Question about preparers responsibility

  • Creator
  • #198685

    What would guys say is a better answer to the following question. A cpa notices that the taxpayers previous return has a mistake. Which of the following two answers is better.

    A) warn the tax payer of the consequences

    B) offer to ammend the return.

    FAR-76 First attempt.
    AUD-79 First attempt.
    REG-79 First attempt.
    BEC-79 First attempt.



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  • Author
  • #745716
    the LAST Coffee

    A) for sure. If that isn't a choice for answer but “Withdraw from engagement” is, that is also another good answer.

    Preparer has a responsibility to either withdraw when deemed necessary to do so or tell the TP about the mistake, preferably the latter.

    They don't have the responsibility to amend the return is a good way to look at this question.

    FAR 84 (AUG '15)
    BEC 83 (AUG '15)
    AUD 79 (OCT '15)
    REG 71, 78! (NOV '15, FEB '16)

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