REG exam experience today

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  • #190052

    Wooaa. I came, I saw, I conquered. It honestly felt like I nailed this one, a feeling I haven’t had since AUD.

    First testlet – very straight-forward, flagged 4 and spent 23 minutes plus an additional 4 minutes for review of the ones i flagged = 29 min in total. Lots of theory-oriented questions.

    Second testlet – complexity increased, by means of longer questions and also a few calculation-oriented questions (nothing extreme though). Spent 24 minutes, flagged 10, and spent another 5 minutes going back to these (and actually did change a few – I recommend this technique to everyone – it’s better to go through quick, and spend those few minutes saved for going back & review the flagged questions). So in total 29 minutes spent, on time and quite confident all though I guessed on a few questions. What surprised me with this testlet was that it kept coming back to questions very very similar to the ones I had in the first testlet – at first I thought that this is probably not a good sign, but on the other hand it could also be away of “tricking” you. Some questions were so similar that it could be that they are testing me “twice” to make fsure I really know it. Not sure if that theory is logic, or just wishful thinking?

    Third testlet – complexity increased again, flagged 14 (!!) questions and some of them were pure guess. There were no “simple” questions anymore, all of them required thinking and knowing the topic in order to have a chance. Ended up spending 42 minutes on this testlet, but since I had spent only 2×29=58 minutes on the first two testlets, I was confident time wise.

    Sims – I didn’t practice more than 10 sims prior to the exam, so not sure if they were “standard” or not, but in any case about half were on topics I was somewhat familiar with, the other half on stuff that was out of my comfort zone. For the latter, I felt that I knew what I was doing (i.e. not completely lost), but not sure I was following the right path and since calculations were involved, that could mess up the whole thing for me. These sims were very “specific” and that made it difficult to get a few points out of pure luck. With 80 minutes for the sims, I had just enough time, and ended up with about 8 minutes for review. Approach here, which I recommend, was to click through each of the sims, start with the “confident topic” ones (including the research one), and go through as quick as possible, saving up time for a quick review in the end. Ideally, I should have allocated 10 more minutes for the review, that would probably have helped me by means of researching the AL. One thing I noted, is that each of the sims are “labelled” – look for that label, it can help you significantly if you need to research AL to get guidance, since it tells you the particular topic of the sim (sometimes very specific topic, which you can use as a search string).

    Anyways – to sum up, I feel alright about the test. Now ready to hit BEC, with a 2.5 days of total study time! Just bought me a beer, sitting in the lobby at the hotel waiting for the pizza to arrive. After that, I will go through the BEC material like I’m running a marathon, to hopefully have a decent chance on Monday.

    Big 4 Audit Manager from Europe here to pass the CPA in the U.S. of A in 2014! Niiice!

    AUD - 95 / Jul 15 / 130h over 4 weeks
    FAR - 86 / Aug 14 / 240h over 4 weeks
    (11 week break)

    REG - 81 / Nov 14 / 200h over 4 weeks
    BEC - 87 / Nov 17 / 30 h over 2.5 days

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  • #627241


    That's rare to feel good after coming out of an exam! Hope you did well. Can't wait to read about your BEC experience. 2.5 days. insanity!!

    What are your thoughts on FAR?

    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


    Rocky123, CPA


    Holy **** what's up with cramming in BEC? Can't you at least wait until the end of the testing window? Last year they even extended the window a week into December IIRC.

    Good luck on REG; if you feel good about it you're probably fine considering your past scores.

    But man… a weekend for BEC? Hope you're already comfy with Cost!

    B 92
    A 99
    R 90
    F 92

    Becker Self-Study

    OH CPA since 2/18/14


    Kro sounds like you did great given the time constraint you had. How many ninja mcq did you do? Did you do any of the Becker mcq or just the Becker exams?


    @kroko I knew it. You were going to kill it and I'll be rooting for you this score release. I'll be doing my exam on 11/30 and I'm only using Becker Ninja notes Ninja audio at the moment. Any tips for me?

    I have two weeks of full time study. I have already gone through R1-R3 lectures, Mcqs and Sims, for R-4 i'm rewriting the Becker book and will do the MCQs and SIMS probably tomorrow. I've already watched the lectures for R5 & R6 and will move on to it after completing R-4 MCQs and SIMS and then the same for R-7 & R-8. Looking at my time frame and the resources I have available, what do you suggest will be my best plan of attack? Keep in mind I'm a little tight on my budget, so spending on Ninja MCQ is an option i'm not looking forward to. But if you feel that my chances will get a lot better than I might consider it.



    Insane, indeed. FAR is tough because of the amount of content, but hey, there's some logic to the content (contradictory to REG). So stay structured, and you will get the concepts. For the exam, time management is crucial. Don't spend to much time on the MCQs, it's NOT worth it.


    Yeah, I know it's a little extreme, but I'm working FT and going into busy season in January (being an Audit Manager, there will be no time for CPA exam preparations until May. It should also be mentioned that I travel from Europe to US for my exams, so would just be sweet to have BEC done now while I'm here.


    I did all NINJA MCQs once, I think that's like 1,900, and then like 400 a second time. Did not use Becker for the MCQs at all, just the book.


    Hehehe, thanks. Well I woudl recommend do make sure you do lots and lots of MCQs sooner rather than later. 2 weeks of FT studies is plenty of time. You follow a different strategy than I did, since I read the book first and then started with the MCQs – there's no telling what's best, since everyone is different and I am sure you can learn the content either way. Just make sure you keep the old topics “fresh” – do this by taking notes, and reviewing the notes towards the end of your study cycle. Also, make sure to have a goal for each plan, and map out the days – it's stressful, but effective. Make sure to have a few days towards the end for running 250 MCQs a day – that surely helps keeping it fresh the days just before the exam. I would consider getting NINJA. It's a great tool to keep track of your weak areas, and mixing questions from various topics. It's relatively cheap – but it in relation to what you spent on Becker.

    Big 4 Audit Manager from Europe here to pass the CPA in the U.S. of A in 2014! Niiice!

    AUD - 95 / Jul 15 / 130h over 4 weeks
    FAR - 86 / Aug 14 / 240h over 4 weeks
    (11 week break)

    REG - 81 / Nov 14 / 200h over 4 weeks
    BEC - 87 / Nov 17 / 30 h over 2.5 days


    Congrats on feeling good about REG and good luck on your BEC studies! SO much less info than FAR and REG. You should do just fine!

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    Hurray! We are rooting for you Kroko!!!!

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...


    Passed with 81! “Close”, but feels great it is all over.

    Big 4 Audit Manager from Europe here to pass the CPA in the U.S. of A in 2014! Niiice!

    AUD - 95 / Jul 15 / 130h over 4 weeks
    FAR - 86 / Aug 14 / 240h over 4 weeks
    (11 week break)

    REG - 81 / Nov 14 / 200h over 4 weeks
    BEC - 87 / Nov 17 / 30 h over 2.5 days

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