Didn't think coming back from the exam half of the posts would be about my comment… I was trying to do Kevin Hart's voice–something that I guess can't be done on a public forum.
Stayed up 20 hours to cram in property and corporate taxation–something that I regret because they were not emphasized at all. Mcqs were very basic and while I could tell that I had the harder difficulty on my third testlet, the questions did not get wordier nor did they get arithmetically intensive. They just gave very basic numbers but you had to know the exact calculation and minute details, otherwise you wouldn't get the right choice. The whole experience felt very quick unlike BEC or AUD where you knew that you were being tested on everything and that it will show up.
I got lucky with topics I was weak in not being the focal point of the exam, many of which were even absent.
Simulations were very simple like Becker-level difficulty. I had trouble with 2 of them because it asked for knowledge of certain tax treatments, and while I managed to find the section in the IRC, I had no idea what the IRC was saying. I needed Google -_-.
All in all, I believe that I passed, just not as strong as AUD or even my BEC score–so probably an 81-86 for REG.