Just took REG – Finished too early….Did I fail?

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  • #2658138

    I just finished REG few hours ago. I felt that the exam was easier than I expected OR perhaps I blew it and don’t even realize? I don’t know how I feel right now. I finished with 45 minutes left and it makes me wonder if I didn’t really understand the material at all.

    I wasn’t 100% prepared for REG because I studied for it simultaneously with BEC and only had a few weeks left to complete REG before my NTS expires. I used Wiley and completed a good amount of the MCQs. I completed the 3 practice mock exams with Wiley but I scored 70% avg on each. With Ninja, I completed a little over 500 MCQs and I was trending 78-79%. I’m not really sure if this was enough but we shall see.

    Has anyone else experience this?

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  • #2658156

    I also took REG this morning. It was a quick one, but for me the SIMs were painful. I had a QBI sim. So that was a little unfortunate for me. I couldn't remember the phase out amounts or maybe they didn't apply.


    My SIMs were mostly figuring out tax basis, capital gains/losses recognition for partnerships, s-corps, c corps which were not so bad unless i totally bombed of course. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Sometimes you feel so positive but the result shows otherwise.

    I hope we pass. September 9 is the score release i believe.


    Don't stress about how early you finished the exam! I had nearly an hour (or more) left on every exam and passed (albeit in the high 70s on 3 of 4, hah). Some people work faster than others. Just know that you can't do anything now to adjust the score – you just need to decide what is next until score release date.


    i agree with cruz dont worry about it – focus on your next section as no one has anyway of knowing if you passed or not

    good luck!


    Thanks, Cruz818 and Some_day. I'll hope for the best. My final exam is FAR if the REG score is favorable. I will be taking a few days break before I begin studying for it. Good luck on your journey as well.


    I wouldn't be too worried about it. I think a lot of people finish early. I finished all 4 exams at about the 2hr mark and passed all 4 on the 1st attempt.


    @unknown I also finished my REG exam around 50 mins earlier and it ended up turning out well! I also thought the test wasn't super duper hard but not super easy, just a fair test. It tested on what the blueprints said it would and at the percentages that they say each topic would be at. I wouldn't worry! it's not a bad sign to finish early or to think it wasn't as hard as you thought. It just means you were well prepared:)


    Thank you, guys. I'll find a distraction and try not to stress over it.


    I took REG today too.. It was my second attempt.. This time I only had 24 hours (two days in total) to re-study the material.. I think I did OK on the MCQ, but OMG the SIMS were insane.. I'm just praying for a pass since it's my last exam and if I fail, I lose AUD.

    Oh and I only had 12 minutes left over which I spent on double checking my answers against the authoritative lit. But, I always use up all the time on all my exams, thats just me! Everyone tests differently so don't worry about it!

    AUD- 74 (2012), 72 (4/20/16)
    BED- 7/6/16
    REG- TBD
    FAR- TBD


    It's normal. I usually finished an hour early and sit around to stare at some of the questions that I have not so sure of.

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.


    I did Reg last tuesday(My last exam). I didn't prepare well. I feel bad. should I start study for the ethics or wait until get the result?


    I finished FAR with 2 hours left and passed with a 79… you should be fine.

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