My REG MCQs were weird and retarded

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  • #173727

    MCQs were from topics that my review course did not concentrate on and pretty much ignored by me. SIMS were ok. Research question was #5 and I assumed that question # 6 will also be research since they always come last. Wasted 30 minutes on the stupid research #5 and with only 10 minutes left, I was shocked to find out that question # 6 required a lot of time. I was so upset at myself for not managing my time that i lost my concentration. Overall I am very disappointed. I really studied hard and I did not want to study REG again.

    Please no exam experience thread responses.

    FAR: 77
    AUD: 81
    BEC: 82
    REG: 78

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  • #368171

    I found my MCQ's to be more along the lines of what I wanted them to be. My SIMS, I always make it a point to click each one before I start any and mentally rank them easiest to hardest.

    I do the research first, it took literally 3 minutes and then I proceeded easiest to hardest. Doing the easiest first increases the confidence and I figure I can maximize points that way.

    I'm still thinking I failed it yet AGAIN. Dang you REG.


    I'm in the same boat with the MCQ's… I was shocked at how many intricacies were tested as opposed to more general areas. In my opinion, a CPA should have basic knowledge about tax filing requirements (dates, who must file, how to file such as Single, HOH, etc.), but the exam mostly covered small details that one in practice would easily be able to look up on the IRS website. This exam frustrated me the most out of the 4 I've taken and like you, it's my last one as well. I don't have a good feeling about this one. The only ray of hope I have is that I was certain I failed FAR but ended up passing. Here's hoping for a pass for both of us – cheers!


    I couldn't agree more “apbandj”, and “mycpa”. My MCQ's were exactly as you described. So strange. I could've prepared another 4 months, and wouldn't have done any better.



    That is what frustrate me with these exams sometimes. You study hard, concentrate on the major areas in taxations and business law and end up getting tested on things that really does not add much to the profession. what is their point? Our results should reflect the hard work we put in and the test should be a reflection of the overall knowledge not just couple of topics out of the entire subject and rest is just pure garbage.

    FAR: 77
    AUD: 81
    BEC: 82
    REG: 78


    I'm pretty sure their point is to keep the pass rate below 50%. So rather than ask you relevant questions that you would probably know the answer to because you studied the topics that matter, they ask a bunch of badly worded, obsure crap that in the real world would take 30 seconds to look up. The whole thing is rather disheartening…


    Yeah, one tip I got early on was before even starting the sims, to quickly tab through them and get an idea what you're working with. Looks like you're DONE now, so you won't have to worry about that again!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    mla1169, I see your point. I tried to do that, but it takes about 30 to 40 seconds to load up the question in SIMS section and another 20 seconds to take a quick look, so that is about 5 to 6 minutes to look up all 6 questions, so I decided against that option.

    FAR: 77
    AUD: 81
    BEC: 82
    REG: 78


    The thing is, they want you to study everything. The AICPA doesn't want you to study only what's important. They outlined everything you need to know in the Content Specification, so they want you to study ALL of it. By throwing questions from small topics, they are testing to see whether you studied everything that you were supposed to study.



    I will agree with you that people I see posting “can I skip this chapter or that chapter” are looking for trouble. As are those who are studying for a 75.

    I've studied REG twice. Not half way the first time and skimmed anything I was weak on the second time. I studied it fresh both times as if I knew nothing about any of the subjects. Honest. I skipped nothing and rewrote my notes. I went through Wiley 3x and CPAExcel 2x.

    The problem that I have is that my latest REG exam tested the very fringe of items. The items that gave me fits were extensions of the rules and little known or used AMT adjustments (as an example) or such. I knew the information very well but when it came to the test it didn't test that information, it tested the exceptions to the exceptions. All items that I would look up in practice in an authoritative source.

    It's simply impossible to completely prepare. Few people can hold that much information in their frontal lobe and still manage life, work, family, kids, etc. If I retained everything I studied, I would make a 100 because I put in two very hard, sincere efforts.

    I hate this exam and will likely be studying it a 3rd time beginning this weekend.


    I think everything should be given its fair share, so this is other crap should be 5 to 10% of the MCQ, but they shouldn't make it 60 to 70%.

    FAR: 77
    AUD: 81
    BEC: 82
    REG: 78


    I had the same experience. I had a lot of questions that were part of those “what sticks sticks” sections. Totally pissed me off bc I know I did bad on the Mcq.

    FAR: 87
    AUD: 86
    BEC: 86
    REG: 84! Officially Done!


    So you created an exam experience post, yet you don't want to hear exam experiences? What was the purpose of your post?

    Did you just want to tell us that you made a clerical error with your sims, or are you looking for sympathy because you're careless?

    Free advice: Study more and pay attention to the clock.


    DanceMan06, hold your fire, relax. Some of us use another71 as a venting tool sometimes. All you need to do when you don't like a post is move on and look for something that you like. “yet you don't want to hear exam experiences” where did i say that? maybe you just misunderstood what I meant in my first post.

    On the advice part: thanks, I really did not know that plus it is free!!

    Here is my Advice: Don't try to insult someone and try to give him/her an advice at the same time.

    FAR: 77
    AUD: 81
    BEC: 82
    REG: 78


    @Mycpa – I was not insulting you or anyone else. I'm sorry you took it that way. I was being honest. Anyways, I too would be very upset if I had made that simple, critical error, so I forgive you for your outburst. There's no need to vent on an online forum. Venting on an online forum is for upset teenagers who spent 6 hours waiting in line for Justin Beiber tickets. You're gonna be a CPA, so act like it. A mistake was made. You've recognized it, you've assesseed methods to correct the issue, and you will implement those methods the next time you sit for an exam. That's it. Life moves on. It's easier that way. No need to dwell on errors.

    More Free Advice: Take a long napuela and compose yourself. Grab your Reg study material and study for the next 4 hours. Tomorrow, when your done with work, study for another 4 hours. On Saturday, study for 12 hours. On Sunday, study for 12 hours. Follow this pattern for the next 2 week and you'll be ready for the Oct window. And you will pass.

    I have to go now. I too have a lot of studying to do. I want to be prepared for my exams. It seems as though they're testing ancillary material and I must be prepared.

    Good luck with your studies.


    Remember, 16% or whatever are pre-test questions.

    The more you know.

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