REG Exam Experience Nov 2018

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  • #2078081

    So it’s been a day since I sat for the REG exam…and WOW was it hard.
    *Main takeaways for those yet to sit for the exam*

    Practice is important, but knuckle down on understanding the concepts AND memorizing the exceptions. MCQs should be used to familiarize yourself with the concept, and not necessarily the question format.

    *Cry continues below*

    The first mcq was medium-difficult, and atleast 11 questions flagged (lol). The second seemed slightly easier but by the end I had 18 questions flagged (lool). Ive been scoring well on sims so i thought ive made it past the worst.
    How wrong I was.

    The TBSs were on another level altogether, testing areas that were quite challenging and somewhat unfamiliar. In total, I had probably only one research question.

    The other 3 papers were a breeze, but since tax is a new area for me , I stuck to the well oiled process (or so i thought!) of preparation: understand the material, smash mcqs (80%) and review sims (20%). Rinse, repeat.

    Hoping (somewhat naively) that luck goes my way and i pass. Best of luck to you all.

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    @MmmmAccounting. Similar experience. After leaving the exam room, I cried a bucket full of tears. Hope by some miracle I pass.


    Was it split pretty evenly between tax and Blaw?


    Well this doesn't make me feel good about my exam on 12/10.
    PS. How long was your exam.


    @rahee. Yup the exam was split evenly. @superaccountinggod. Well, mine was 4 hrs exact but it definitely felt longer than that. 🙁


    It was definitely challenging, but I expected that going in. I came out of this exam feeling very similar to how i felt when I came out of my FAR exam (which I wasn't sure i passed at the time). So just based on that and my FAR score I'm feeling good about it.


    @tim. I am giving BEC tomorrow. Is there anything I need to take a note of?. Do you have any tips?.


    Have a good top level understanding of COSO and try to learn every IT term you can find cause they will throw some really off the wall IT terms that most people have never heard of at you. Go to bed early and get a good night sleep. Eat healthy. Don't panic during exam. Take your time to read through the question and all the exhibits. There aren't any shortcuts.


    @Tim. Thanks!


    I took it today and it was rough. I passed my two Wiley mock exams, was doing fine on the AICPA practice exam, and was trending an 85% on Ninja over 4,000 questions and I think I failed. The SIMs came out of nowhere. There were honestly 2-3 where I never, ever, would have thought to study for what was being asked. I have a cold so I only got 3 hours of sleep last night but I really don't think more sleep would have made a difference. My first set of MCQs seemed really hard and then the second seemed about the same.

    I frequent a couple different CPA sites and I have not seen a single person comment yet anything besides it was really difficult. It was way harder than FAR for me and I passed with an 81 in FAR. I know a lot of people do way better than an 81 but I went into this exam very confident after studying 150+ hours.


    I took it 11/26 and that it was hard. I've been using Becker studying 8+ hours a day for the last 1.5 months. Went in feeling good, have a good sense of everything. Did all lectures, MCQs, and SIMS in Becker. I feel that Becker has baby SIMS compared to the actual exam I had on 11/26. The last SIM testlet I got to the first SIM, literally cursed out loud … took a look at the 2nd to last SIM…said out loud “WOW” … the 3rd and final sim was just a blur. All the studying I did would have not prepared me for these last 3 SIMS. Also had a SIM with a top that BECKER did not touch upon once. Really just shocked after it. The MCQs were OK. But for sure there were at least 15 or so MCQ that Becker def did not touch upon whatsoever.

    Overall felt bad leaving the exam. Used the full 4 hours until my screen timed out. Looked in my Becker book when I got home and the online course and looked at all the SIMS Becker had for REG and just laughed….they were sooooo easy compared to my exam.


    glad to know im not the only one!


    Updated my signature to reflect my exam experience


    I took REG on 11/15 and had the same experience as the others. MCQs weren't bad, a good mix, but also a lot of penalty stuff. Sims!!! OMG! I know I got the research question. The other ones…..where the heck did they come from?? I was testing really doing well on Becker progress tests and Mock exams weren't bad. The real thing wasn't anything like their TBS. I honestly don't know who much help they are overall. You are probably better off doing a lot of MCQs and using that to hammer the concepts. Knowing the concepts inside and out is the best chance for doing ok on the Sims I think. Good luck to anyone still on the schedule to take it. For those of us who already did, my fingers are crossed.


    I take REG tomorrow, and reading all of your experiences is quite discouraging. I am sure you all did fine, and hopes to you guys passing!

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