Reg End of Q3

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  • #1969212

    Hey Guys,
    I sat for REG on September 9th and felt it only fitting to try to get the perspective of those who took it during this time period as well.
    My multiple choice questions were average not too difficult but definitely not easy. I had a ton of estate questions. This was really upsetting. I had barely any Business Law or Ethics which was also not fun.

    The sims were super difficult for me. They all had to do with basis and on one of them the instructions were not clear as how to proceed in answering the question. I have been studying aggressively for a little over a month for this and I hope I somehow pulled this out. This was my first exam so not quite sure what to expect. Not sure to expect a passing or failing grade. I know I got the research sim right but the rest are a toss up. What do ya’ll think? Any similar experiences this quarter? I apologize in advance if there is already a recent thread on this. Thanks!

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  • #1969371

    I took REG on 8/4 and had a similar experience. My exam was extremely tax heavy and calculation heavy with hardly any business law or ethics. My sims were also very difficult and I relied on the AL quite a bit to look up the various rules. I felt the worst out of the three exams I've taken so far, but I ended up with an 86. So, just keep thinking positively and at least you will know soon!


    I had a similar experience as well. I sat for Reg on the 8th. I thought the mcqs were pretty average. I didnt get very many blaw questions either, for which I was super grateful for. I had a lot of basis sims as well (tricky ones) and a long sim on a topic I swear i never saw covered in becker.


    sat on 9/10 MCQ weren't too hard but were very confusing as hell. There was one MCQ that used the vocab word “inure”. I had no clue on that one and I am not a walking dictionary and this is not an SAT test so why they gotta do us like that? at least provide a definition for us or use layman's terms? i got raped so badly on the sims.. each sim had like 6 documents and i was panicking like spongebob..everything was on basis as well and i was UBER confused. i felt so drained and empty inside after I finished with REG..i felt like crying when the clock was ticking down the 120 second mark. at least i know for sure i got the authoritative lit one right. i wish i did enough to pass but i feel hopeless.

    i just passed the other 3 over this year and i dont want to go into 2019 not passing REG before the tax law changes..


    Swolepeter – I highly suggest you edit your post. You are not supposed to be disclosing test data. Did you not read the disclosure agreement before you took your test at the testing center?

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book


    I got the research sim wrong and passed with a 99.
    so just relax.


    Holy moly how did you know you got the research sim wrong though?

    I know for sure i got mines wrong And im freaking out over it.


    the keywords gave me some results but none of them fit. that question was in my last testlet and i was trying to find out the right answer in the last minute of the exam, but i didn't. so i had to choose a wrong answer from the previous results.


    Yeah same thing happened to me except the research question was my very first sim. Thank you! Maybe there is a little bit of hope after all. Congrats on your 99!!! Thats really amazing! So you can get a few questions wrong and still get a perfect score!


    I'm pretty sure I read the disclosure agreement so what's the problem? you came into the thread just to state the obvious? I'm not disclosing any answers or specific questions word for word. Read my post again and let me know what you found to be a problem. I didn't post anything that would help a student answer a question.. It's already obvious Basis is a huge topic in REG as several scholars including OP have reiterated…You could have also PMed me privately rather than taking up a post without adding to the discussion.

    @Murano congrats on the 99. you are a cpa god literally

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