REG 8/23 Experience. Definitely failed

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  • #1612236

    I just got back from my first REG exam. I feel f- miserable. I studied for this exam for the past three months. At least 10 hours a day everyday. I did not leave my home except on Sundays when I went to church. I did not meet anyone. I was that desperate for this exam. And now I’m ridiculously upset. I never felt so shit after an exam. (I had got a 84 in Becker Mock Exam, so I was confident that I would pass)

    First teslet… It was not too hard (I hate being arrogant or complacent, so I never use the word ‘easy’ in my life). I am certain 99% of you will do well in this teslet. But nope, not me. Because for some reason, I couldn’t remember what I had been studying for three months. For some reason, I just simply went blank.

    Second teslet… I braced myself, and it wasn’t as bad as the first one, which makes me think I did shit on the first one. There were a good amount of BL questions so don’t neglect on BL. But my BL questions weren’t too profound.

    Simulations… I got so annoyed because I am not sure if the SIMs are adaptive as well, but I got alright SIMs… I knew what the examiner wanted from every single SIM, but there is absolutely no answer that I am certain that I got right.

    Research question… I definitely knew the content. If you asked me about it real life, I could talk about it without omitting a single point. But it would not show up on my research. I spent a wasteful amount of time on it, and I checked it as soon as I got out of the exam, I got it wrong. I strongly recommend practice research. It could just be me, but if Becker only gives you one practice on research, and research can be ridiculously annoying and tricky because most of the time, they don’t use the exact words and thesaurus don’t help for shit.

    To sum up… I have never felt like this after an exam. I have never studied like this in my life. But I failed. But I want to give you hope. I have seen a lot of posts that REG is ridiculously hard and that SIMs are impossible. But like I said, even though I did not do good, the exam was ‘fair’. Sims were possible. I am class of 2017 who just got out of college with no real work experience, and I got a B- in my intro tax class. Don’t be mindplayed by people around you, just do your study. Reap what we sow. Good luck to you all.

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  • #1612257

    Sorry that u believe u failed my friend, but u never really know with these exams. Keep your head up and get back at it and kill it next time! But, u do scare me with your exam experience. I really, really want to be done with this exam and am doing everything possible to hopefully pass REG on my first attempt and be DONE! Wish me luck and hoping u earn a Passing grade!!


    In my experience, and for many others I speak with, feeling like you failed translates to passing haha! The two times I did not come out of the test feeling utter despair and thinking “it's possible I passed” were the two times I failed. Stay strong until score release! Or worst case scenario and you do not pass- retaking it is a little less miserable because you will remember more material than you think from the first attempt!


    All I want to say is you never know until you see your score! I got my scores back for both AUD and REG on the 17th and I thought I failed REG – got an 80. Thought I passed AUD – got a 68. Just goes to show the scores you receive can surprise you, so try to keep your head up 🙂


    You are not alone on this one. Your post is very consoling because I felt the exact same way walking out of REG a few weeks ago. I was in a similar position, having just graduated and having spent all of my time post-grad studying, desperate to pass and isolated myself from everyone. When I went through the MCQ, I was shocked at how “fair” most of the questions were and was beating myself up for blanking on simple calculations when I was faced with distractor numbers in the questions. I began second-guessing all my answers and flagging half of both testlets. I though the SIMS were also fair, and asked nothing that wasn't at least glossed over in review materials, but was so bogged down with the 6+ DRS attachments that I didn't even know where to start for most of the calculations even though I knew how to perform the calculations just fine. I hope you pass!


    There's no such thing as definitely failed. There are a couple of these professional exams where I thought I failed but I ended up passing.

    As a foreign student, my first TOEFL exam. Test center didn't give me enough scratch papers for listening. I was angry and during the break I said to myself “I ain't failing this exam, not in front of these dipshits”. Ended up getting 112 and losing only 2 points on listening.

    My GMAT test. Holy crap the Manhatten prep was hard, I could never finish and ended up guessing a ton of questions. My best review simulation practise test with Manhatten was 640. On exam day I said to myself “at least finish the test, focus during the next 4 hours”. Not only I finished the test but I got 730.

    And the FAR, FAR was my most miserable experience. Trust me, no one could comfortably say that they believed to be 100% prepared for FAR. I walked out of the test room thinking “okay I'm done”. I got 73 on Gleim review for FAR. The actual test was the only ocassion I got >75, but it was the only opportunity that mattered.

    So, moving on to the next section buddy. Don't think about REG until you check your score.

    shawn in VA

    I really hope you passed my friend. If my math is right you spent 900 hours preparing for REG ? That is a massive time investment. I work in tax got a 75, and the SIMS were miserable. This was pre changes of the CPA exam. I have been averaging about 200 hours per part, I don't know how the AICPA guidelines recommend 125 hours per part.


    I hope you passed too, if it makes you feel any better I was willing to bet any amount of money I failed audit and I got my best score. Every pass always feels like a train-wreck when I am leaving the exam.

    AUD - 92
    BEC - 79
    REG - August
    FAR - TBD


    I feel the exact same way after walking out of REG on Monday so I'm there with you.

    BEC-80 5/28/2016
    AUD- 7/2/2016
    FAR (TBD)
    REG (TBD)


    I felt the same way coming out of REG, it was brutal, especially the SIMS. You just never know. I never feel good coming out of these, and passed two parts already, so there is hope!


    Take heart! You don't know until you know. I cried on the way home from REG too, being it my last exam as well. You'll get through this one way or another.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    Don't count yourself out. The first time I cried in years was after my first exam, which was FAR. I was 100% sure I failed (ran out of time and left 2 SIMS blank) and ended up passing. There is still hope.


    Just wait and see.
    I came home after one exam where I went in loaded for bear and left the exam feeling that they'd brought out the T-Rex to maul me.
    I told the wife, “stick a fork in me, I think I am done for a while”, then I binged on chocolate ice-cream in a way I just don't, and moved on.
    When scores came up, I didn't bother checking for a while. Why bother?

    It ended up being my highest test score, and now I'm on the 4th exam.
    I've prepped for this 4th one even more than that 1st one, but am sure I'm still going to walk out of the exam feeling inclined to grab a Pony Tank, strap on a 30 lb weight, and sink to the bottom of the ocean till my air runs out.

    Newbie CPA Candidate


    I took REG on 8/21/17. I felt pretty similar to what @hwasup7 felt. I started studying first week of June. 2-3 hours every weekday and weekends for the whole day. Occasionally taking a few days off during the 2 months for friends bday party, etc..

    Overall, I felt FAR was definitely harder but I do know and have heard of plenty of stories where people felt confident after the CPA exam and ended up not passing. So I am nervous about receiving my score. I got scored a 44% and 50% on the Becker Mock Exams. I felt the mcq from Becker in the mock exam were more tricky than the mcqs they had in the review course. The sims were not as difficult as the real thing.

    1st testlet for MCQ was alright I flagged like 6, and 2nd MCQ I initially thought it was harder because the first 5 mcqs were longer and more complicated. But as I reached questions 15 and the later ones some were only one sentence. Because of this I am not sure how I actually did in testlet 1.

    The research question took me about 25-30 mins. I spent 15 mins on it initially and skipped it to do the other sim in that testlet. It was extremely frustrating knowing that I had to take so long to find the right section, and even then I’m not 100% sure if I got the research question right. Like @hwasup7 mentioned, I knew the answer and everything, but I just could not find the section in the AL. You really have to know the exact word to search with. I don’t think it’s fair. Both times taking the CPA exam, for FAR and REG the research question


    was really tough esp when compared to the Becker ones.


    I took REG for the second time on July 1st and it was so bad I had no interest posting my experience here online. I just moved on to studying for FAR. I am still waiting for the next month to get the score but I honestly feel I am going to need to take the exam one more time. Which is hard but I am so determined to pass this exam I do not care if I have to take it 5 more times. Hopefully we all will be surprised in September.

    AUD- 72, 71, TBD (now i am pissed no more messing around)
    FAR-70 retest-11/28/16

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