I felt weird, first testlet seemed hard (most questions I had to flag and come back to)
second and third testlet seemed much easier.
Since I know that's not how the test worked it left me confused (there are only two levels Medium and Difficult people tell me, so they couldn't have gotten easier, since the first testlet is the medium testlet)
Another thing that left me confused was that the questions seemed to change after the first testlet, can't quite describe it, but the way they were asked and the topics both seemed different than the first.
Sims were a mix of easy and tricky, 3 were fairly easy, 3 were a bit tricky (I'm the pretest question was one of the tricky ones, whichever one I did worst on, LOL).
So I have no idea how I did, I'm nervous, but then again I felt nervous after my AUD test and did good there, so I'd like to think I did well here also.