REG Exam 5/23

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  • #1559269

    Just took REG. First time taking it so I have no comparison with the old format.

    The multiple choice wasn’t bad. Like with everyone else, second testlet got harder. Questions on par with the questions on Becker. Only a couple of questions I’ve never seen before. Same routine as usual with MCQ.

    Honestly, my simulations weren’t bad at all. I’ve been reading that everyone is been getting terrible sims this quarter but I might have lucked out. I only got one of those drop down SIMS. I got a couple of sims that I just threw some answers out on a dart board but other than that it wasn’t bad. If you read past the fluff in all of those documents, most of the time, the answer is sitting right there. You also have that AL thing but I barely used it.

    Overall: From my experience, it was fair and not that difficult as everyone is putting it out to be. Do the work and you’ll be fine.

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  • #1559280

    I'm not gonna lie I really liked hearing that 😉

    FAR 62, 66, 78
    AUD 66, 55, 74, 72
    BEC 79


    I took REG on 5/22. Similar experience in that the sims didn't seem overly difficult. I had one sim that I totally guessed at, praying that's the pre-test. And, a handful of MCQ's that made me feel like I accidentally skipped a chapter in my review book.

    I had plenty of the drop down DRS sims though.

    I'd like to think that my second group of MCQ's got harder. A few more questions with calculations, and more detail in the questions. But, can't really be sure.

    This one felt most like FAR to me. A lot of the harder stuff I worked on wasn't even mentioned. And overall everything felt easier than what I studied.

    Fingers crossed. C'mon August!


    I agree with Ajaz0810, This is comforting compared to some other posts about recent REG experiences.


    Passing these exams is almost luck of the draw haha. One person can get completely foreign testlets that hit them with questions they aren't prepared for, others will get testlets that happen to have the material that they are prepared for. Hope you passed. I've got REG on 5/31 and then it's a waiting game until mid-August (score release).


    Exactly what Brickell said. Unfortunately, some of you guys might get a test that's 2x harder than the one I took today and some of you might get a test that was 2x easier than mine. You just never know. The best you can do is prepare as well as you can and at least get yourself in poisition to pass. Hopefully, the rest follow.

    Also, to the people that are going to it, KNOW YOUR ENTITIES like there's no tomorrow. Be able to eat, breathe, and sleep entities.


    To the people that are going to take it**


    Very informative, I have my REG exam coming up soon so I appreciate this a lot. I'm kind of at the point where I've done every Becker question multiple times; and don't know what else I can prepare for. I'll take my second final practice exam tomorrow but other than that its hard to do more progress tests when I know the answer right away without even applying my knowledge. My first practice exam I got a 62 but finished with an hour and twenty minutes left. I got problems wrong that I didn't fully read but knew the answers because I rushed them so that too was frustrating. I realize I need to slow down which I get. In my exam, I had so much leftover time, would you say you had that in the actual or should I work on my time management better? I just think the simulation part is a lot harder in terms of time management because you don't know what problem will come or it's difficulty. On my practice exam, I had 2 hrs and 15 minutes going into sims. Is this enough on actual? Is Becker accurate?



    Would you say most of your sims was DRS type sims.

    Any advice on preparing for those. I know using the AL is something everyone recommend. Just like with others, i take it 5/31 and basically doing every mcq that is in Becker, Ninja, and Wiley. I am worried about the sims the most. Any way to truly prepare for them or just to relax, managed time well, know what the distractor information is, and keep your cool? This will be my first test in the new format, and trying to be as prepared as i can.


    I did my best to be as much prepared for the exam by mixing up the review materials; Becker, ninja mcqs and notes, rogers audio. I want to believe it was worth it. But also there were few problems in the actual exam where i knew i saw it somewhere in the review materials but werent sure about during the exam. Sometimes i wish i could upgrade my memory capacity like computers. Hopefully August 17 will be the day of my life!! Good luck!


    @n_123? Yeah so there's no definite way to prepare for the sims other than knowing the material in and out.

    But yeah you definitely said it the best. The best way to get through the sims is to relax. You might get some sims that seem just so overwhelming with all the documents and information. What I do is take a minute or two and just skim through the info and organize it so I know where all the info is at and what you're dealing with. And then i just read the questions and see what they're asking for and boom I know where the answer is at. Obviously, that's a little easier said than done but that routine works for me.

    I think the reason why the sims with all the information give people a problem is that you want to read and almost memorize all the information before going into the questions and I think that way it uses too much time but that's my opinion.

    But yeah regardless make sure to relax and you'll do fine.


    With the new format, it seems inevitable that you will get DRS. One piece of advice I can offer having taken the exam on Monday: don't neglect any section in the book. Even something that's only covered by 2 pages of material is fair game for a SIM.


    Yeah so I went in the SIMS with about 2 hours and 10 min to go. I had 10 min left when I finished so it took me about 2 hours. I think the consensus on the forum is to leave yourself with at least 2 hours for the SIMS and I would agree with that.

    There's 8 of them so let's say if you use about 15 min per SIM so yeah you're looking at around 2 hours. Also, the research one should take you less than 15 minutes so you can definitely use that extra time for another SIM.

    Just make sure you stick with your time management plan and use your allocated time per SIM and to keep moving on. You never know if the SIMS in the next testlet are going to be more difficult so even though you might want to keep working on a certain SIM, you might have to cut your losses and keep moving on.


    I'm not actually sure what a DRS SIM is. I think they're the ones where you have the document and you have to pick the answer out of a bunch of options? If that's them then I only had one.



    Ya the DRS are the ones with a bunch of supporting documents that you look through on the tab to solve the sim. So just to clarify, you only had one SIM that was a DRS? That odd, i thought there would be more. I know for FAR like 75% of the exam was a DRS (From what i heard).

    Also, were the becker MCQ and ninja MCQ harder then the actual exam?

    Im worried the becker and ninja MCQ are preparing me, but not enough to real exam questions (Even though they are past CPA questions, lol)? What do you think?


    I took REG this Monday. I have two or three DRS I can't remember.

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