- This topic has 342 replies, 165 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago by
April 9, 2012 at 4:51 pm #169273
November 17, 2017 at 8:36 pm #1663781
ParticipantSorry to hear that. Glad that you rocked the MCQ though. You don't feel that the Gleim Sims prepared you adequately?
Have you seen this thread that I have posted? It talks about tested sim topics.
BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
FAR = ?
REG = ?
AUD = ?November 17, 2017 at 10:40 pm #1663817cmcook
I did, and I even researched those. Still I was a little surprised by what popped up. Who knows. Gleim SIMs weren't quite enough, sorry to say. 🙁
November 25, 2017 at 8:42 pm #1668785taxfreak
Participanttook this beast a few days ago. my first testlet was medium hard and the second one got significantly easier. second guessed myself and put the wrong answers for so many of the easier questions. sims were alright but not too confident. anyone else felt like they failed even with easy teslets and end up passing? i dont know if i should start restudying while waiting for 12/19 to come or study when i know i actually fail but then that will require studying during busy season. any advice?
November 29, 2017 at 10:50 am #1671547ImJustHereToPass
ParticipantI took REG two weeks ago. I felt prepared and confident with the material going in and leaving the exam I feel indifferent as to how it went. I always feel with these exams that they always test me on topics that I thought seemed more so irrelevant in Becker, and then rarely test me on topics that I feel without a doubt would be on there. The multiple choice surprisingly felt a little tough all around for me. With Audit and FAR the first MC testlets always felt to be a breeze, but for REG I thought the first testlet was surprisingly tough. Overall I feel as though I performed decent on the multiple choice. However, the simulations threw me off. Every SIM I had I had seen the material before, but they would throw in extra information that I knew was relevant to the answer but I didn't know how to account for it because Becker didn't teach me how. It was very frustrating because I felt that all of my SIMS were extremely tricky. Especially the Memo simulations. I tried to utilize the AL to figure out things I was unsure of but it didn't really help because the things I was unsure of was too specific to look up. I also had a SIM where I had to use the AL to calculate a number, and I found the topic in the AL but reading the code I had no idea what it was telling me to do. So many calcs and limitations I had to consider that it was too confusing. Every SIM I had, except for the research SIM, were DRS. Overall I feel very frustrated because I felt confident with the material going in, but left feeling somewhat defeated. I'm really hoping for a surprise score on 12/19. Did anyone else feel the way I did and end up with a pass on REG?
November 29, 2017 at 11:32 am #1671572Bsack
ParticipantI felt the same way the first time I took it. Felt somewhat ready going in, then got completely blown away. Scored weaker on everything except b-law and got a 67. Studied harder this time, mcq was much less surprising, SIMS were still very difficult. Really hoping for that 75 come December 19.
BEC 76
FAR 08/22/16November 29, 2017 at 11:49 am #1671577ImJustHereToPass
Participant@Bsack – How did you feel on REG your first time around compared to leaving the other exams? I see you passed the other 3. When I left audit I knew it was a trainwreck and I got a 69. Leaving FAR I felt decent about it and passed with a 78. REG I feel in between the two and so I have this feeling I am going to walk away with like a 73.
November 29, 2017 at 1:03 pm #1671658Anonymous
InactiveRetaking this beast of a section next week. Haven't been able to study as much as I wanted for this section this time around, but I've been through all the material a few times before so this final week will be a huge final review and refresher.
For me, it pretty much comes down to memorizing all the basis for gain/loss calculations and the SIMs where you have to prepare parts of a tax return. Other than that, I think I'm comfortable enough with mostly everything else.
This will be the last section for me as long as I passed FAR which I'm fairly confident I did. If I have to keep studying for this exam through another testing window, I just don't know what I'll do with myself anymore.
Soo ready to move on with life.
November 29, 2017 at 1:34 pm #1671701Bsack
Participant@imjustheretopass The first time I took REG it I knew I failed. I felt like I was making educated guesses on a decent amount of the test. I've felt pretty iffy on all of them to be honest. I wouldn't be surprised with a pass or fail, hence I've always ended up on the border. This time around I'm expecting a score from 73-80.
I work in tax and REG has been the hardest for me. So much memorization, random rules, and laws that go into the test. If I don't pass REG I lose my credit for BEC which will suck since I had to wait almost 3 months to get my first REG score over summer.
BEC 76
FAR 08/22/16November 29, 2017 at 6:00 pm #1671931Anonymous
InactiveFollowing up on my comment just a bit ago, I have been doing my final review and I am really surprised that a lot of this stuff is clicking like it never has before. I'm not sure what has helped me to follow and more easily understand the material, but as I am reading through the NINJA book now and doing the practice application questions, it all just seems to make sense.
It could be because I just took FAR a few weeks ago and am still in the zone. It could be because this isn't my first time going over the material. It could be because I am that much more focused and motivated to get this exam done (last part). It could be the nootropic supplement I bought.
Whatever it is, it's working 🙂
December 1, 2017 at 6:28 pm #1673137jcman240
ParticipantI walked out of REG convinced I failed. I could not even find the research answer and felt victimized by the rest of the exam. Score was a 75.
December 1, 2017 at 10:53 pm #1673198rincpa
Participant@ ImJustHereToPass
I have the same experience 🙁
Last day i took REG.. And this is my second attempt. AL was really confusing.Even though i know what it is I didn't get the exact section :(. So i just guessed and wrote something ( But it was wrong). Oh God i don't know what to do. I can't study it one more time :(. Still hoping for 75 🙂December 1, 2017 at 11:51 pm #1673215Anonymous
InactiveJust took REG. What a Treat, but I feel like I did much better than last time. I “think” I passed but you never know.
MCQ’s all over the damn place. Maybe 2 subjects were tested more than others.
Sims were an ABSOLUTE BEAST. Documents everywhere in each Sim and you had to search all over the damn place. I’m surprised I even finished the last Sim, although most of my answers were guesses. The Sims were really comprehensive and required deep knowledge of most of the material. 2 Sims were out of left field and the other 6 I had a decent amount of knowledge about. Did really well on 3, found research, earned partial points on other 2, and didn’t do well on 2 (pretty sure one was pretest – hopefully).
This Exam was EASLIY the HARDEST Exam I have ever, ever, ever taken. Only reason I believe that I passed is because I have put in nearly 450 hours for this exam: 250 hours 1st try and 20O hours on this retake.
Sorry if I scared anyone, but we all know these exams are passable if you work your fricking butt off like a madman. Or, if you are just truly a savant.
Goodluck and I’ll be praying for all 75+ for everyone on the Forum!! I hope I passed!!
December 4, 2017 at 3:51 am #1673869joonpark1212
Participant@Blue Collar Nerd
Sounds like you did well this time. I remember the days we were anxiously waiting on the CA score release. We will both pass on the 19th!
I took my REG today. I went it a LOT more prepared this time, but this exam never gets easy. In the first multiple tesltet the iffy questions for me were mostly blaw and conceptual questions. The Second multiple testlet didnt get necesseraly harder nor easier so I wanna believe that i did okay in the first testlet.
For sims i had one regular SIM from left field which I couldnt be able to solve even with my books open. Other SIMs were not necessarily impossible but commingled all types of concepts from all chapters that it drained all my brain cells.
REG is my last section, and spent the most time studying. I pray our hard work pays off!!!
December 10, 2017 at 3:45 pm #1676551Claud
ParticipantI took the exam yesterday, Dec 9, and you couldn't have described my experience any better. This is EXACTLY how I felt all around. I used Roger CPA and Ninja and felt extremely prepared. I did over 2300 MCQ's between the two programs, including repeats, although I didn't get to every single question in either program. I used Roger to test myself on individual sections and I would use Ninja to test myself on the overall material. My last 15 Ninja MCQ quizlets, (20 MCQ's each) I averaged an 87 on. I felt very confident with the material but definitely did not feel as though I had “mastered” it. When I started the actual exam I think i had to make an educated guess on the first questions, terrible start. My entire first testlet was the hardest MCQ testlet I had experienced in my 3 tests so far. It was mostly tax and took up about 55 minutes of my time. Every question started out as something I was very familiar with until they threw in a tricky element that was not something I had been tested on in Roger/Ninja. My second testlet seemed considerably easier. I'm not sure if this was due to the fact that my 2nd testlet consisted mostly of Blaw questions and I felt that I had a very good grasp of everything blaw related, or if it was just the fact that I did poorly on my first testlet. This was also the only time out of my 3 exams so far that I experienced an easier 2nd testlet than first, probably not a good sign. As for the Sims, I did about 30 in Roger, and while I thought Roger's sims were overall significantly harder and more time consuming, the CPA exam's versions just always managed to throw in one tricky component to each question that I wasn't really tested on prior to that. I also had 1 question on 1 Sim that asked me to review the AL to calculate the answer, I decided it wasn't worth my time to spend 5-10 extra minutes scouring the AL to find that answer so I just made an educated guess. I also had one TBS which was completely based on looking up the answers in the AL, and I also had a regular research question. I'm pretty sure all but one of my TBS's were DRS.
Overall I spent about 150-180 hours of studying btwn Roger and Ninja from Oct 29-Dec 9. I gave up my entire personal life for this exam in hopes on passing on my first try. I feel like I've failed myself and everyone around me that I neglected during these 5 weeks. I also took BEC on Oct 28 for my first time and felt very similarly about that exam as I did about this one. I took Audit on Sept 2 and felt very good about that one and came out with an 84. I am expecting 2 scores on Dec 19 and no matter what happens, I expect that day to be one of the most emotional days of my life. Good Luck to everyone else who took REG or any other sections this quarter. May the CPA Gods be on our side!
December 10, 2017 at 7:23 pm #1676570shawn in VA
ParticipantBLue collar all i have to say is WOW if you put in 450 hours to REG. That is 3 months of straight studying at 40 hours a week like a FT job. AICPA says 100-150 hours per part which comes out no more than 600 hours in total.
geez… I hope you passed …you gave the equivalent of 1 full season to REG
I guess not as bad as this one character on this forum that put 600 hours to FAR. at least she passed with 80 something
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