I want to give up - Page 2

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  • #175119

    Took REG this morning and I don’t know if it was the BEC 74 score last week or the fact I’m so depressed with this whole processI can’t enjoy the holidays, but that exam killed me. I broke down last night because I knew I wasnt’t prepared. I’ve been studying A LOT, but the moment when you realize it won’t be enough. I feel so defeated. Beyond depressed. I am so blessed to have my boyfriend going through the CPA process too. He of all people understands. But with the holidays it is really hard with other people who just dont get it. But I know all of you understand. Thanks for reading. And good luck to all waiting on scores.

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%

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  • #394031

    Hey thanks Hustlin! I appreciate the advice for BEC. And thanks for the encouragement. I just hit a really rough spot last week. Passing FAR failing BEC (by so little). Big up and down. I'm ready to take BEC DOWN!!!

    Congrats on passing AUD!! The perfect score 😉

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%


    @littlenumberrobot As you can see we are all rooting for you and we have all been there. I know how it feels after a tough failure. You are completely and utterly defeated, especially since only the passers are gleefully posting here.

    I started this journey 6 years ago. I can honestly say the first 4 years I was not serious about the exam, so each failure didn't really bother me. In the last 2 years, is when I really buckled down and was determined to pass and get my life back. So the second failure I had in REG this time around was rough. I broke down after that, I was so discouraged. I thought to myself, why can't I do this? Everyone else here appears to be passing. Then I made the mistake of reading someone's post who said if you can't pass the CPA exam after taking it 2 or 3 times you should be banned from taking it (whatever). I was so down at that point, I took that personally. I realized I needed to take a break from the forum and just focus on REG and not get distracted by the peanut gallery.

    Don't get me wrong, I was so happy when I found another71. I literally excalimed “I have found my people!” But sometimes taking a break from it and getting angry (which is also what I did when I failed REG with the 72) is the re-fresh you need to get that pass. Also, willfully trying as hard as you can to ignore the lame, ignorant and silly comments those who aren't taking the exam say to you is a big help.

    I know YOU CAN DO THIS.


    Don't give up! I graduated from college 12 years ago and the first time I took the exam was when it was paper and pencil and you had to take all 4 exams over 2 days. Back then you had to pass at least two parts at once to keep the credit. Well I passed 2 and failed 2 and never went back to take the last two exams…why? I am not really sure now but feeling defeated was one of the biggest parts of it (especially since everyone else I knew passed the first time) and I was not used to failing. Dumb reasons I guess but they were strong feelings at the time. Don't feel defeated like I did so much time was wasted on my pride. In July 2012 I made the decision to try again and put all of my efforts in and yet again I had a fail (UGH…BEC) but this time I see it differently, especially because I am seeing all of the other people on this website with the same struggles and eventual success. This exam is a marathon and every person on here can do it!!! Think as positive as you can and just visualized the CPA certificate in your hand…that is what I am doing and it keeps me going. Good Luck everyone!


    I just saw this. I got back my Audit score this morning (I had been doing auditing for a year) and was really confident going into the exam. I “thought” I was going to do well, however I had a shock this morning and did really horrible. Almost once a week I want to give up because everyone that graduated with me passed on the first try and i'm having to retake them again (May even have to take them 3 times – i hope not !!) However, seeing as i'm not really the only one that has to take them again reminds me that in the end the ONLY thing that matters is if you are a CPA or not…. Right ?? Next time will be better (and this will all be over and we will be benefiting from all our tears, and emotional breakdowns) and it will all be worth it. At least that's what i keep telling myself.


    @DesperatelySeekingChupacabra- first off congrats on passing your last section. I'm very happy for you!I noticed you left the forum for a while, I used to get my CA info from you, and I remember exactly the post you speak of. When that person said we shouldn't be CPA's because we can't pass like they did. It's just hard to overcome somethings and it still not be enough. But I guess we just have to keep pushing though until we do succeed… Like you did!! I'm gaining my optimism back and I will give my all to my next few exams and I will especially not let my upcoming REG score define me! Thanks for all your help so far!

    @ChelleChelle- that is awesome you came back to this torture and you are succeeding! Funny you mention that…. I look up at the wall in my office where I want to hang my certificate all the time. I appreciate your post and story!

    @Ctxn870 yes it will be worth it! But honestly couldn't have got this far without this site. It is so comforting to read I am not alone. I feel like I am not me anymore. I started my new job a year ago and I was so happy and bubbly now….. I'm the grumpy one in the office. And that isn't me!!! I want my life back and I will get it back. Thank you for you post!

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%


    Hey , littlenumberrobot, can I ask you a question? are you sitting in the California?

    FAR PASSED Feb 28, 2013
    AUD Oct 27,2013
    REG Jan 7,2014
    BEC Nov 15,2013


    moonchen118- yes

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%


    I am so delighted to read all of these posts of encouragement. In other threads I have seen, you have people (who will remain nameless) making horrid comments like “if you have to take the exam more than twice you don't deserve to be a CPA.” I have even read where individuals are encouraging people like to essentially “Give up” because the exam “is not for you.” I am pleased that no one has made those types of comments on this thread.

    I was in your shoes–I finally passed (after 17 times total) in August of this year and was just officially sworn in on this past weekend. Had I given up, I would not feel the sense of reward and accomplishment I do today. I do not have to regret not pushing hard enough to be a CPA. I can TOTALLY relate to this post; you are not alone @littlenumberrobot…hang in there and never give up!!

    Texas CPA - licensed in 2012!!!


    @musicamor – Thanks! I also am happy to hear all the encouragement. Congratulations on not giving up. I hope to see things from your perspective someday.

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%


    littlenumberrobot don'be discouraged…you'll pass it. I definitely believe in you. Hang in there.

    This is my first time try. So I'm pretty much stressed out as well.

    FAR PASSED Feb 28, 2013
    AUD Oct 27,2013
    REG Jan 7,2014
    BEC Nov 15,2013


    littlenumberrobot But, I didn't give it up. Even though I did worse on my course back to school. that doesn't proof anything about you.

    FAR PASSED Feb 28, 2013
    AUD Oct 27,2013
    REG Jan 7,2014
    BEC Nov 15,2013


    My husband and I both started taking the CPA exam in 2008 when we graduated from college. I passed my first section and got a 74 (receiving my score on Christmas Eve) on the second. I was heartbroken but planned to continue after busy season, then I was laid off (with 15% of my firm) right before 4/15. The job market sucked and I was extremely discouraged over all. I took my other two sections without studying for them and of course did not pass. I didn't find another job in public accounting for a year and a half, and still wasn't ready to actually devote the time to the exam again, so I did not start studying again until this time last year. But now I have my license and it is amazing to be done with the process. My husband is still studying and taking his exam, and I can't wait for the day when it's behind us both. Don't give up, you'll wish down the road that you had just gotten it out of the way to begin with.

    REG: 86
    AUD: 92
    FAR: 84
    BEC: 87
    Ethics: Passed!
    Licensed 11/20/12

    Supporting my husband on his CPA journey: 75% of the way there!


    littlenumberrobot – I know how you feel. Sometimes you let the exam get to you and it starts to eat you alive. Believe me, it has done it to me. I've felt defeated more times than I care to count, but sometimes you just have to believe and have faith. If you don't believe in yourself, then I'll do it for you! I know you can do this.

    My grandmother was the one who always believed in me. She always knew what to say to make me feel better. Here are a couple of her favorites:

    “The only way to fail is to quit. So don't fail.”

    “Have faith child, everything, good and bad, happens for a reason.”

    “You can do anything you put your mind to.” (I think it's funny that that line is in an Eminem song!)

    When she passed away, I had this put on her headstone because it was her favorite:

    Faith – Knowing when you step out into the unknown, you will find either firm ground beneath your feet, or you will have wings.


    @littlerobot (I made my own nickname for you, lol), you can do this!! Take a deep breath and say you will kick a$$!!!

    @kricket…not sure why today I am an emotional wreck but your post just made me cry. *sigh…this crazy journey will soon be over for us. Cheers to being 2013 alums!!!

    BEC 10/13 PASSED 77
    AUD 04/12 PASSED 83
    FAR 08/12 PASSED 76
    REG 02/13 PASSED 76

    Licensed in PA on 12/23/13. Yea boy!!



    You must have faith, you must believe (sometimes it is hard to do both, but you must). You can do it! YES YOU CAN.

    The most important thing is getting up after you fall. Admiration is always there for the person who got backup the 1001 times after the 1000 fall (inner strength).

    This CPA exam journey will make candidates depressed and helplessness sometimes, but you have to make that feeling a fleeting moment (I have experienced it). Please try and enjoy the holidays even in studying. Make 2013 your year.

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