REG Experience 5/31

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  • #1563525

    Just took REG and all I have to say is wow lol.

    MCQ testlet definitely got harder but there were many questions I wasn’t sure with. At least 10-15 had me spinning wheels a bit.

    Had 1.5 hours left for SIMs (recommend 2 hours after 15 minute break) and they were absolutely brutal. I know for certain I got the research question correct and did well on 2-3 SIMs out of 8, but much of the rest were best guesses.

    This is coming from passing BEC and AUD within 2 months, missing REG by only a few points on first attempt, and restudying REG nonstop for 2 months (2-3 hours a day minimum, completed all the practice MCQs).

    It was more difficult and detailed than the first time around (could be a good sign) but if I have to retake this portion again, I will plan on studying the actual IRC and other authoritative publications directly, especially because the SIMs were that detailed.

    Now the wait until August for score release and onto FAR in the meantime.

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  • #1563610

    @brickellCPA, I hope the results are positive….but you know your report is scarring the crap out of the rest of us. I guess I better tighten it up while I am in study mode. Best of luck anyway 🙂

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I also took REG today and I feel very similar. Testlet 1 was alright, just a couple that I had to guess. Testlet 2 was a little more difficult. But wow… SIMs were brutal.

    I used exclusively Becker for all four parts. I really feel like REG for Q2 of 2017 was a let down.


    Thank you 😃

    I just read what I wrote and it does sound a bit scary. I honestly think it was tougher and more detailed this time around because I did well.

    I've read reviews where others have said the SIMs came from out of left field, and that was pretty much how I felt leaving this exam. As much studying and preparation as I put this time around, there was no way to be prepared for those SIMs unless I was a tax guru with several years of experience.

    I'll report back in August when scores release 👌


    ^where others have said SIMs came from out of left field and passed*


    Agreed with everything said so far. My MC tests were similar each time, possibly a little tougher for the second testlet. But when I got to the sims it was almost a punch in the stomach. Studied so much for this exam, only to be blindsided by the sims. Also, I was not a fan of the new sim layout. I was so used to utilizing my time for the sims, but with them split up, I had to delegate a certain amount of time for each testlet. So for the last one I left myself with 45 minutes, but the questions were not as time consuming and I could have used it for the other testlets. Just my take on it


    I agree with everything that was said above.

    MCQ were fine. Second testlet I flagged more than the first.

    Got to sims and first testlet killed my flow. Was not expecting it.

    Didn't want to waste all my time because of what could be in testlet 4&5.

    Of course the “easiest” sims were saved for last and I finished with time remaining.


    Also, why can't we get a dual monitor setup instead of a vertical split screen for the AI and DRS backup.

    Big Mike

    Took Reg today. It was my first portion so I cant compare it to anything else.

    MCQ were harder than both the Becker Mock exams and Ninja MCQ in my opinion. Alot of times I was caught between 2 answers where it was really 50/50. The scary thing for me was my second testlet seemed easier than the first.

    I thought the SIMS were actually pretty doable. Had a decent concept of every SIM. Nothing obscure like farming income. Definitely would have gotten 30s on a few without authoritative literature


    @CPA MAN

    Sadly your luck did not transfer my way today. I also took Reg, and lets just say. I am a “Farming Income” REG victim. Oh how much i hate these exam

    Overall mcq were doable, i also got worried when my second testlet seemed easier or the same level of difficulty. Oh well, only time well time.

    The sims on the other hard, OMG how brutal does the AICPA want to get. I was guessing left and right for the sims, after applying the concepts i learned.
    Seriously, this is getting out of hand.


    I am sure Tim Gearty would feel same way if he would take the exam now.


    Just walked out of REG.

    For what it's worth..

    My MCQs weren't too bad. However, I was having trouble remembering some specifics, and not sure I did very well on them. On the bright side, got essentially the same CPA licensure question 3 times, so at least I got that right.

    Sims were rough. I got 4 DRS's….not sure if that's a record, sure hope it is.

    This test will expose your lack of detailed knowledge, especially the Sims.

    I'm assuming I'll have to retake this, and I plan to do about 3,000 MCQ, maybe 100 sims.

    I felt like there was no way I could know enough to pass after just 8 weeks of studying and being exposed to the material the first time. There's just too much to know on a detailed level.

    Have a good 4th everyone.


    @studysled I walked out of there and thought “What the hell was that?” and then I consider the legal implications of a road beer but I could never do that. I would be too scared of getting caught.

    Can you explain DRS's for me? I forgot to look it up…..since I haven't tested in the new format yet. fml

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Took mine today. Same sentiments as everyone here. One word sums it up: Brutal! Make sure to memorize as much of the material as you can: limits, concepts, rules, etc. Sims were disastrous since they throw a lot at you in each one. I'll have to prepare a lot harder before retaking it. I used Wiley and I don't think their sims prepared me for what I saw on the exam. I only gave myself 5 weeks to study, so there wasn't really much room to supplement it with another software while trying to get through it.

    Also as sbarry17 pointed out above, I hate the new format for the sims. It's really ineffective for timing. When I took FAR back in May I didn't leave myself enough time for the last 3 sims and got creamed trying to get all my answers in. I made sure to leave more time for my last few REG sims this time around only to finish with time to spare that I could have used on earlier sims I wasn't 100% sure of. I left a comment at the end of the feedback section about it. Maybe if we can all give them enough negative feedback about the new sim format they'll switch it back to the old way.


    @golfball7773 DRS has been out for an year or so. Hasn't been that heavily tested until now.


    @Anthony – Thanks for info! I was being a lazy pile of crap after my test yesterday…..

    Edit: I thought they looked a lot different yesterday. (I passed REG and 2015. and the last test I took was in 2016 and passed BEC with a 86. Lost REG and then got in a car accident that took away a lot of my time.)

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81


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