:

    1. Did anyone pass by getting simple questions in second and def. in the third testlet??
    I know most people say they feel like they failed walking out, but I always assumed its because they got some pretty wordy/complex questions – which in the end meant a pass. For me, I walked out feeling like i failed, like i did the first time, but this time, I feel worse because of the types of questions I got and the fact that I ran out of time and put zeros for two SIMS. Last time I completed all of them, I guessed a lot, but still completed. I guess I’m comparing to my FAR experience where testlet 2 got hard, which gave me some hope and I felt more comfortable in the exam.

    2. What can I do different this time around? I used yaeger in round 1, and yaeger + ninja in round. I feel like tapping out because I’m not sure how else i can improve – and that it’s most probably just me.

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  • #830614

    I think you can still pass if your performance on sims is reasonable. What was your score in 1st round?

    FAR 79
    AUD 87
    BEC 78
    REG 08/31/2016


    @IB553 – 1st round was a 70.

    Unfortunately, I don't have much hopes on the SIMS particularly since I missed 2 due to time… the other one I wasn't quite sure what was being asked! I think I did get the research right and one SIM at lease 80% right.

    In reading about experience of fellow NINJAs, and it turns out for some it wasn't clear how the testlets progress. However, the ones that mentioned the problems being more complex, lengthy scored in the 80s. I wish I could say I might be close +/- 2points, but I truly feel like I did worse than the 1st time despite more studying and using Ninja MCQs.


    I feel exactly the same @passthisthing I wish it were a harder exam so I could've gotten the chance to score some points. the different testlest are BS, it should all be the same…every time I started a testlet i was like crap…I can't be doing well… anyway I sat last week and hope I'm part of this release so I'll let you know if some miracle happened…


    @jpowell31 – I always take a deep breath after i submit T1 in hopes it I see some good stuff – this time, it was like I described – “what one word answer choice fits best with this question” – UGH. and it didn't get any better. I flagged more in T1 then I did in T2 or T3…basically the opposite what folks normally experience.

    I wish you the best of luck tomorrow!


    Basically, there is no point in guaging the level of difficulty in testlets. You tried your best and let's hope for the best. I am also hoping for 75 on REG today. It is my last section.

    FAR 79
    AUD 87
    BEC 78
    REG 08/31/2016


    In the event my hunch is true, from anyone's experience, is it better push REG retake to the end (I still have AUD and BEC) or is it better to (somehow) continue with REG?

    Good luck @IB553 – here's to 75+


    THANKS. I would take REG and BEC first and then AUD. Besides REG is still fresh in your mind.

    FAR 79
    AUD 87
    BEC 78
    REG 08/31/2016

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