No DRS in REG exam?

  • This topic has 9 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1509405

    I sat for REG yesterday, and I must say that I knew walking in there that I didn’t feel prepared enough, and I was correct. I felt like I was missing a lot, and I couldn’t really tell if the testlets were getting harder or not because they all seemed hard to me lol the SIMs were also difficult in my opinion, due to lack of preparedness. I have been clicking around in the forum and seen the term “DRS” come up a lot… I never knew what it meant until I searched for it!! So now I am thinking back to my exam and I don’t believe I had any that were DRS!
    Now I am freaking out that I just didn’t pay close enough attention and I missed some important information that would have helped me on the SIMs…I don’t think I had any though, is it normal to not have any DRS?

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  • #1509421

    I just recently took REG as well and felt very prepared going in. I had a similar experience as you with the MCQ and couldn't tell if they were getting harder. I did not have any DRS on my sims either…


    Since they started testing the DRS, I've taken AUD and REG twice and never got one. I've had sims that gave you multiple tabs you had to review, but they weren't the same format like the DRS you'll see on the AICPA sample test.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    I took REG on Monday and I felt pretty prepared but I couldn't tell if my questions were getting harder or not either. Before the exam, I would go to the AICPA website and practice the sims on there. So I was already familiar with the DRS component.

    I'm so glad that I constantly checked it out otherwise I would've been so nervous because it can kind of be overwhelming if the question catches you off guard. I had one DRS on my exam. I'm praying I got it right lol.

    I think the key to DRS is getting used to seeing a huge problem and dissecting it one question at a time.


    I had DRS SIMs on AUD and REG. 🙁

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    Okay, it makes me feel better that some of you didn’t have any! I had two or three DRS in my audit exam, I just didn’t know that’s what they were referred to as!

    Good luck @SallyCPA and @blessingo10, hopefully we will all get a passing score!!


    Thank you!! I hope we did well too


    I had 3 DRS in FAR last December, and no DRS in REG yesterday.


    @habitual – I had no DRS for FAR when I took it on 3/2, and I can't say the same about REG since I haven't taken it yet.


    So far, I have not gotten any bad DRSs on the exams. I've done some practice ones that were absolutely wicked though. Some of them are very, very difficult – having to weed out from as many as SEVEN different answer choices. They're set up for the most elite of test takers, that's for sure. Although, don't forget, the difficulty of them is taken into account in arrival at your final score on the exam. The ones I got did not have many documents to review. One or two or three at most and they were very short. The practice ones had as many as six long documents to sift through. Anyone who doesn't get a DRS on an exam should consider themselves lucky.

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