My testlets did not get harder for REG ..i probably failed right?

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  • #186885

    I read on here all the time that the MCQ questions get harder if you are doing very well on MCQ’s. My friend from work also took FAR yesterday and i asked him about testlets and he said questions on Testlet 3 were way harder then Testlet 1 .. he said they cant even compare to each other… it was that much harder.

    The way i felt about this exam was that all testlets had hard and easy quesions. There were about 50% of quesions that i knew for sure. 30-40 question i could narrow down to two choices but was not 100% sure and the other 10-20 i was not sure at all.

    It just didnt seem like they were getting harder or more “wordier” as some have put it.

    Did anybody else feel like this and actually pass? I know i got the research question right and i know partial credit on all SIMS but i dont think i got any of the SIMS 100% . Sims were extremely hard.

    I know you really cant know this but everyone is telling me their testlets were getting harder and i just dont feel like my did.

    By the way this was the first exam i took.

    BEC -Waiting on score May 5th
    AUD - May 30
    FAR - Q3 depending on if i pass above two in Q2

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  • #580320

    I have passed 3 test and all of the MCQ felt like they were on the same level … I have never felt like my third or even second are harder than my first…

    Sooo… don't stress… you never really know until score release day!

    good luck!

    {R: PASSED!! (I passed one!)}
    {B: PASSED!! (Halfway there!)}
    {F: PASSED!! (1 left!!!)}
    {A: PASSED(I am done!!)}


    I have recently passed all four exams with pretty decent scores and I was not able to tell on any of them that the testlets were getting harder.

    FAR 12/3/14, 87
    AUD 2/3/14, 90
    BEC 4/1/14, 88
    REG 5/27/14, 94

    Licensed CPA, Indiana

    "Successful people do things that unsuccessful people don't want to do"



    “Pretty decent scores” … how about freakin' awesomely beat down scores!


    Last time I took REG in May all 3 seemed like the exact same difficulty to me. I didn't pass, but got the highest failing score possible. I was only “weaker” on the sims and that's what did me in, unfortunately.

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88



    Just remember what you may consider a “medium” testlet might be considered a “hard” testlet to someone else. I wouldn't read too much into if you testlets got harder or easier. Harder might mean it was a medium testlet (in the AICPA eyes) with areas you were not as comfortable in and a medium testlet might mean it was hard testlet (again, in the AICPA eyes) but you were more familiar with the concepts so it felt like a “medium” to you.


    Thanks guys ,

    I mean if i fail i fail whatever ill retake it and probably pass.

    The thing is that i really couldnt tell any difference if it was getting easier or harder and seems like everyone i talk to says o yah it was getting harder.

    Ugh i hate this waiting game

    BEC -Waiting on score May 5th
    AUD - May 30
    FAR - Q3 depending on if i pass above two in Q2


    OP, don't stress out about it. The only exam where I noticed an increase in testlet difficulty was my 3rd REG retake.

    FAR 75
    AUD 74, 82
    REG 58, 74, 83
    BEC 68, 75
    Licensed 7.1.14!!!


    My whole REG test was just weird. I couldn't tell if they got harder or easier or what. But I looked back a few pages on the exam experience thread for the Q2 testers, and most of the people with similar stories to mine ended up passing, and usually with 80+. It's no guarantee, of course, but nice to read.

    AUD was somewhat similar to REG– I couldn't tell the difficulty on at least one testlet, and didn't feel all that comfortable with the MCQ, and I ended up passing that. I felt good about my AUD SIMs, so I know that helped.

    My FAR, I definitely thought they got harder in testlet 2– they were wordier and more complex. I thought I killed the FAR MCQ but didn't do that well on the FAR SIMs. Ended up with about the same score as on AUD. You just never know.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    Lol @RedSoxFan77

    I dont know if you realize or not but your comment doesnt really help all that much lol.

    BEC -Waiting on score May 5th
    AUD - May 30
    FAR - Q3 depending on if i pass above two in Q2


    I passed FAR and didn't notice any difference in my testlets.

    Yesterday in BEC, I noticed a huge difference between 1 and 2.

    Don't sweat it.


    GSU-CPA, my point is that I passed 3 exams where I didn't notice an increase in difficulty, per my signature.

    FAR 75
    AUD 74, 82
    REG 58, 74, 83
    BEC 68, 75
    Licensed 7.1.14!!!


    “I passed FAR and didn't notice any difference in my testlets.

    Yesterday in BEC, I noticed a huge difference between 1 and 2.

    Don't sweat it.”

    My experience was exactly this. I got an 81 FAR. Don;t know BEC score yet (took 7/1)


    @Darcer – crazy. I have seen most people on here echoing my experience (or rather, since I took my test yesterday, my experience echoes theirs'). Second testlet was retard hard, and third testlet was retard easy. I've seen several people reporting scores in the 80s with those results. Even though my writing was all bullshit, I don't think I really have to worry too much about that because 1) I speak English and 2) it's only 15%. This will be a painful 3 weeks. I can see it going either way.


    Difficulty is subjective. When I took REG, I felt my entire MCQ were easy. You probably knew your material very well.

    FAR - 93
    REG - 87
    BEC - 84!!!!
    AUD - 99!!!!!! CPA exam complete.



    My bad i guess i missunderstood.

    When you said “The only exam where I noticed an increase in testlet difficulty was my 3rd REG retake.”

    I thought you meant you didnt notice any dificulty increase until your 3rd REG try so that would mean first and second time you failed you didnt notice it get harder then third time you noticed it being harder and you passed with 83

    BEC -Waiting on score May 5th
    AUD - May 30
    FAR - Q3 depending on if i pass above two in Q2

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