REG exam – tax

  • Creator
  • #201915

    Greetings! Simple question for those of you that have taken the REG exam.

    Do you have to memorize and know the specific tax rates for any given topic? For example: investments in collectible property (coins, art, antiques, etc.) is taxed at a 28% rate. I know the general tax rates by heart, such as capital gains but there are quite a few different tax rates.

    Or do the exam questions provide you with the tax rates?

    Also, do you have to memorize and know the specific dollar amount figures for any given topic? For example: you can exclude up to $20 a month from your income for employer reimbursements if you commute to work on your bicycle. (Yes that is a real one!)


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  • Author
  • #775942

    The exam is written to be conceptual, not an exercise in memorization. I believe for example, the individual rates the thresholds were provided if there was a question. Or they say, assume a tax rate of XX%.

    I would say, yes you have to know dollar amount for some things that are specific, but again, the exam does not expect you to memorize tables.

    REG Aug 20/15: 88
    AUD: Feb 29/16: 80
    FAR: Jun 10/16: 80

    Becker self-study, Becker Final Review & NINJA MCQS


    also they are more likely to ask to figure out number of deductions but not specific deductible amounts that change annually.

    Licensed CPA since Apr 16
    Order in sequence of passing
    AUD-56,72,72,72,80! Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord!
    FAR/BEC/AUD: Becker & Yaeger lectures (Wiley & Ninja MCQs). REG: Becker lectures (Ninja MCQs).


    Do I need to know the dollar amounts for standard deductions? Like single ($6,200), head of household ($9,100), etc.


    gordo_c_123, no flaco, i don't think you do.

    Nessie, do you remember what you got on Becker's final exam (just MC)?

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75

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