Just got out of Reg exam and I feel like crying!!

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  • #186693

    I just got out of Reg exam and I feel like I just got punked really bad. I got a 72 but after this exam I appreciate my 72 because I’m sure I did worse this time around. I almost feel like reapplying right now and then just start studying again for regulation. I don’t even want to wait for my score 30 days from now because I already know that I failed or at least it feels like I did. The exam this time around was definitely harder. I feel like I did okay on the multiple-choice questions but I really feel like I got simulations from hell. It was so bad that I just fast forwarded all the way to the research tab which I feel like I got that at least. Then I just started picking and choosing from the other simulations. At this point I had about an hour to get through these simulations as I felt the life slowly being sucked out of me I tried my best I tried my best to do the damn simulations. I can honestly tell you I didn’t know what the hell they were asking but I just did what I could do I didn’t leave anything blank I was able to finish all the simulation but no-confidence at all. If I pass this exam there is a God and miracles can happen!!! Sorry if there are any grammar errors I’m so upset I don’t even want to edit this post right now because I’m doing it through my iPhone

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes

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  • #614860

    Thread was better when it was about the Reagan exam.


    you are not the first person to post about the SIMS being horrible, i have been reading different threads for peoples feedback on REG between yesterday and today because I am sitting tomorrow… maybe if everyone does horrible on the sims they will weight it. and i dont understand why it has to be a whole month until the scores come out.

    i also read on another thread from the last testing window people who thought they failed and they all ended up doing fine… so there is still hope!! you never know!! thats what i hate about these tests!

    FAR - 84.
    AUD - X,X,76.
    REG - X,X,75.
    BEC - X,X,74*, 81 AND IM DONE!!!!!!

    *if i dont pass, i lose FAR.

    Study materials: Becker videos/MCQ/Books, NINJA Blitz helped to finally pass AUD and REG.

    First exam was in May 2013, seems like so long ago - FINALLY DONE!!!


    Ditto. I'm not feeling as horrible as I was last time (which is odd and offers NO reassurance) but I WISH I had the test from last time. I'm think/hope the MCQ's got harder. However, when it came to the sims it took me about 10 minutes on each problem even to try and figure out what they wanted…the wording and charts were SO confusing. I can only hope for a good outcome…

    Studying with Wiley Review, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja Audio.
    Retakes with Ninja MCQ only...awesome!
    Far - 1/28 72, 7/22 79
    Aud - 2/28 70, 8/14 83
    Bec - 4/10 80
    Reg - 5/30 64, 7/2 82


    And to top it off I left my food at the testing center. So not only am I pissed but I'm hungry too!!!

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes


    how much time would you guys suggest leaving for SIMS? i usually try to leave at least an hour, if the MCQ were ok, then hopefully i can get through them in good time and try to leave more like an 1.5 hours?

    FAR - 84.
    AUD - X,X,76.
    REG - X,X,75.
    BEC - X,X,74*, 81 AND IM DONE!!!!!!

    *if i dont pass, i lose FAR.

    Study materials: Becker videos/MCQ/Books, NINJA Blitz helped to finally pass AUD and REG.

    First exam was in May 2013, seems like so long ago - FINALLY DONE!!!


    Thanks @just keep studying. I'm just going to do my best to stay positive and hope for the best

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes


    I was that upset the 3rd time I took AUD. Cried all the way home and then to add insult to injury prometric called to say I left my drivers license there so I had to drive all the way back again.

    Got an 82.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Yea, I left FAR thinking I totally bombed it, no way that I could even come close. When I found out I got an 84 I cried tears of joy.

    Just go home and relax!! Nothing you can do about it now or until Aug 1st. Just enjoy the holiday weekend and then start on your next section.

    FAR - 84.
    AUD - X,X,76.
    REG - X,X,75.
    BEC - X,X,74*, 81 AND IM DONE!!!!!!

    *if i dont pass, i lose FAR.

    Study materials: Becker videos/MCQ/Books, NINJA Blitz helped to finally pass AUD and REG.

    First exam was in May 2013, seems like so long ago - FINALLY DONE!!!


    accidentally posted twice and dont know how to delete this! lol

    FAR - 84.
    AUD - X,X,76.
    REG - X,X,75.
    BEC - X,X,74*, 81 AND IM DONE!!!!!!

    *if i dont pass, i lose FAR.

    Study materials: Becker videos/MCQ/Books, NINJA Blitz helped to finally pass AUD and REG.

    First exam was in May 2013, seems like so long ago - FINALLY DONE!!!


    My REG sims wee a nightmare. I stared at one sim for 10-15 minutes just trying to understand the question. I was only fully comfortable on 2 of them. I missed the Research Question (I checked at home so I know for sure).

    Got an 88.

    I think they design the sims to be impossible regardless of knowledge level just to see how you flounder around. Then they curve them like sociopathic monsters. I checked the majority of my sims when I got home and was horribly distressed to find I had missed giant chunks of them 🙁

    Once again, Got an 88.

    I don't know your exam, but I know mine well since I checked them sims (yes I know it was counterproductive and a waste of time when I should have been working on new exams).

    View my old topic to see how sad I was. As you can see I literally joined this website I was so distraught, and I checked my sims and found I got a 50% of so Raw score total on the SIMS.


    But again, I got an 88.

    TBH, your post sounds like mine. Hard MCQs (but this is good), and psycho sims (which is ok since the curve is gigantic!)


    Is there any way to study for the sims then?


    I swear if i didnt have you guys to talk to it would be that much harder to cope with this. Thank you for the positive feedback everyone. I'm just going to enjoy the holiday and get back to a game plan in the few days. There is pretty nothing i can do at this point other then keep up the good fight. I really do hope my exam is part of this so called huge weighted curve everyone is speaking of because my Sims had no regard for mankind.

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes


    @justkeepstudying I would say try to leave yourself an hour 1/2 for the Sims. So basically no more than 30 mins on each testlet.

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes


    I thought I failed REG but pulled out an 87. I think most people feel like they failed after they finished the test. Don't get discouraged and hope for the best.

    AUD: April 2014 - 85
    REG: May 2014 - 83
    BEC: July 2014 - 82
    FAR: August 2014 - 83

    I'M DONE!!


    Yes, there is no way to study for the SIMS. They purposefully word them to be un-confront-able. Like I said, I stared at a sim for 15 mins just trying to get the question. In the end it was easy, but there was nothing I could do to study for that mess.

    I'll give you a non-descript example of one of my SIMS (the one I starred at). It was a supplemental tax for schedule SIM. Except it was done in a format unlike the tax form and it had no name. So basically think something like (all names and numbers changed to preserve my innocence): “Fill out this 1040”, but they reorder everything and change the names so it just says “Fill out this Form”. By the content of the cells you eventually figure out “OH THIS IS A 1040 THIS IS EASY”, but you start with a big fat WTF.

    The AICPA can do ANYTHING it so pleases so trying to predict them is patently absurd.

    My strategy is to never spend more than 1 minute per MCQ so I have time to think and research the SIMS. I have 1.5 hours for REGs SIMS, and 2.5 (^-^) for AUDs. I hoisted AUD up on a bloody pike so I think the strategy is good.

    PS: If you can't tell I'm still bitter about REG based on how poorly I think the AICPA tests up. By poorly I mean Nastily.

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