Reg exam 8/7/18 - Page 2

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  • #1913890

    Took Reg today and I had an interesting experience:

    The MCQ were tons of basic Acct and B-law information with a few individual tax and Corp tax thrown in. Not too hard, but deffineatly more conceptual then number problems. MCQ didn’t seem to harder (i that bad?) and it was the same as the 1st. I flagged a few B-Law ones (kinda wish I had brushed up more, but it’s fine) but overall not terrible. I know one I got wrong (grumble grumble), but the ones I guessed on I think I did ok.

    The first set of Sims I realized on the beams I messed up the 2nd portion of one (isn’t that just the worst? Like it just puts you in a mood), but I was like “gotta move on”. Both had lost of exhibits. I used AL to make sure if some smaller things.

    Second set the AL took me literally 3 minute to look up, if that. Very easy. Also an easier Ind tax question- i recommend using the AL when possible. The 3re set was a lot of the similar questions. Overalll, I had 40min to spare! I don’t think I rushed either.

    My advice- go over your entity transactions, B-Law, and know about propert transactions. Not as hard as I’ve seen in the past (this is my 4th time- don’t judge. We can’t all pass on the first), and know how to use AL.

    Not sure if I passed- but I felt better then I have on others.

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  • #1967163

    Passed as well!!


    I passed too!


    Congratulations to everyone who passed!


    I passed with 83 too! Yay, I’m done!!!!


    I took REG 09/10 and I basically had the same experience. First testlet consisted of calculations with a little bit of ethics and blaw but not too hard. But my second testlet was a bunch of detailed theory questions. I think I got a really bad score on the second testlet. SIMs were tricky but if you have basic knowledge of tax, it shouldn't be too difficult. Hoping for a 75!


    Me too, passed with 79!

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