REG Exam experience

  • This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Paul.
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  • #1495065


    Hope everyone is making good progress!

    This is round 2 for me and I had to rethink of how I’m going to approach round 2 so I didn’t get the same results as round 1.

    This time I treated the exam more like a marathon than a sprint. The first time around all I could think about is: “2017 is coming, CPA exams will be harder, must pass what I can before April”. Yeah sure this probably will be the case but that is what it’s going to be and it wont stop us from becoming CPA’s right?

    So I gave myself the time I needed to study and took the exam and feel a lot better than I did during the first go around. I can’t say I passed or failed.

    I highly suggest purchasing Ninja MCQ or 10 point combo and utilize the resources along with whatever else you are using. I feel that the Ninja resources helped me tremendously during prep.


    Each set of multiple choice questions, I couldn’t tell if they were getting harder or not. I might of marked about 2-3 to come back to in each test-let.
    I finished with an hour and twenty minutes left for TBS’s. (Hoping roger and ninja MCQ prepped me well enough to think questions aren’t getting harder)

    My TBS: typical 6 questions and I defiantly didn’t know every question perfectly. Some I had good idea’s about what to do. Defiantly tried to relax, utilize AL, and think as hard as I could about each TBS. I finished with 7 minutes left.

    Well this is all I can think about right now. I am going to take the night off before I start studying for BEC round 2.

    I wish everyone the best on their exams and may the fruits of your labor pay off!

    BEC 10/29/16
    FAR 11/26/16

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  • #1495068


    Congrats on completing the exam. I am glad you feel a lot better about this turn around, and I hope that translates to a passing result.

    How did you prepare for the SIMs? I am using Ninja and Roger, and am currently prepping for my exam in a few weeks. Do you feel Ninja and Roger were adequate?

    FAR: 9/3



    I am using Ninja and Roger as well. I did some of Roger sims but I do not like how they are graded and the format. I did all of the Ninja sims, some more than once and I purchased Gleim test bank and did all of the sims once. You have a limit of 3 tries for each topic but they were worth it.

    Nothing really mirrored exactly what I saw on the exam but there were definitely similarities. The resources were a great help in learning the concepts and working TBSs. Especially Gleim, there TBSs and AL search tool look exactly like the CPA exam TBSs and AL search.

    Good luck on the rest of your studies!

    BEC 10/29/16
    FAR 11/26/16


    Quick question for those of you using Ninja sims: Can you only do one at a time? Meaning, you do one, grade it, and then have to start a new session?

    Also, it doesn't appear that you can select specific sections for sims? I hate that I keep getting research sims over and over instead of actual problems..


    @SupraCPA42- I'm in almost the same situation as you. Hopefully you pulled it off this time! I'm also using Gleim and just went through all the tax sims for the third time. Sims were my downfall on my first attempt so I'm making a conscious effort to improve on them. Did you feel like the AL helped for searching for answers? I've been trying to use it more as I went through my final run on Gleim sims and feel like it's helped. Did you do any Gleim mcq's or just sims?

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29



    You can only do one sim at a time unless you initiate a practice CPA exam simulation. What you said is exactly how it works. You also can't select specific sim sections. You really have to go through them all to see what they are all about. Trust me it is worth the practice.


    I do not think using the AL helped to much while I was doing TBSs besides doing the research question. I did attempt to find some reasoning to back the way I felt about certain rules but was unable to get a solid clear answer. Reading that mess can be a bit confusing. I did memorize a few IRC sections that I thought might help me just in case I needed some assitance, I.E. Sec 362 (a) for corp basis, but I didn't need to use that at all.
    I wish you the best of luck on the 27th, you got this!

    BEC 10/29/16
    FAR 11/26/16


    @SupraCPA42 Congrats on your REG exam. I can see you have put lot of efforts. For sure you are going to pass with high marks. Great job 🙂 Thanks for sharing your exam experience.


    Thanks for the post @Supra! Any suggestions/advice on if you felt prepped for the business law? It's a no brainer tax needs to be mastered but I feel like I'm actually taking longer trying to wrap my head around the B-Law stuff.



    Use the SIM master list. It breaks down all of the SIMs by # and topic.

    FAR: 9/3



    Thank you for the positive vibes!


    What helped me was to single out Blaw and focus on that subject for a couple days or a couple of MCQ sets during a study session. When I focused on Blaw to try and make more sense out of it, I watched the Bisk videos and Ninja plus lectured narrated by Jeff. I tuned in to Rogers lectures as well but that was just a mere skim through. I took notes while I listened and would pause the video if I needed a second more. I worked sets of “Troubled MCQ” and “Missed Last time MCQ”. I would research google videos and try to find videos that explained topics in an entertaining way. Hope this helps you out some.
    The Blaw can be tough, working MCQ over and over will definitely help and read the reasons why answers are right and wrong. Best of luck..Its going to come together.

    BEC 10/29/16
    FAR 11/26/16


    @SupraCPA42 – Yesterday I got my score and it is 86. I can see you did well on the SIMS and better than me. So your score will be much higher. Again all the best 🙂


    Congratulations on completing your exams!

    I am hoping for the best because we all know how these exams can be. You never know until you know!

    BEC 10/29/16
    FAR 11/26/16


    Woke up to a 72, man that hurts!

    BEC 10/29/16
    FAR 11/26/16

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