REG Exam Experience 3/09

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  • #1509621

    Just got back from taking REG.

    It wasn’t bad. I know I missed some questions I should have gotten right, but I could only remember so much. Specially when it came to specifics. I couldn’t really tell if the test progressed in difficulty, but the questions definitely became wordier and presented specific tax situations. So, I hope that on its own is a good sign.

    I got to the SIMs with an 1hr and 40mins to go…the SIMs weren’t terrible. I had no trouble with the research, and was fairly familiar with the topics that were presented to me. But, I mismanaged my time on one of them. I tried digging through the AL for the topics, and the SIM was lengthy. Ultimately, I put what I knew and also guessed. It sucked that everything was input value fields. I used every second to do what I could with the SIMs.

    I am praying that I performed well enough to pass. 75+! I want to be done with these exams! There were lots of people at the testing center, so everyone is definitely pushing through! Good luck to all of you that are sitting!

    FAR: 9/3

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  • #1509688

    @cpaMD86- Sounds like we had a similar experience. I think we tend to focus more on the questions we missed and forget about all the ones we got right. Sounds like you're in a good position to pass based off what you said. I'll be pulling for you on the 21st!

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29



    Yep…that's how it's worked for me through all of the exams. Beating myself up for easy misses. Hopefully they don't turn out to be costly. I should of reviewed all of the SIMs first and attacked those I was most familiar with first, but I became inundated in the AL with the long SIM. Praying it's all enough for a 75+ so I can join you on the 21st in the passing club.

    Appreciate the support


    ……GO ASTROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FAR: 9/3


    I wasn’t even overwhelmed in during the test. Usually I’m so nervous, I was calm for REG today. That didn’t mean I found it easy, I found the mcq manageable. If I didn’t know the answer I marked it, put an answer down and came back to it after I went through the set of 24. Reviewed my previous answers and then worked the marked ones. Used this process for all three sets of mcqs 30 mins a piece.

    As far as sims, I worked the research question and one other sim pertaining to partnerships to the best of my ability and memory. The rest I go to worried and anxious with I tried to use AL but ultimately put in guesses.

    Left the test laughing to myself to hide my thought of failure.

    BEC – 77
    AUD – 70, 75
    REG – 3/9
    FAR – TBD


    I had the same experience I had with FAR. The first set of MCQs were really easy. The next two were much harder and I got bogged down and spent too much time on them. I then ran out of time on the sims. I think I managed the sims better with this one though.


    Hey guys,

    I just took reg on 3/8. My first testlet was pretty simple. The second was a little harder, but then came the 3rd. It completed destroyed me. The questions were on topics covered in becker but they worded them longer and the answer choices were really unclear. My sims were hard bc they there in situations that becker never went into intense detail about. Any thoughts on this? This is my last exam. I hope I do not have retake in q2.


    Congrats on finishing cpaMD86. Hopefully we're part of the club on the 21st!



    Thanks bro. I really hope we pulled this off so we can be finished! My wife is tired of hearing me complain about some dumb mistakes I am recalling having made, but hey…I can only vent!

    75+ !!

    FAR: 9/3


    Seriously… After FAR, I told my girlfriend there's no way I passed it. I said I wasn't sure about BEC. After REG, I was saying I know I didn't do well and she pretty much told me to shut up… haha

    This is one of the rare moments in life I don't want to be the winner of the “I told you so” argument.


    Idk how to feel. I feel like the questions were somewhat straightforward and not overly complex, I just didn't know how to do them all. I was tested on the same topics over and over while never even being tested on most of the topics I studied. I also don't think my testlets got harder. If anything, I felt my first testlet was the hardest 🙁

    BEC- August 31


    I took the REG today. It was more difficult Thant I thought for some of the questions. It is so much detail to remember. I hope to get 75 too. I was not sure in many of the mcq. I started slow but them remember to write the minutes to each part and that helped me to control my time better.
    Good luck!


    Mine wasn't bad today, especially compared to last year when I took it. First one was pretty easy, second one had some rough patches but I feel I got through them pretty well, and the third one wasn't too bad either. SIMS were WAY easier on this one compared to last time. I know there's some small stuff I couldn't remember but was at least able to narrow them down. I got in my zone almost right away where I reason myself through the questions which is usually a good sign for me. I used all my time just because I had it trying to double check a few things on the SIMS. But let the chips fall where they may, I have FAR to worry about now, and hopefully it'll be my last one. Good luck to everyone waiting on their scores!

    BEC - exp 2/28/13 (crap)
    AUD - exp 11/30/13


    Taking it tomorrow. I just finished rereading some notes and I feel like I remember absolutely nothing.Felt the same way before BEC but with BEC I was getting 80s/90s on Becker progress tests and only high 70s and some 60s for REG.

    We'll see how this goes.

    Things I know i don't know well enough: Depreciation, AMT, BLaw.


    @re2pect – first let me say congrats bro. You're done. Our stories are kind of similar so I've paid attention to your progress on these boards. I'm happy for you and your family man.

    I also too REG on 3/9, my 3rd attempt. First time I was rushed and not prepared. Scored a 69. Took it again after taking BEC one and AUD twice. Thought I aced it but scored a 71; MCQ stronger, Sims weaker(supposedly). I studied a lot for my 3rd attempt. I left no stone unturned and knew absolutely everything covered by the roger course. I felt overly prepared.

    As for the test. The 2nd MCQ question was ridiculous. I knew how to do it but it was like a 5+ minute computation. This really put me behind schedule. In addition to that I flagged about 4-5 questions per booklet. Last time I flagged maybe 5 in total. There was lot of questions on topics I had never seen before. Which is ridiculous cuz like I said, I knew everything

    As for the Sims, I hate to jinx myself but I thought that they were pretty manageable. They all required a calculated amount but I knew what they were asking for (which can be an issue with sims because they can be overly vague). There was one that I wasn’t familiar with (hopefully a pre-test), but I gave it an educated guess… As for the research I found that in like 2 minutes (that never happens for me); and I ended up completing the Sims in about an hour.

    I don’t feel good about my chances (who ever does right?). A complete reversal from my last attempt where I know I did well on the MCQ. It would be different if I knew I cut corners, but I didn’t. My review course just didn’t cover about a dozen MCQs

    FAR - 75 November 2015
    REG - 69 April 2016 (WTH? Test I got isn't what I studied for)
    BEC - 81 June 2016
    AUD - TBD


    SIMS surprisingly went well, I think.I was able to answer all of them unlike last time where I dropped zeros into 3 of them. MCQ was another story. There were topics I had never seen in my review materials or ninja. On top of that, I felt like they kept asking the same few topics over and over again, which I really didn't study in that much detail. The thing that scares me the most is I don't think my mcq got difficult as it went on. I mean, I thought they were hard but they weren't wordy at all which is a key indicator you're doing well. Most of them were straight to the point. If you knew the fact, you'd be able to get right.

    Did anyone else feel this way about the mcq, or did I just perform poorly like I thought?


    @Eli I took REG yesterday as well and felt the same way about the MC. Straight forward, not overly complex or cluttered with info. My testlets didn't seem to change either. As a whole I felt my test was very repetitive with topics, meanwhile a BUNCH of topics I studied never even came up once. Weird feeling overall

    BEC- August 31

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