Passed REG and felt like you shouldn't have?

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  • #178982

    Well if you have, please share your story. I took REG today and don’t think I passed, but hope is never a bad thing.

    I don’t know how the curve works (large vs small), but I’m still interested in hearing about people who left there and honestly (not humble people!) thought, “There’s no way I passed it.”

    I completed the whole test and studied my ass off, but I know I got a few parts of two simulations wrong and the MCQ’s were very hard. So…any real life, feel good stories of the year?

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  • #427585

    Rut Roh…


    I got a 74 the first time I took Reg. The second time, I was POSITIVE I did worse. I was really down because I knew what at 74 felt like so I thought I had a pretty good reference point, but apparently I was wrong.

    NY CPA


    @wizards8507 – That's awesome!


    This is a great topic – I am also interested in the responses to this. I took it on Sunday (28th), have no idea how I did, but I studied a lot.


    I came out of the test feeling like there was no way I passed… I had no clue on those Sim's they were by far the hardest Sim's I have encountered… Passed with an 81.

    FAR - 81
    REG - 81
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 81

    Ethics - Done
    State License Exam - Done

    License - Licensed CPA in Utah


    I have been reading these posts in hopes of a miracle when I get my test score in a few days. I was feeling quite confident for the exam (right around 90% on each of the Becker practice exams) and then I felt like I got completely worked by the exam, particularly the sims. Hopefully I can post here in a few days as another person that felt sure they would fail but passed 🙂

    REG (7/1/13) 94
    FAR (8/2/13) 98
    BEC (8/23/13) 97
    AUD (10/4/13) 99

    Ethics (1/14/14) 100

    I'm free!!


    I was sure that I failed when I took it. Every multiple choice question after the first testlet was difficult, and the sims were not easy either. It was by far the most difficult exam I've ever taken in my life. I told everyone I was sure that I failed. My score was emailed to me and I didn't even bother to open it for about 3 days because I was so sure that I failed. I finally opened it because I was curious to see how poorly I did – got a nice little surprise. 79.

    Keep in mind that if you perform well on the first testlet, the exam gets more difficult. Don't write yourself off just yet.

    AUD: 70, 78
    REG: 79
    BEC: 73, 86
    FAR: 8/31/13


    REG was the hardest exam I took. Studied with Becker and I think I may have squeeked out a 72 on the final practice exam. Took the real exam and felt like I just got my a$$ kicked all over Prometric. Was pretty sure I would fail, to the point I actually couldn't study for my other exam after that (never was a problem before). Ended up doing really well on the test. There is hope, trust me. From a stand point of not even being comparable with the Becker exams, REG was second only to BEC in that department. I had the questions in Becker pretty well understood, but the real test threw so many loops in there I had almost considered giving up and walking out before my 3rd testlet was over. Obviously once I got my score I was very pleased I stuck through the misery.

    Xenia W.

    @Mrakin: you mentioned that if the 1st testlest is performed well, the 2nd and 3rd will be more difficult? Or the difficulty of next testlet is always based on the previous one? Cause my 1st one was medium, 2nd one was hard, and the 3rd one went back to medium, and it seemed even easier than the 1st one!! Does it mean that I screwed the 2nd one?? I am so panicky!!!! I wish there will be some miracles too!

    BEC: 80! Nov 17, 2012
    REG: 79! July 23, 2013
    AUD: 🙁 Nov 6, 2013


    I also thought I failed. Maybe not *bombed* but definitely failed. I passed by a small margin! I was shocked 🙂

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    Reading all of these posts is giving me hope. I hate being pessimistic, but I am really just expecting the worst on Friday

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