REG Exam Experience

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  • #1665653

    I will try to be as civil as I can, but to say the least this was the most frustrating test experience I have had.

    To begin with I did not get to use pencil and paper. Even though I showed the staff from Prometric my email from candidate care, because it was not in there system I had to use notecards. I asked them to call candidate care, she said no one answered the phone but she would mention it in an incident report.

    The multiple choice didn’t seem horrible. I don’t know what to make of the fact that I flagged fewer questions. Last attempt the MCQs seemed a bit more intense this time not so much. I don’t think I will be stronger across all categories though. I would like to think overall my performance will be comparable.

    On to the Simulations. I was seriously angry!! I had multiple SIMS with multiple attachments that required me to toggle back and forth. One screen, timed exam, with the added pressure of passing my last one. Not cool!! The subject matter was fairly straight fwd, with the exception of one in my last block of 3.

    Overall I walked out of Prometric as angry as usual! Im trying to think positive, but Im almost certain they’ll screw me with another 73 or 74. Anyway only time will tell.

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  • #1665827
    shawn in VA


    Sorry to hear about your experience. I know you been struggling to pass REG for a while and just be done with this stupid process.

    Were the SIMS tax related or was there a BLAW SIM thrown in? Were the MCQs mainly Tax or BLAW / other garbage? Just wondering how much should focus on Tax VS ethics VS blaw.

    I hope for a pass for you. Now with the SIMS being 50% of the grade one must do decent at least which kinda sucks.

    Accounting Adam

    The day I took REG at the Prometric was a weird day. I had a feeling that I crushed the multiple choice, but bombed the SIMS.

    A couple months before, I passed BEC (before SIMS) with a 79 – and I didn't even answer one TBS. So I knew that the multiple choice was the true gate keeper to a 75.

    Fast forward a couple months and I got my lovely 75 for REG. Moral of the story, if the SIMS didn't go well – do not worry!

    Good Luck!

    shawn in VA

    was your REG pass under the new format of 50/50?

    Accounting Adam

    It was indeed under the new 50/50 format. I actually starting re-studying for the test after I took it and the even attempted to take it again before my scores were released. Turns out that is not allowed – but had it been allowed I would've dumped another $300 into a test I had passed the first time..

    I was SURE I had failed. That period of re-studying actually killed me for FAR too. I had to cancel and reschedule FAR because I spent the blackout month studying for a test I had already passed.

    You never know…


    @shawn without giving away the particulars I'd say be ready for it all! MCQs hit everything but it didn't seem to be the distribution they said. I'd be remiss to say to emphasize anything in particular. Definitely pay attention to what they say you need to know how to do in the blue print. Wish I would have used it to guide me more, but every time I picked it up I was neausiated.

    Look at the post that outlined potential SIM topics.

    Overall I can tell you is my test kind of felt like a 1st day in small CPAs office as a senior accountant if that helps.


    @accounting Adam you're right! All my passes felt like fails so I get it. Definitely once work is over Wednesday and I can properly “medicate” my condition with Dewars, Famous Grouse, Johnny Walker and Miller Lite I will be able to put this exam in it's proper perspective, out of my head.


    Took my retake for REG yesterday. I felt more prepared than my first attempt, but somehow even after going through all Roger MCQs, WIley MCQs, and Ninja MCQs, the exam still managed to surprise me with a just a little bit more details in the MCQs. TBS topics tested were all very familiar, but somehow the questions asked were tricky and very thorough. Even the DRS choices were tricky! I tried using the authoritative literature, but never found it useful since it takes up too much time looking for what concept I'm trying to confirm/research.

    I suggest everyone to look into all the nitty-gritty details of each topic.

    As i read somewhere here…”All i want for christmas is a passing grade..” 🙁

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