Just failed REG - Page 2

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  • #185982

    What a load of garbage. The questions were so specific and obscure I have no clue how anyone could pass that. I studied for six months and will be lucky to have gotten a 50. Gleim didn’t help at all the questions on the test were way more in depth then anything in the Gleim prep material. I have no clue how anyone could pass this exam I got a 93 on BEC after studying for 2 months but this I could study for a year and couldn’t pass. What the hell is up with this test?!?!?!

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  • #569956

    Ah I couldn't agree more mamabear. IMO, for the vast majority of us, If you don't have humility, honest self assessment capability and the guts to kick yourself in the ass from time to time….you are in the wrong field. Go do something else.

    Candlemass: If resources are THAT critical to you…you should be studying all topics! Why would you spend a couple hundred very precious dollars and then not put in enough effort to study all of the material? I know this sounds harsh but quite honestly, at this point in your life maybe you just don't want it badly enough. Until you do, you are just throwing money away.



    Maybe I'm the odd one out but I thought it was a fair exam when I took mine. I can't really say anything was totally unfamiliar that I hadn't come across in my study materials. I still don't think I passed but that's on me.


    @dante042104 Hope you passed. Is this your last exam?

    FAR - 93
    REG - 87
    BEC - 84!!!!
    AUD - 99!!!!!! CPA exam complete.


    Thanks, NYC! No, I still have AUD left if I passed REG and BEC credit expires in late Oct so I need to get them both done by then. When are you taking AUD?


    NYCaccountant, could you share your study method for REG? I am using Wiley book, and I know you used it too.

    BEC 05/12/14 77
    REG 08/25/14 82
    FAR 11/25/14 80
    AUD 02/25/15 72, 05/15/15 98! DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I'm taking Audit July 19th. I got tired of waiting a long time for score releases, so I scheduled my exam right before the cutoff for the first wave. I think I may have given myself too much time for Audit, but we'll see.

    @NoraU I went through the business law section, writing notes on the minutia and understanding why and how. The important thing with REG is understanding the tax portion because the business law questions on the exam are very easy.

    Those are easy points right there. I focused a lot on corporate taxation, partnerships and understanding basis for each. Understanding basis is extremely important.

    In my opinion, focus heavily on the tax portion. Also, the SIMS on the exam for REG are not that bad, it's just you need to understand the material, so don't be freaked out.

    How much tax experience do you have? if you have experience, this would certainly help you. I had none, so I had to learn it all, but if you have experience, you can get away with studying less than me.

    FAR - 93
    REG - 87
    BEC - 84!!!!
    AUD - 99!!!!!! CPA exam complete.


    Thanks, NYCaccountant! I will follow your advice. I do not have any tax experience other then a personal tax for my family :). I really like your approach to get understanding of the material rather then just memorizing it.

    BEC 05/12/14 77
    REG 08/25/14 82
    FAR 11/25/14 80
    AUD 02/25/15 72, 05/15/15 98! DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Yea, understanding why and how is the key to REG.

    FAR - 93
    REG - 87
    BEC - 84!!!!
    AUD - 99!!!!!! CPA exam complete.


    @How many letters do you need

    time and concentration my man. I'm a busy man with a short attention span


    Has it happened with you guys that you saw the exact same question repeated twice in the same testlet? And then once again in a new testlet?


    @yoboy Yes this happened to me on the REG exam I took in May 2014. I thought it meant I wasn't doing well on the exam. If I remember correctly, the first time it showed on the first testlet and the second time on the third testlet. The question was typed the same exact way, but the multiple choice options were different. I noticed that the answer I selected in the prior testlet was not shown the second time so I must've answered incorrectly the first time.


    @candle Hang in there. I took REG four times before passing. My scores went from a low of 55 to a passing of 78. I also took AUD twice, BEC four times and finished up with FAR having taken THAT BEAST three times. Yes, I spent thousands of dollars on exam fees, review course materials, notepads, printer ink, etc.. And I am still paying for it. I didn't read all of the previous posts, but it may be time to look at another review course if Gleim didn't do it for you. And always supplement with NINJA material.

    Whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP!! It took me two and a half years to pass all four parts and it was an amazing feeling to see that final score of 75 pop up on the NASBA website. And even more so when I received my congratulatory letter from my State board.

    You have passed BEC with flying colors. Stay motivated. One thing I did to stay motivated is after passing each part was to print my scores out from the NASBA site and tape them around my cubicle at work. It didn't matter where I turned in my chair, I could always see those scores.

    I'll be looking for your score!


    I somehow passed with a 92 doesn't even make sense but I'm not complaining, just Far left to go

    BEC -93

    AUD – 85


    Sorry might be a dumb question…

    Is the score that I find here: https://ncd.nasba.org/gwprdv2/servlet/hgwcs01

    your official score? I assumed it was, it's the NASBA website. However, I never bothered to check on my first exam and just waited for the email. My score doesn't show on my account where I register for the exams, but I can get it from the link above which is why I even ask.

    Please tell me the score obtained from the link is real :X


    I just failed REG with a 72 and I will have to retake it in the beginning of July, which doesn't leave a ton of time. 🙁 I don't know whether to try and start from the beginning, taking notes again and rereading/watching lectures, or to just do endless MCQs and practice tests… any suggestions?

    FAR 75 (8/21/13)
    AUD 72 (10/29/13) 74 (2/12/14) 84! (04/01/14)
    BEC 75 (11/27/13)
    REG 72 (05/29/14) 74 (07/10/14) 86 and DONE! (10/02/14)

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