Prometric- Interesting Conversation about scheduling

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  • #1327570

    I went to Prometric after work on 11-16 to take my 2nd exam (REG). This was my first visit to this location since the available slots were always limited. The staff was nice but the fun began when they handed me the markers and had me write the launch code of death on the top of the laminated pages. I checked both markers and one no longer had a tip and was completely smashed in. Luckily they were able to give me a new one. Next, they escorted me to my little cubicle and I noticed the desk was a little high. In order to sit at a somewhat comfortable angle, I had to raise the chair. Then of course the chair was too high and my feet were dangling. I tried to lean back and of course the back of the chair was broken and I was scared it was going to fall off or I would flip the chair over. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the chair arms were moveable and all during the test i heard Click Click Click Click as other test takers moved their chairs and the arms would slide around. Since the clock was already ticking, I opted against trying to get their attention and moving to a different chair/space. I felt that I did ok on the MCQ since it seemed like test 2 and 3 got harder/wordier/longer but 2 of the SIMS were really confusing and i wanted to bang my head on the desk. I felt that there was missing information and it was just really confusing and it took me awhile to figure out what they wanted.

    After 3 long hours of sitting in the broken chair at the high desk in a room where the other test takers where typing novels, I was a little frustrated. I was going through the sign out process and the lady asked if i was coming back on December 6, 7, or 8 for my next exam and I told her it was on the 10th a Saturday. She asked me how I got a Saturday appointment and I stared at her blankly and then told her I has scheduled the test at a center an hour away. She then went on to explain how the appointment systems works. She said they initially only open like a Tuesday/Thursday and then once they are 90% booked on those days, they will release like Monday/Friday, etc and the weekend times slots don’t get released until after the other crap days are mostly booked up. She was telling me all this like she was proud of this screwed up system and how people that wait to the last minute actually get the best day/time slots. It doesn’t seem fair that someone who schedules the appointment in advance has to take time off work to do it during the week or pay a rescheduling fee when prometric decides to open the weekend time slots!

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  • #1327583

    I wonder if they are all like that? I'm thinking of pushing back my Wednesday exam to Friday but the only open slot is 8am. I wonder if more will open up?

    FAR - 07/07/2016 - 81
    BEC - 08/23/2016
    AUD - 10/05/2016
    REG - 11/23/2016


    I am very sorry to hear about that dreadful experience of yours. All of what you described would leave me very, very pissed off if it happened to me. I wouldn't get a good score if the chair was f**ked up or there was loud typing all around me. And what's with the laminated sheets? I work with a pencil and white paper at home, as does just about everyone else, so why do they do this stuff with the white boards or laminated pages? I don't get it. I hope you schedule your future exams at other testing centers…although, they could be just as bad or worse. Anyhow, sounds like you probably did pretty well since your test got harder. I've heard of plenty of people who skipped more than one SIM and passed. Or, they just did a panicked data input of whatever was at the front of their brain in order to earn some points. Those SIMs you had may well be beta-testing SIMs and they may not be graded, or graded more easily. Well, the CPA exam is an endurance test, and not just of one's knowledge of accounting. I seriously wish they'd allow noise-cancelling headphones in the testing room, or provide those headphones themselves. I'd happily pay extra money if they did, because I need it absolutely quiet when I take a test. And also, hand-held calculators would be nice…I never have gotten used to the on-screen ones. Again, I'd happily pay extra if I could use theirs. “Test of endurance….” :/


    Prometric does provide noise-cancelling headphones. You can get a hand-held calculator if you ask for one. The keyboards are very loud though. And there are tons of people typing at astronomical speeds. They really should get better keyboards. Plus people going in and out of the room every 10 minutes.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ

    Mike J

    I think the best advice I've heard to prepare for that is the following.

    Maybe a week before you go sit. Take your notes and try to review them all at a noisy Starbucks.

    Obviously, the exam won't be that noisy. Likewise you will have to do more than read on test day. BUT, you can practice with something you should be comfortable with in less than ideal conditions.

    If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball


    I don't like their noise cancelling headphones, so I just use ear plugs. I feel that the ear plugs help more. I didn't know you could ask for a handheld calculator, I'm going to do that when I take my exam tomorrow. I have to take my exam at this center, because the next closest center is 5 hours away. That's what I get for testing in the rural midwest. When I took my 2nd BEC exam, there was construction going on and I could hear a jackhammer the entire time. UGH.


    Wow that's good, about the headphones and calculator. I will be partaking of both. I type fast too, but I also type quietly. There are people around though, who intentionally distract others during tests. Not many, but a few, who want others to fail. More common in med and law school though, maybe not so much at Prometric.


    Oh my goodness, that's horrible! Did you filed a complaint? And that scheduling process is extremely unfair. I have had excellent experiences with my Prometric each time so I count myself blessed, especially because it's the only center nearby. The staff really know about the CPA exam, explain things very thoroughly and reassuringly on the front side, etc. I've requested my calculator at the very beginning on both FAR and REG.

    AUD - 99!
    FAR - 08/2016
    REG - 10/2016
    BEC - 12/2016


    Skip the headphones provided (besides the fact I highly doubt they get cleaned between uses they're garbage) and bring your own soft ear plugs in the original packaging. Get several pair and wear them while studying too, you'll quickly almost associate them with the process.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Regarding the scheduling process I'm not sure what's unfair about it, they try to fill all slots during the week before paying their staff time and a half to come back on weekends. Bec concept= full capacity lol

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I can't remember. Were the keyboards Dell? Really cheap ass keyboards that make a racket even when you try to type softly.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    Oh Lord, I do remember my experience with those key boards. I thought they were taking typing test or something, but yes, those keyboards drove me nuts……the prometric experience was about the same, the people working there were like they were temps or something. With the money we pay for these exams, the least they could do is make sure the stupid markers and white boards work…..mind didn't work and I didn't worry about it, nor the solar calculator :-{.. They have since closed that center and now I can cut my trip a little being closer to the highway from a 2 1/2 hour drive to a 2 hour drive (not very convenient to listen to loud typing). But hey, maybe I'll try a Tuesday or Thursday maybe that's how everybody else get a passing score….hmmmm

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I tried to get a handheld calculator at both Prometric locations but was told that it was not allowed and I had to use the onscreen calculator. I expected as much but I had a little hope after reading this board and finding that some centers gave them upon request. They did not allow earplugs either and you had to use the headphones provided by the testing center.


    I always schedule last minute. I dont know the exact pattern of when they open up test dates but I have noticed that they open days only a few at a time and if I wait a little longer, I get the date that I want. So it may look like not a lot of appts are available at any given time but thats just because they dont want to open them all at once. It makes sense to me, they want to fully book rooms before making a new appt available. (Use caution with this, I've monitored it in my state so I know how it works and also willing to take the risk of scheduling late)


    My favorite time to take tests is Monday at 8am. Usually at that time there's only one or two other people there so it's really quiet. For some reason when I took REG though the testing center was packed, and the typing drove me insane. Plus I was sitting by the door so everyone kept walking by me.

    @mla we can't even wear jewelry into the testing centers anymore, there's no way they're going to let anyone take in a packet of earplugs.


    to the folks who think you can't bring earplugs, you most certainly can. Print out their test center policy and bring it on exam day. Highlight the 5th bullet point down under “Prohibited items”. Their policy allows soft ear plugs and the staff may or may not be aware of the policy but if you've got it in hand not much they can say

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

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