REG – Chance I passed if I bombed the research question?

  • This topic has 6 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by jeff.
  • Creator
  • #2958254
    Biff Tannen

    Just got out of REG. The good news is the 2nd test let was considerably harder than the first (thank goodness), but I ended up getting 2 research sims. The first research sim was easy (figured it out in 2 minutes), but I think I bombed the 2nd research simulation. I spent about 15 minutes and ended up guessing so that I can move on and finish the other sims. Has anyone had a similar experience and passed?

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  • Author
  • #2958296
    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    Well hopefully that one you bombed was the pre-test. from what I've heard the if you get 2 research one of them is most definitely a pre-test. how were the other sims?


    I only had 1. Figured it out in about 2 minutes.

    I saw a certain topic seem to pop up overwhelmingly often. I thought I knew it well, but I guess I didnt. Could have an entire exam within Becker chapter 5

    Biff Tannen

    @Tiramisu definitely be familiar with property transactions (like kind exchanges), partnership distributions, the taxability of early pension distributions, partnership formations, c Corp distributions. Also be able to calculate individual gross income with information scattered through multiple exhibits.

    Biff Tannen

    I hope that second research gets tossed out. It seems totally unfair to get 2 research sims. I would’ve been better off with a TBS sim where I can get partial credit instead of that 2nd sim with no chance of partial credit


    I'm getting deja vu. I took FAR yesterday, and I also got 2 Research questions, one which I nailed and the other i bombed.

    But people keep saying the tough Research question is usually a pre-test, so here's hoping.


    Yes – you can pass without nailing the research question. It's frustrating though. Make sure you practice the AICPA sample test research component.

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