REG Exam today? Mine was horrific - Page 2

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  • #193052

    Anyone have their reg exam today? I thought mine was extremely hard and I was pretty well prepared I thought. The MC testlets went medium,hard and not sure if it stayed hard or went back to medium. The sims though were the worst in my opinion. Becker did not prepare me well for probably 3/6 of the sims at all and the other 2, besides the research question were mentioned by them but not showed calculation wise or gone into detail. I made educated guesses on probably all of them except the research luckily. Anyone else having a similar reaction?

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  • #660634

    My SIMS weren't bad when I took them. I knew I got most right. The MCQ is what I was more concerned with after I got out.

    AUD - July 2014 - 76
    REG - August 2014 - 82
    FAR - November 2014 - 78
    BEC - January 2015 - 81


    Used Becker online. Who needs a text when you can burn your eyes out staring at the screen for months on end?

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you're hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"


    Sounds like my lastest REG test back in Feb. The MCQs I'm ok with, it's the sims that kill me. If I get 3/6 I am somewhat familiar with (not counting sims) I will do cartwheels. I had 2 sims and I swear one wasn't even in the IRC. Good luck everyone.

    FAR - 77
    BEC - 77
    AUD - 89
    REG - 85

    Last Chance CPA

    I don't know how you all use the AL during the exam for REG. I used it well for AUD, but it is impossible for REG. I wouldn't even know how to look up what in the short amount of time we have for this exam. Why is AUD 4 hours and REG 3 hours???

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    Last Chance CPA, when I took the Enrolled Agent's Exam, I had three and a half hours for 100 questions with no testlets and no sims. Having to take REG in 3 hours, I'm pretty sure my stress level shot through the roof and the fact that I couldn't find one of the research question made it even worse even when I gave my self 1 hour and 15 minutes for the sims.


    I took REG yesterday and felt like I bombed it again. It was my second time. I got 69 my first time. I used Becker's. I guess the SIMS were okay the second time. The two research questions were definitely easier to find. I just hope I got lucky and made a 75.

    FAR 81

    AUD 81

    REG 69 – retook April 1, 2015


    Last Chance CPA

    @skynet – I think 1 hour 15 minutes is too short of time for SIMs. I am going to give myself 1 1/2 hours this time around. I will only spend 5-7 on any research question. I have been extremely dejected during SIMs in each of my exams, but REG takes the cake….

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    I took it today and had the exact same experience as the OP I felt like the testlets got harder. I felt like the SIMS were absolutely brutal. I only received one research question and that is the only one that I was confident about.

    I have taken REG once before and scored a dreaded 74. The diagnostic had me stronger in every category but 2. I was similar to a passing candidate in law (odd since I am a lawyer) and weaker in the SIMS. I must have absolutely bombed those SIMS (and I knew I didn't do well when I walked out). I will have SIMS nightmares again until the score comes out. I just wish the AICPA would either elate me put me out of my misery immediately.

    B Passed
    A Passed
    R Passed
    F 8/31/2016


    @LostinAmerica what are your thoughts on the CPA exam vs. the Bar Exam?

    easier? harder? it depends? Just always wondered.


    @quitting–Different and neither are substantially easier or harder. For me, the CPA is harder but my wife who has passed both thinks the Bar was harder.

    I am taking the CPA after being out of school for 20 years so I am in essence relearning everything from scratch. I took the Bar exam shortly after law school and everything was very fresh on my mind. Also, I took BarBri which owns Becker but BarBri is a FAR superior review course to anything I know about for the CPA review courses. If I had taken BarBri before Law School, I would have aced every class with flying colors. The boiled it down to the essence of what you needed and nothing more. They apparently knew exactly what we needed. All I know is, I could pass the Bar without Law School but I couldn't pass the Bar without BarBri.

    I am not taking any review course for the CPA but using materials so that may be a factor. I saw a little of a Peter Olinto video for BEC and I thought this was a waste because all he wanted to do was tell me how much money I was going to make. All I want to know is what do I need to pass and no fluff.

    One thing I find more difficult about the CPA than the Bar is what is tested. The Bar tests EVERYTHING they say they will cover. There are more questions so if you do not know a topic extremely well, that will be diluted by the rest of the material. On the CPA, if you get the bad luck of the exam hitting a topic that you don't know as well, you are sunk. I believe the SIMS last time just came at me on things clearly out of my wheel house and blew me out of the water. The BAR would have enough topics that not knowing one or two SIMS at all would be diluted. Also, the Bar sims are similar to the BEC in that you can BS a question. I recall one that had never been tested and we were the first. I panicked at first and then took a deep breath and thought to myself… What should the law be? Strangely, when I looked it up that night, I hit it out of the park. When there are numbers involved, it is not subjective and merely objective. A transposed number can cost you.

    Like I said, different. I think like a lawyer and not an accountant as well. My wife is an accountant at heart. Hope that helps.

    B Passed
    A Passed
    R Passed
    F 8/31/2016

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