Need Help With solving Drubbing Failure

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  • #1989608


    I have a peculiar issue which is becoming quite tricky to solve. I use Rogers CPA Review, and have taken FAR and REG exams till date. but there is night and day difference in my mock exam results and my actual exam results.

    please see my scores below for clarity on my problem.
    For my CPA -FAR exam i was a bit nervous, but for REG i was extermely confident and this drubbing is killing me and not able to figure out what is going on. Am i submitting the exam test-lets wrongly? Or am i doing something fundamentally wrong which is causing this debacle.
    Any help is appreciated.

    MOCK-1 FAR : 83
    MOCK-2 FAR : 88

    MOCK-1 REG : 90
    MOCK-2 REG : 95
    MOCK-3 REG : 96

    CPA Exam REG: 16
    CPA Exam FAR: 17

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  • #1990763

    i dont understand how its possible to score so high on those mocks and score in the teens on the exams. Do you feel like you have retained the information you've learned with Roger, or do you find yourself recognizing the answers from your past work with the IPQs such that the repitition is actually hurting you?


    Thanks TommyTheCat for your inputs.
    yes, that is one of the things i thought about and have actually decided to get a backup mock reviews like Ninja.
    But, i took the AICPA practice test and got 100%. i did not get any of them wrong. So that is some testament to say am not someone who deserves 16s and 17s..
    So, am reaching out to the community to see if there is a blunder you could make like pressing the wrong submit button OR something on those lines which could do this to my result.


    thats a great question Sandy, there arent any that I am aware of but thats not to say that isnt what happened to you on your exams.

    Do you work in public accounting? Do you feel like you are using or applying your FAR and REG knowledge day to day? if so how do you feel you are performing using that knowledge base in everyday life?


    That is bizarre. Do you mind sharing how many hours of studying you are putting in per exam taken?


    You are doing something very wrong. How long did you study? Are you memorizing all the questions?


    Sandy sad to hear about score but are you really getting the material? I also used Roger for all parts. I believe Roger do very good job of explaining the concept but i do not think Roger's MCQ and Sims alone are enough to pass the exam unless you grasp all the concepts and be able to implement in the exam. I would recommend you to get supplement material and trying to do their problems while watching Roger's Videos and reading books. I would recommend GLEIM as it is really difficult while mock test but good on CPA exam.


    This is so weird. Are you sure youre submitting/answering the questions properly on the real exam? The only thing i can think of is 1. youre subconsciously memorizing the mock exam (which honestly is kind of hard to do) or 2. youre not properly inputting your answers on the real exam.
    If its neither of these reasons, then i honestly have no idea!!


    This make no sense, other than maybe instead of hitting next you are hitting “Submit test” without actually answering any questions.. When you answer the questions on the test do you feel like you know what you are doing?


    This doesn't make any sense. Even if you were memorizing the questions you would still be picking up more information than getting a 16 or 17 would indicate. I seems from your posts that English is not your first language. You have to be doing something wrong on the actual tests when submitting your answers. Make sure you read the instructions on the actual CPA exam very carefully.

    I used Becker and not Roger, but the mock exams were almost identical in look and feel to the actual CPA exams and how the actual exam software operates. Maybe someone who has used Roger can enlighten you more, but I just don't see how your mock exam scores can be that high, along with the fact that you got a 100% on the AICPA practice exam, and still have actual scores that low. There has to be something lost in translation on how you are answering and submitting your answers on the actual exam. The difference in scores just has too much discrepancy for it to be anything other than either a computer glitch or user error when inputting your answers.


    This absolutely baffles me. Is this the first time this has happened? I would imagine something must either be going wrong with the test or test center or there is a mix up or you're submitting the testlets without filling in 99% of the questions.


    Looking at this, I would think you made a mistake on the actual exam. I used Becker and I scored between 40% and 70% on all my mock tests but passed the actual exams. So I just can't imagine someone could score so high on mock exams and then score so low on the actual exam, unless Roger is just not teaching you anything (which couldn't possibly be the case). In my opinion, this is a situation where calling NASBA to possibly do a score review might help? I am not sure what you get with a score review, but if they could give you a report that's more in depth than how you score compared to others and maybe tell you if some things were blank or skipped, you could figure out what went wrong and not repeat it. You really need that insight before you take another exam.


    Wait…what? How do you score that high on the mock exams on your review course, but managed to get scores below 20s? You couldn't have possibly made the input errors because if you scored that high on the mock exams, at least you have a decent understanding of how to input the numbers or fill in the blanks or whatnot….


    This definitely seems like something procedural in the way you have taken the exams….and I say that because it happened twice! One exam can be a fluke but 2 exams below 20 with studying and decent mock test scores means there's a serious issue here. I would think even guessing on all the questions , without any prep, might yield scores similar to the OP….so something's not right.

    I would definitely investigate this thoroughly before taking any more exams because at this point, you don't even know what went wrong.

    Hank Scorpio

    This can't be real

    FAR - 10/3/16
    BEC - 69 - 10/31/16
    AUD - November 2016
    REG - December 2016


    I've gone into exams completely unprepared and knowing I was going to fail but I just wanted to see where I stood. My lowest score in that scenario was in the 40s. I tend to agree with the other posters that there has to be something going wrong during the actual exam, especially if you are scoring that high on review material mock tests.

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