Reg 72 Results and Questions with regards to Score Notification

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  • #188548


    1st time poster so my apologies if I am not posting this correctly.

    So I just received my score notice. I got a 72 on the exam and I am rather shocked as I walked out of there feeling pretty good. I’ve already passed AUD and BEC. My score notification reported to me the following:

    Ethics and Legal Comparable

    Bus Law Weaker

    Fed Tax Process Stronger

    Tax on Prop Transactions Stronger

    Tax on Individuals Stronger

    Tax on Entities Comparable

    Does anyone have any experience with dealing with this? The email says its based off of individuals who scored between a 75 – 80. I guess when I found out I got a 72, I was expecting to see that I have done worse then what they are reporting to me. With 3 out of 6 areas stronger and only 1 area weaker, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it.


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  • #600784

    What about sims? I got a 74 in REG and was comparable in everything except like maybe 2 areas were stronger and both tax on entities and sims were weaker. My advice would be to work your ass off getting better in those weaker, but continuing working on everything so you don't forget it (like we all do!).

    Ninja mcq are awesome for a bunch of reasons. First, they're cheap. Second, it's a new test bank for you, assuming you weren't already using it. Third, the mix of questions it gives you is WAY better than Wiley for REG. And the trending score and score breakdowns help to let you know not only where you need to improve, but also what areas you might be forgetting and need to brush up on.

    I would say to at least get the mcq, if not the notes with it (very, very helpful!). Not sure you'd need the full 10 point combo, but it did get me 10 points on REG after my 74.

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88



    That doesn't make sense as I just received a 68 and got weaker in every category except for Ethics ( Comparable) and weaker in sims.


    Thanks for the responses. I did get weaker in Sims and comparable in MCQs. The sims did not contain any Bus Law so I do not understand their scoring system.

    As Ameiswinkel10 said they received weaker in every category except 1 and only got 3 points lower then me? I would ask for a re-score, but I have been told those are a waste of time and money.


    If I had to guess, this probably has to do with the difficulty weighting of the questions….or, the weaker, comparable, and stronger reflect how you actually did and your score just reflects how they curved it (which we all know they DON'T do, they just happen to have remarkably stable passing rates over many, many years!!).

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88



    Remember sims are 40% of your score! If you are weaker on them you are in trouble.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.

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