REG Exam Experience 3/09 - Page 2

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  • #1509621

    Just got back from taking REG.

    It wasn’t bad. I know I missed some questions I should have gotten right, but I could only remember so much. Specially when it came to specifics. I couldn’t really tell if the test progressed in difficulty, but the questions definitely became wordier and presented specific tax situations. So, I hope that on its own is a good sign.

    I got to the SIMs with an 1hr and 40mins to go…the SIMs weren’t terrible. I had no trouble with the research, and was fairly familiar with the topics that were presented to me. But, I mismanaged my time on one of them. I tried digging through the AL for the topics, and the SIM was lengthy. Ultimately, I put what I knew and also guessed. It sucked that everything was input value fields. I used every second to do what I could with the SIMs.

    I am praying that I performed well enough to pass. 75+! I want to be done with these exams! There were lots of people at the testing center, so everyone is definitely pushing through! Good luck to all of you that are sitting!

    FAR: 9/3

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  • #1510806

    @oldercandidate21- Thank you! It's been a long year and I'm glad it's finally over. Hopefully you'll join the club on the 21st! From reading through your experience, it sounds like you have a good chance. My mcq's didn't seem to get harder, but I used Gleim for my retake and their mcq's are much harder than the exam. My sims were more manageable than my first attempt and I was able to answer them all.

    I didn't feel good either the first couple days after taking it, but for some reason I just had a gut feeling that I passed. The only other time I had that feeling was my last BEC exam.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    @Accountingbeans that's how I felt with most of my other exams – FAR tested every topic I was the least comfortable with 20 times over and didn't test me on most of the stuff I knew I would knock out of the park. Still passed (convincingly) though, so don't lose hope!

    I took REG yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. My SIMs were very doable, no DRS, and the research question required a one-word search. I felt very uncomfortable after FAR, AUD, and BEC, and so I'm glad to finally feel good about the exam.

    Hopefully we all passed! Will be waiting impatiently until the 21st


    What frustrates me about this exam is I feel like it's not just a test of how well you know the material but navigating the tricky way questions are asked. Perhaps all standardized testing is that way today but I can't help but feel it isn't just about showcasing your command over the material.

    Took the exam today – as per usual, bit of a blur right now :). I found myself flagging a decent amount of MCQs the first two testlets and then rocked the third. SIMs – hah. I failed this exam last time around and I swear I got 2 of the same simulations – literally. One was a very minor topic that I specifically didn't spend a lot of time on thinking there was no way I would see it again and of course it was SIM #1. I also dislike the fact that on many SIMs, there are 3-5 steps to get to an answer but you can only input the final response. So even if you did 4 of 5 steps correctly, you won't get any credit as you missed one step. Of course, this is just me bickering but these are my overarching thoughts coming out of it. I had no DRS either and my SIMs were fairly general but with a few small curveballs that make you question what direction you should be going.

    Good luck to all.

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