Is "felt like I did awful on SIMS and passed" a myth? Do people feel that way? - Page 2

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  • #202003

    So discouraged! Just took my Regulation exam

    I flagged probably 5-6 in each section, but for the most part narrowed THOSE down to two and made an educated guess. I think my testlets went med-med/hard-med/hard. It was hard to tell because there were tough ones but also had no brainers mixed in. Historically I can never tell the difficulty of testlets, and I’ve passed the other 3 exams.

    The SIMS, man oh man! I think I got the research right. My first sim HAD to be a pretest, it was extremely detailed. One or two others I had moderate confidence in my answers. The final two…who knows! I at least filled them out and am hoping to get partial credit. It sucks it was calculation and not drop down answers.

    So basically, felt pretty decent going into the sims, then my confidence got kicked in the face! Is it still possible to pass when you’re not too confident in your performance on SIMS? I felt so terrible!

    I was trending in the 80s on ninja, did a TON of MCQ. Had the ninja 10 point combo.

    Is this whole “I thought I failed but passed” really just a myth? I feel like it happens to those kids at school who say that then get 90s lol!

    Any encouragement welcome :/

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  • #776567

    Pretty sure it's normal to be completely lost on at least 1 SIM. That's not gonna break you. Like I mentioned above I completely guessed on 2 SIMS, took educated guesses on 2 more, and that was still a comparable. Meaning most passing candidates did as well as I did.

    BEC - 78 (August 2015)
    FAR - 80 (November 2015)
    AUD - 73, 67. (Ok I gotta confess I was even more lazy this time around)
    REG - August 27th, 2016


    I honestly felt like I failed FAR when I left the testing center. I just knew I was going to end up with a 70-73 grade. I felt like I got AT MOST 60% of the sims right, and I knew I missed my research question. My MCQ never got harder, felt like the first testlet was the hardest, then a medium then a super easy one that I breezed through.

    Low and behold I got a 79, Apparently I either guessed correctly on a few questions, or the few that I struggled with might have been pre-test.

    Either way I will take a 79 on FAR, so glad I got this one done on the first try. The amount of material in it means any re-test would be miserable also.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016

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