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  • #1375337
    bean counter

    I took REG yesterday. Waiting on score release next week. Pass and I am DONE. Fail and back to the drawing board. I have failed REG twice before so I added in some extras to try to get over the hump. In addition to the Ninja MCQs, notes and audio, I worked from the Wiley test bank and then ordered the Roger Cram Course and completed that as well. Needless to say, I felt prepared. More so than any other section of the exam…it was short lived. What is it about REG?? The MCQs started off fine, but the second and third testlets just seemed vague and overall very difficult. The SIMs were brutal. After everything I had studied I still found a few of them to be in left field. I took my time and double checked everything I could but left feeling absolutely defeated and mentally exhausted. Can anybody relate?


    BEC – 84
    AUD – 73, 76
    FAR – 70, 78
    REG – 70, 72, December 2016

    BEC - 84 *
    AUD - 73, 76 *
    REG - 70, 72
    FAR - 09/08/16

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  • #1375352

    Third times the charm!

    I hope that's the case for the both of us! I plan to take REG next quarter. I had a similar experience. The first time I took REG I left the exam feeling beat. My retake I studied harder and longer and felt like my exam didn't make any sense and got the exact score again! I am soo frustrated with REG.. But I'm not giving up!

    FAR - 2/16 - 78
    BEC - 2/16 - 78
    AUD - 8/16
    REG - 8/16


    REG SUCKS because in my opinion it involves the most rote memorization.

    Last part for me as well.


    I crushed the multi choice (finished the first testlet in 7 minutes lol), “stronger” across the board

    the sims crushed me…but not enough to keep me from passing…. they are no joke though.

    for me, REG was DEFINITELY about memorization… when it came to applying the material in a cumulative, abstract way (I.E. the simulations) I was totally lost.

    thankfully I had a very easy research question.


    Lol the first testlet in 7 minutes? Thats 17.5 seconds per question!! There must have a ton of one liners in there!


    lol @NeedsA75, no thats about 29 seconds per question! Still impressive though

    FAR - 2/16 - 78
    BEC - 2/16 - 78
    AUD - 8/16
    REG - 8/16


    after talking to CPA's at work, a lot of it is the test you draw.

    my manager had to take all parts 2 times and REG 3 times to pass them all.

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16


    420 seconds / 24 questions = 17.5 seconds per question

    but yes, they were basically all one-liners.. questions where you either “knew it or you didn't”, IE there were 0 computations involved..

    pretty scary when you think about it. knowing ethics and law are critical to getting to the harder testlets.

    when people do Reg and say that the first testlet was ‘ridiculous' from the get-go, that pretty much means that they completely overlooked law and ethics. those questions will be impossible if you didn't cover the material… you cant tease or reason the answer out, or even eliminate a couple options like you can with tax-related questions.

    I got very lucky. A few of the questions were on material that I had JUST covered for the first time while I was sitting at the prometric center (I show up about an hour early).


    Blaw is a complete joke…1 liners that have nothing to do with any main concepts. If you got the Blaw questions I did…your only hope was to of memorized the entire book


    I HATED reg!

    Ugh, the MCQs. Medium-testlet was easy. I finished that one in like 8-10 min. But of course, do well, and you trigger the difficult testlet, which has ALL the EXCEPTIONS!

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I suppose.


    You can't decipher a hard testlet from a medium testlet. My audit exam went easy, easy, easier. I got a 93.


    @EZ_Sims_4_me_Pls, you're correct! An exam lesson, Double check your working! I don't know how I came up to .29 seconds per question.. lol

    FAR - 2/16 - 78
    BEC - 2/16 - 78
    AUD - 8/16
    REG - 8/16


    ROTFL its all good on the math thing kayfcpa…I thought I got caught with egg on my face..

    Also, I thought my first REG testlet was pretty ridiculous. In fact all 3 testlets were. None of them seemed “medium”. Got a 92. That said I didn't spend a TON of time on B-Law but definitely covered it thoroughly


    @bean counter I know exactly how you feel. I'm 1 attempt ahead of you tho–I've now taken the exam 4 TIMES some of the attempts I admit were pretty piss poor study efforts–some were even poor efforts when I sat down for the exam. But this time I tried everything! Took 4 weeks off work to grind it out and have the holidays stress free. But like you said–it didn't matter–I walked in prepared and instantly realized I wasn't :(. I hate the sims with a passion I sit there and study all the huge topics, I would bet I had them down almost as well as anyone–then bam I get sims on these dumba** little topics that were barely touched on. Sure I recognized the topics–they weren't 100% foreign but they were testing weird details on the concepts which I just took a guess and rolled with it. So frustrating!

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16

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