REG Exam Experience – First writing in Vancouver (Canada)

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  • #3306968

    So, I wrote my first REG in Vancouver (Canada), today; prior to that was in Portland in June 2018. I managed to finish it in time, but passing? Maybe. I was going to postpone taking my REG today and take it on mid-December 2021, since I am still finishing my International Taxation course in Canada, this 2021 Fall semester. However, my NTS will expire in 3 days.

    As to the type of REG exams questions they asked, they were fair game questions. There’s hardly any drop-down list SIMs. So, by misreading or misunderstanding the requirements, it’s going to be hard getting any part marks. It seems like, I have better chances with MCQs (50%), than SIMs (50%), but you never know. As to the qualitative and quantitative REG exam questions; MCQs have 35%-40% calculations, and SIMs are mostly calculations. Well, for CPA exam confidentiality, I cannot write much about it. All I know, they are all in Jeff’s NINJA notes, Blitz, Notes/MCQs audios, latest AICPA’s new released questions & Sample Test Tutorial and Becker’s MCQs & textbooks. It’s just a matter of retaining these study materials.

    The exam wasn’t so bad since I recently retook a lot of intermediate and advanced level courses like, Advanced Commercial Law course in Canada this year, so that helps a lot. Also, I have a monthly subscription with NINJA CPA Review, and a set of BECKER CPA textbooks for 2019-onward exams, so they keep my review materials current. I wish I could have spent more time studying. But, I am not complaining, being on my last year with my 3rd undergraduate degree credential, studying full-time, working part-time, and soon taking care of our small farm in Skagit (WA), I’m happy. But of course, a lot happier if I passed all sections and not losing credits a long the way.

    Finally, examination site at Downtown Vancouver (Canada) Prometric is nice to write an exam. The exam site is well secured, busy in times because of other exams happening; the staff are mostly polite and helpful and at the same time, strict in applying exam protocols. I didn’t meet any US CPA candidates there today, but that’s understandable because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over-all, it was a great experience, writing on my own backyard.

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  • #3308284

    So, I finally braved it out and checked my REG score. My new REG score is around what I expected; it's the lowest score I remember for REG, since I started writing. Probably, if I did more #MCQs and #SIMs, I could have done better in retaining my US CPA study review materials. It is a matter of finding time to practice #MCQs & #SIMs. For sure, I will raise my score or even pass next time around.

    Well, congratulations to those who passed.


    @CPA4life stay positive and commit. You have a lot of studying right now with school and exams. Don’t get discouraged. Hit the mcq’s and sims as you say – you cannot pass without putting in the work. Pull the Blaw in with the other mcq sections rather than study it alone. You can do this to start your life as a CPA! Good luck!🍀

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

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