@Sweazy – right – which is why I said that if you pass an exam you most likely got a hard testlet. It's not impossible, but less likely that you pass with all medium testlets. I feel like this is fairly well known information?
From Roger
“As a result of the above four factors, it is not possible to compute your score on the CPA Exam based on the number of questions you answer correctly. You may, however, be able to predict the quality of your performance on the first and second testlet of MCQ by gauging the difficulty of the testlets that follow.”
I mean this dude thinks people are able to gauge testlet difficulty, so maybe we could all agree to disagree on this one? If you can't tell the difference, then you can't tell the difference – I believe you! But that doesn't mean that no one else can and that factors don't exist to assess difficulty. And I second what everyone else is saying – if you are well prepared, every question is going to seem relatively easy, and your testlets won't seem to get more difficult. That's where the subjectivity comes into play. I also don't think it's worth anyone's time to assess either before, during, or after the exam. You were either prepared or you weren't, you passed or you failed, but I think that's the reason why this forum exists – to commiserate and share strategies. To encourage and to build each other up. To have constant anxiety until score release with some anonymous internet strangers (which does in fact involve assessing testlet difficult and probably always will – you don't have to comment on these threads if you think they are stupid. It's really that easy).
So yeah, don't worry about it. There was a good chance that if you can't tell you were really well prepared. And everyone has more important things to worry about right now anyway, like March Madness. Let's all focus on sending positive vibes out for 3/21 score release, I'm pulling for everyone in this thread!
Q: How do you get a bunch of CPA Candidates/ CPA's riled up and fighting with each other in 5 words or less?
A. Mention “MCQ testlet difficulty”
FAR - 76 - [4]
BEC - 71, 73, September 9 2016
AUD - July 28 2016
REG - October 2016
Black coffee, stress, and cottage cheese pancakes!