Just took REG today

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  • #173566

    I was completely destroyed. For the first MC testlet I probably only missed 2 and as for the second testlet… I hope I got 2 correct. I honestly won’t be surprised if I didn’t get a single MC correct in the 2nd testlet. On the third testlet, I think I was so shellshocked by the 2nd testlet that I probably underperformed. I only feel like I got maybe half correct for sure. The Sims were just ridiculous, Everything on the sim section was on an easy topic in Wiley but they made it HARD. The first Sim I am angry about because it was an easy topic but you had to be familiar with the particular industry the question was pertaining to which I am not. Every single point I got in the sims was from going through the provided IRC text. I don’t think I would have had the resources to answer the sims if I was allowed to use Wiley. Aw man I am totally bummed and frustrated.

    I left FAR and BEC knowing I passed and for Reg I don’t even know if I cracked 60 which is crazy considering the time spent studying.

    BEC - Pass
    FAR - Pass
    REG - Pass
    AUD - Pass

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  • #364756


    Let him vent…

    B - 62, 70, 72, 79!!!
    A - 68, 81
    R - 70, 82
    F - 84

    "The limit to your abilities is where you place them" - Fortune Cookies


    Welcome to the I got my butt kicked by REG club….but hang in for the score, you might surprise yourself.

    If nothing else you survived the experience!



    I am also repeating it on Thursday… So may the force of knowledge for REG be with you (us) on Thursday!!!!

    B - 62, 70, 72, 79!!!
    A - 68, 81
    R - 70, 82
    F - 84

    "The limit to your abilities is where you place them" - Fortune Cookies


    @runhomejack – Sorry, just wanted to point it out in case you hadn't seen it. By the way, did you guess on about 80% of the SIMS? If so, you TOTALLY passed! Congrats!


    lol @ REG sims


    Go get it Jokami.

    I was cruising well through review and then hit a wall. It was like walking through sludge.

    I'm about through Ethics and Business Law on CPAExcel for the second time and will do Taxation all day tomorrow for the second time.

    I've been through Wiley 3x during the first attempt and now CPAExcel twice (including the REGS). There is just so much to know for REG that I feel like I need another week just for review but I can't. The window ends shortly!


    You too CPApending… here answer me this one:

    Under the Uniform Limited Partnership Act:

    I. A limited partnership is an entity distinct from its partners.

    II. A limited partnership has a perpetual duration.

    A I only is correct

    B II only is correct

    C Both I and II are correct.

    D Neither I nor II is correct

    Please explain this to me… I chose A, because I read (and I can take a picture of it) that LP does not have perpetual life, unless stated otherwise in the agreement. SOOOOOO the general rule (unless stated otherwise) is to think they do not have a perpetual duration.

    Plus the two major differences that distinguished a corp were:

    – they have a perpetual life

    – you can sell you share at will

    So why why WHY the correct answer is C!?!?!?!?!?

    B - 62, 70, 72, 79!!!
    A - 68, 81
    R - 70, 82
    F - 84

    "The limit to your abilities is where you place them" - Fortune Cookies

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