REG experience - Page 2

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  • #201310

    MeAll 3 teslets medium sprinkled with hard. Sims insanity and ran out of time.

    Positive I failed.

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  • #771910
    Future Ninja

    Best of luck to all of us. SIMS were worst than I ever had. If I fail again, its because of the SIMS. Didn't prepare for a particular topic. I couldn't tell topic as much as I want to because of exam disclosure. So curious coming score release. TIPS: study SIMS as many as possible and use AL during actual exam. secure 1 hour and 30 minutes for the SIMS. I got one research question. Took me 30 minutes to find the correct one. I don't know somebody who got the research question in 2 minutes. – See more at:

    AUD - 79 (expired) retaking July 28,2016
    FAR - 76 expiring July 31, 2016
    BEC - 85
    REG - 74,74,74,74,59,70,

    Future Rhody CPA

    I took REG on 4/15 after 10 weeks of thorough Becker studying. The simulations were brutal, there wasn't a single one that I felt really confident about and one of them I knew I had to take a few guesses on. My advice to others: study, study, study for the sims.

    FAR- 96 (January 2016)
    BEC- 94 (January 2016)
    REG- 87 (April 2016)
    AUD- (July 30th 2016)


    @ future rhody how was your MCQ in terms of difficulty? I used Becker, ninja, wiley, Gleim during my review. IMO Gleim sims are comparable to the Sim I saw when I took Reg yesterday. I was comfortable with all but one sim. However, I'm extremely worried about the MCQ. My testlets were all medium with hard ones sprinkled in them.

    Future Rhody CPA

    I felt pretty good about my MCQ, I felt there were more easy MCQ in my first testlet than I had in FAR & BEC combined. I'm not sure whether it went Medium-Hard-Hard or Medium-Hard-Medium though.

    FAR- 96 (January 2016)
    BEC- 94 (January 2016)
    REG- 87 (April 2016)
    AUD- (July 30th 2016)


    I felt weird, first testlet seemed hard (most questions I had to flag and come back to)

    second and third testlet seemed much easier.

    Since I know that's not how the test worked it left me confused (there are only two levels Medium and Difficult people tell me, so they couldn't have gotten easier, since the first testlet is the medium testlet)

    Another thing that left me confused was that the questions seemed to change after the first testlet, can't quite describe it, but the way they were asked and the topics both seemed different than the first.

    Sims were a mix of easy and tricky, 3 were fairly easy, 3 were a bit tricky (I'm the pretest question was one of the tricky ones, whichever one I did worst on, LOL).

    So I have no idea how I did, I'm nervous, but then again I felt nervous after my AUD test and did good there, so I'd like to think I did well here also.


    I'm in the same boat as everyone else. I couldn't really gauge the difficulty of the questions, although conceptually the questions I had felt as though they were becoming increasingly difficult. The one thing I did notice is that it took me, progressively longer to finish each subsequent testlet. Anyway, May,5th and that's it! Hopefully, right?

    FAR:75! x3
    REG:75 x2


    Finally I can react to my experience with REG retake.

    What was thaaaaaat?!!!! Cheessooos! I felt like I was flagging every question – My MCQ felt entirely hard… SIMs, I don't even know what to say! I had one on farm taxes (Just… SIGH), 3 C Corp taxes, and God know what the other one was!! Aside from research, all my SIMs were all calculations. This has been the longest wait for a score!

    God, please…

    BEC: Passed, 81
    FAR: Passed, 78
    AUD: Passed, 83
    REG: Failed, 71,71...4/16


    @Bastus, you are not alone. I had the same experience. It seems I got all medium testlets with some hard ones sprinkled in them. What worries is the fact that I had rush through the MCQ so I can have at least 1 hour 20 minutes going into sims. I dread about Reg sims more than any sims. Surprisingly, the sims were doable. I just pray for a 75 for all this nightmare to be over.

    @ eye watch out your disclosure. If you can please edit your post.



    Yeah, I'm not sure if the MCQ's were just easy because I knew the topics being covered really well or if I was just only doing well enough for Medium level

    Yeah the testlets were not fun, I can only hope that I did well (My only comfort is that I pretty much felt the same as I did after AUD, and that one turned out well, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed)

    At this point, I'm just try and forget about REG and focus on BEC, hopefully I did great on REG, and never have to think about it again, but regardless of how I did, fretting about it won't make one bit of difference, the test is done, I can only pray to Krishna and hope everything turns out, better to focus my efforts on what I can effect, my next exam.

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