REG 8/23 Experience. Definitely failed - Page 2

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  • #1612236

    I just got back from my first REG exam. I feel f- miserable. I studied for this exam for the past three months. At least 10 hours a day everyday. I did not leave my home except on Sundays when I went to church. I did not meet anyone. I was that desperate for this exam. And now I’m ridiculously upset. I never felt so shit after an exam. (I had got a 84 in Becker Mock Exam, so I was confident that I would pass)

    First teslet… It was not too hard (I hate being arrogant or complacent, so I never use the word ‘easy’ in my life). I am certain 99% of you will do well in this teslet. But nope, not me. Because for some reason, I couldn’t remember what I had been studying for three months. For some reason, I just simply went blank.

    Second teslet… I braced myself, and it wasn’t as bad as the first one, which makes me think I did shit on the first one. There were a good amount of BL questions so don’t neglect on BL. But my BL questions weren’t too profound.

    Simulations… I got so annoyed because I am not sure if the SIMs are adaptive as well, but I got alright SIMs… I knew what the examiner wanted from every single SIM, but there is absolutely no answer that I am certain that I got right.

    Research question… I definitely knew the content. If you asked me about it real life, I could talk about it without omitting a single point. But it would not show up on my research. I spent a wasteful amount of time on it, and I checked it as soon as I got out of the exam, I got it wrong. I strongly recommend practice research. It could just be me, but if Becker only gives you one practice on research, and research can be ridiculously annoying and tricky because most of the time, they don’t use the exact words and thesaurus don’t help for shit.

    To sum up… I have never felt like this after an exam. I have never studied like this in my life. But I failed. But I want to give you hope. I have seen a lot of posts that REG is ridiculously hard and that SIMs are impossible. But like I said, even though I did not do good, the exam was ‘fair’. Sims were possible. I am class of 2017 who just got out of college with no real work experience, and I got a B- in my intro tax class. Don’t be mindplayed by people around you, just do your study. Reap what we sow. Good luck to you all.

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  • #1614261

    It sounds like you got nervous and forgot some of the information you studied… happens to the best of us. The fact that you did better on the second testlet and felt you navigated well through the sims is a good sign though. There is still hope!


    Hey, I read your post. It took me a year to pass all four and I have some advice.. 3 months is too long. Your brain isn't going to retain information you studied on day one. 1 month is perfect..


    Thank you all so much for you positive inputs and words. For the past four or five days, I have been drinking hard and finally accepted that it is okay to have failed coz I can take the beating as long as I achieve in the end. It's just a shame that this journey has to last longer than I hoped (I initially wanted to finish all four exams from Jan to May but now I know I was foolishly ambitious lol)

    I apologize if my post has gotten potential REG takers worried coz that was absolutely not my intention. I only wanted to encourage you lot by saying ‘the exam is not as impossible as everybody says as long as you're prepared and don't get too nervous'. But I do see the paradox in my message as I screwed mine.

    I plan to start studying again for the retake. I don't plan to go on an ultimate study mode yet coz the result aint out yet (as some of you said, I may have the slightest chance), but I think it's most sensible to at least start rewatching lectures so I don't forget the content.

    So much respect for you guys, and good luck with studying!


    I was so sure I failed FAR that I was planning on studying for a retake right after I took it. I posted a similar thread to this in the forum and the responses gave me a lot of encouragement, so I just started studying for the next exam (BEC) just having faith that I passed FAR… and it turns out that I did pass. I am really glad I moved on to the next one because now I'm halfway done (provided I passed BEC, which I feel good about).

    If you got an 84 on the Becker exam, there is no doubt in my mind that you passed (unless you ran out of time and didn't answer a TBS or something). If the pass rate is 45%, you only need to be slightly more prepared than average going into the exam. You are probably better prepared than I was for FAR. The questions are weighted, so relax and take a deep breath. I say go ahead and start prepping for the next section.


    I relate so much to your experience. I feel like I prepared myself decently but got screwed by the simplest questions such as late filling penalties, and the 30 day letter, etc. My second testlet felt easier than the first one and I started to feel totally defeated. Then I got to them SIMs which 3 of them I had no idea how to answer at all. Ever since I took the exam early in August I have been convinced I failed, with some occasional hopeful moments where I believe that maybe a miracle happened… Anyway, best of luck to all of us!!


    I think the fact that you scored 84 on becker mocks means you have a chance! If you thought the questions were hard, other testtakers probably did too, and the fact that you scored so well on the mock means you do know your stuff. I think you might be pleasantly surprised by your score next month.


    I f***** passed! 86!!!!!!!! Just wanted to say thank you to you guys for the support! You really never know what would happen with this exam!


    Hell yea!!!! I hope I have a similar result with my REG exam!! Congrats!!




    Congrats! I thought I failed too and got a 77, thankfully!

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