- This topic has 342 replies, 165 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago by
April 9, 2012 at 4:51 pm #169273
October 30, 2017 at 4:11 pm #1655851
ParticipantI'm taking REG today (10/30/2017). I spent about 5-6 weeks of study while working full time 40-50 hours as a Tax Accountant in a Big 4 company. I have roughly a year of experience in Tax.
It sounds like I would ace the exam, right? However, I was overwhelmed by the SIMs. Multiple choice sections are decent. Out of 76 questions, I'm not 100% sure of about 10-12 questions.
Hmmm idk. REG was hard. I remember when I took FAR I know that I would pass – I passed FAR. When I took AUD I think I may pass or may fail with a very close grade – I passed AUD. REG – I habe no ideas.
Everything is so blank in my head and I'm not even confident either about MCQ or SIMS. I wish I spend extra 30 mins to quickly review MCQ. I have 10 mins left when I left the room…
October 30, 2017 at 5:17 pm #1655872TommyTheCat
Participantjeany be careful about the content of the exam you release on this forum. I think there might be rules out there about what content is allowed to be discussed (not much) and what must be kept private from your exam experience (basically all of it, the details at least).
Good luck to you for the 12/19 score release.
October 30, 2017 at 5:50 pm #1655878shawn in VA
ParticipantTommy the Cat- AKA the Prude. Why don't you just let the poster share her experience. She is excited/ nervous/ wants to vent.
Jenny- what do you mean by “3 letter” when you discussed the SIMS? Were they tax or bus law? I am confused by that statement.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
October 30, 2017 at 8:25 pm #1655941jeany_1312
ParticipantThank TommyTheCat. I cannot find modify or delete button. I'll need to contact moderator later.
Shawn in VA: I meant the SIMS given in letter format where you choose from drop box to complete an email/letter.
November 3, 2017 at 5:45 pm #1657985Romney_p
ParticipantI took REG today and I'm not feeling too hot about it. I finished with 25 minutes to spare (really would have had more were it not for an unexpected type of SIM that completely threw me off) I took FAR months ago and hit submit with 2 minutes left on the clock and left Prometric feeling as though I had just been beaten with a 2×4 but a long train of old guys with glasses, I was hoping I had gotten a respectable failing grade and not a 43. I immediately started restudying for FAR only to get the news I passed with the delayed score release. By the grace of accounting gods I got an 89, I assume someone made a mistake and I actually got an 11 but you don't ask for a review of a pass.
Today, I left reg with 25 minutes to spare, was ahead of the clock most of the test and took time to go back and check all my flags. I left feeling I had done “okay”, therefore I assume what actually happen is I've failed miserably. In any event I have to pick up the pace to not lose my FAR credit so its on to AUD. I should be through most of the AUD materials by score release for Q4 anyway so I can take AUD and retake REG in Q1 if need be. My wife is due in mid March, our first. So, if the accounting gods are willing, I'll only have to pass BEC with a newborn, that should be interesting.
Thank you for the space to rant Jeff.
November 3, 2017 at 5:54 pm #1657990Lentilcounter
ParticipantThese tests are deceptive in nature because the grading isn't straight forward. Unfortunately, its not as simple as you got 75 out of 100 questions right so you passed. There are people like you who walk out thinking that they failed and they do extremely well. There are people who think they did okay and failed. Then there are people who think they did well and they did do well. Then finally there are people who think they did poorly and they did do poorly.
I hope you passed. I'm taking REG at the end of January. What is different about studying for REG vs. FAR?
BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
FAR = ?
REG = ?
AUD = ?November 3, 2017 at 8:00 pm #1658012Anonymous
The difference between studying for REG and FAR is with FAR you have debits and credits to organize certain transactions. Also, I was much more familiar with the FAR material because I took all intermediate and advanced classes. FAR made more sense to me as well.
However, REG is the King of Minutia with tiny rules and exceptions that will drive you crazy. The calculations are less complex, but the rules are all over the place and hard to keep track of depending on which entity you are accounting for. Then, add Business Law and you will officially hate your life. Lol.I guess REG is BRUTE MEMORIZATION at its finest without a lot of logic. At least that’s my opinion.
Both FAR and REG are probably equally difficult due to the amount of material. However, I’ve had much more problems with REG due to the minutia.
Goosluck and hope that helps.
November 14, 2017 at 6:23 pm #1662358Austin
ParticipantOkay, I am a long time visitor of another 71, however this is my first time posting. I took REG today after failing it in Q3 with a 73. It is so weird how you can go through an entire exam and have no clue about how you did haha. The first time I took REG, I felt like it was fairly easy, especially the sims (this was a red flag of course, but nonetheless I still felt like I did well enough to pass). The feeling after my retake today was almost 100% different. I felt like I did comparable on the MCQ as I did my first time around, but the sims this time were killer. My first three gave me complete information overload haha. I ended up “skipping” (by doing the best I could without spending an hour on each one) those sims and doing the others. My last 3 sims were very doable and I'm 95% sure I got them almost all right.
Anyway, my main issue is that I have no idea whether to think that thinking that I failed is a good thing, or a bad thing. Just thought I would share my experience.
Fingers crossed!
November 14, 2017 at 7:41 pm #1662386Lentilcounter
I hope you passed! What materials were you using to study? Would you change anything about your study process? Some people will tell you that walking out of the test thinking that you failed means you passed. Others will tell you that they knew they were going to pass when they left the exam. There are a lot of emotions running through your head as you take these tests.
Keep your head up and keep on going to the finish line!
BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
FAR = ?
REG = ?
AUD = ?November 15, 2017 at 6:09 pm #1662719Austin
Thanks! I hope I passed to haha. I used Becker for all my studying, and overall I would say it did a pretty good job preparing me for REG both times. With yesterday being my second go at the exam, there really isn't anything I would change about my study process. I wish there was a better way to prepare for the sims, because in all my experience the Becker sims are decent, but they are usually fairly simple compared to what I've seen on most of the actual exams…plus you never know what kind of sim they are going to throw at you.
November 16, 2017 at 12:28 pm #1663007cmcook
ParticipantRe-taking REG tomorrow. I'm concerned about preparing portions of a tax return in a SIM. I have completed a ton of SIMs in Gleim, which some are portions of tax returns. Do you think this is enough or do I need to get creative? I REALLY don't want to retake REG a third time…
November 16, 2017 at 12:34 pm #1663013Lentilcounter
ParticipantDid you see this thread below? It may help you with SIMs.
I would use the blueprint to determine which tax forms could show up on a simulation.
Also, how do you feel about using Gleim for this re-take? Did you use it for attempt #1?
Hope you do well tomorrow!
BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
FAR = ?
REG = ?
AUD = ?November 16, 2017 at 12:39 pm #1663015cmcook
Thanks for the positive thoughts! I did use Gleim the first time, but I'll admit that I really flew through it and did not officially complete the program. I had very limited time to take it in, etc. This time around I did it right and finished everything. Gleim worked like a charm on the other 3 sections, so I know the program works. But it only works if you follow it. Gleim is a killer and the trick is not letting it destroy your confidence. Easier said than done.
Thanks for sending along that thread, I'll research that now.
November 16, 2017 at 8:15 pm #1663298Romney_p
Thanks for the reply. FAR and REG seemed fairly similar in the MCQs, the TBS is where it really differed for me. FAR tests “real” accounting so the TBS they give has to balance or you know its wrong. As long as you have most of an idea of what you're doing you can work through the problem and get it to balance. REG seems more like rote memorization, you either know the rule or you don't. ie you either know that vehicles are 5 years MACRS or not. You know how like-kind exchanges work or not. If you know the rules it seemed to be straight forward.
November 17, 2017 at 8:02 pm #1663775cmcook
ParticipantTook REG today. 2nd attempt and I followed the entire Gleim recommended procedure. I'll say this: I knocked the MCQ's out of the park. SIMs – not so much. I honestly don't know how one can study for these things. I took it the first time in Q2 and the SIMs weren't as bad. Does anyone know if certain SIMs are rated more difficult than others? Because today's SIMs were ridiculous. Gahhhh. Hoping for the best.
PS – don't blow off B-law!
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