Is REG the exam that most leave unfinished?

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  • #182282

    I have read several posts and it seems that many have run out of the time on the REG exam, leaving 2 to 3 sims unfinished.

    My experience with the other exams have been:

    FAR-finished with about 5 minutes to spare and I seemed to feel rushed on this one.

    BEC- more relaxed when taking and I finished with about 15 minutes to spare.

    AUD- also more relaxed when taking and I finished with about 30 minutes to spare.

    With all the three above, I used the remaining time to check answers on the sims and make last minute changes after careful consideration.

    How is everyone else’s experience when taking REG? I have mine scheduled for the end of Feb 2014.

    FAR 82
    BEC 82
    AUD 93
    REG 87

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  • #505274

    I know people that bombed the end of BEC because they don't know English well. I probably could have passed Audit in under 2 and a half hours but BEC I was rushing by the end, I prolly could have scored 2-5 points higher on BEC if I had had another hour.


    I know people that bombed the end of BEC because they don't know English well. I probably could have passed Audit in under 2 and a half hours but BEC I was rushing by the end, I prolly could have scored 2-5 points higher on BEC if I had had another hour.


    Yes. REG should have more time and AUD – less time. (in my humble opinion)


    Yes. REG should have more time and AUD – less time. (in my humble opinion)


    REG was my first test and I had heard that time was a concern. I don't think I necessarily rushed, but I finished in 2 hours.

    For reference, FAR took me 3 hrs (and an awful 3 hours it was), AUD took 2 hrs (this one felt okay), and BEC took me almost the entire 3 hrs.

    REG 10/12/13 - 94
    FAR 10/17/13 - 93
    AUD 11/11/13 - 92
    BEC 11/20/13 - 87
    ethics 11/27/13 - 92%


    REG was my first test and I had heard that time was a concern. I don't think I necessarily rushed, but I finished in 2 hours.

    For reference, FAR took me 3 hrs (and an awful 3 hours it was), AUD took 2 hrs (this one felt okay), and BEC took me almost the entire 3 hrs.

    REG 10/12/13 - 94
    FAR 10/17/13 - 93
    AUD 11/11/13 - 92
    BEC 11/20/13 - 87
    ethics 11/27/13 - 92%


    I finished SIMS but using 1 hour and 30 minutes. I still had 30 seconds on my time left!!!

    I thought I was going to bomb it, but it seems it was the factor that pulled me. It was my strong point as compared with the MCs based on the evaluation report.

    FAR - 92 02/2013
    AUD - 90 05/2013
    REG - 85 10/2013
    BEC - 80 12/2013



    I finished SIMS but using 1 hour and 30 minutes. I still had 30 seconds on my time left!!!

    I thought I was going to bomb it, but it seems it was the factor that pulled me. It was my strong point as compared with the MCs based on the evaluation report.

    FAR - 92 02/2013
    AUD - 90 05/2013
    REG - 85 10/2013
    BEC - 80 12/2013



    I finished FAR, REG, and BEC with about 20 min. to spare. That includes a review of flagged MCQs….

    I finished AUD with 1 hr to spare! Figured there was no point in reviewing SIMS because the AL was of no use, so I just left early….

    I took Roger's advice on time allocation and tried not to go over suggested time….I think it was 45 min per each MCQ testlet on REG… But you really need to understand the tax concepts and theory to be able to do the SIMS…and MCQs won't take you much time…you either know something or you don't, so you move on to the next question….

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    I finished FAR, REG, and BEC with about 20 min. to spare. That includes a review of flagged MCQs….

    I finished AUD with 1 hr to spare! Figured there was no point in reviewing SIMS because the AL was of no use, so I just left early….

    I took Roger's advice on time allocation and tried not to go over suggested time….I think it was 45 min per each MCQ testlet on REG… But you really need to understand the tax concepts and theory to be able to do the SIMS…and MCQs won't take you much time…you either know something or you don't, so you move on to the next question….

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    I've sat for 6 exams before this one today and this was the first time I ran out of time. I just started punching in random numbers into the fields of the last sim just so I didn't leave anything empty. To be fair, while I allotted myself 35 minutes per testlet, I went past my budget on all of them, trying to get that one or two questions that were on the tip of my tongue, so to speak.


    I've sat for 6 exams before this one today and this was the first time I ran out of time. I just started punching in random numbers into the fields of the last sim just so I didn't leave anything empty. To be fair, while I allotted myself 35 minutes per testlet, I went past my budget on all of them, trying to get that one or two questions that were on the tip of my tongue, so to speak.

    Texas CPA

    I finished REG about 30 minutes early and used every minute on AUD and BEC. Finished FAR about 20 minutes early.

    Reg - Passed 82 Nov 2012 - Becker
    Aud - Passed 86 May 2013 - Becker
    BEC - Passed 88 Aug 2013 - Becker
    FAR - Passed 88 Nov 2013 - Becker

    Texas CPA

    Texas CPA

    I finished REG about 30 minutes early and used every minute on AUD and BEC. Finished FAR about 20 minutes early.

    Reg - Passed 82 Nov 2012 - Becker
    Aud - Passed 86 May 2013 - Becker
    BEC - Passed 88 Aug 2013 - Becker
    FAR - Passed 88 Nov 2013 - Becker

    Texas CPA


    REG can be a tight squeeze time wise. I finished, but I wished I had more time. I didn't have time to go back and get a second look at MCQ before moving forward, and I didn't have time to utilize the AL for SIMS. I tried to spend about 30 minutes per testlet so I would have over 1 hour for SIMS. \

    I've read plenty of posts here on the forum of people that do run out of time and leave SIMS blank. Just be aware of your time and try to plan.

    Ninja Combo, Yaeger, Wiley -- Licensed CPA, May 2015

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