How much hours do u budget for REG? - Page 2

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  • #182617

    Hello all, I’ve paid for all 4 parts of the exam, and realize my schedule the next coming year is Extremely packed.. My exams all expire in June (Well, May, considering its blackout month) So here’s a few personal events…Got a bachelor party, and wedding to plan.. Wedding will be around June (Blackout month anyway)… so with consideration of that, Bachelor party should be around April? May?.. So, here’s my exam dates as anticipated..

    1/24/2014 FAR (Taken and failed once already)

    1/31/2014 AUD (Failed the last one by 2 points, so I don’t think it should be that hard again, right? )

    Regulations… Never studied (Anticipated schedule date: Somewhere in April)

    BEC… Failed Last year (Anticipated schedule for sometime in May)

    So in the above schedule, right after AUD 1/31/2014… I will begin REG study the next day. Would you think it’s enough time if I schedule REG for beginning of April (Roughly 1.5 months time)? How many hours do you budget into studying? (I made a spreadsheet and track my hours of study time; hey, it helps) I work a full time job. Get home around 6-7..I can probably realistically put in about 2-3..maybe squeeze 4 hours each night (please tell me if this isn’t enough?!) So anyway, I want to take BEC last since it seems a bit more easier? And, to take into consideration.. it’s closer to the bachelor party/wedding/planning. On another note, does anybody have a suggestion which date I should plan the Bachelor party? lol.. I was thinking around end of April, hoping I’m ready for REG Early Mid April..?

    My question is, how much time do you guys put into REG? and If you have a study schedule you have, could you let me know? I’m trying to coordinate my schedule accordingly, and follow it strictly so I can get my life back… AHHHHHHH.

    Lastly.. any tips ? self techniques, suggestions, advice? etc?

    Thank you all for any help.

    …. If you fail to plan… you are planning to fail……

    BEC: 69, 57, 72, 73, (anticipated for 4/4/2015)
    AUD: 65, 63, 74, 84!!! (expires 7/31/2015)
    FAR: 63, 57, (scheduled for 4/1/2015)
    REG: ... 42, (Anticipated to be around 5/20~)

    -Every Set Back is a Set Up for a Major Come Back #motivation

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed." - Michael Jordan

    "You are not your past, but the resources and capabilities you glean from it" -Jordan Belfort

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  • #504544

    @tough_kitty. Ok. I will definitely keep that in mind when I start on REG. Sounds like your study plan is pretty intense, but I will have to try it. i need to get my summer and life back!

    BEC: 69, 57, 72, 73, (anticipated for 4/4/2015)
    AUD: 65, 63, 74, 84!!! (expires 7/31/2015)
    FAR: 63, 57, (scheduled for 4/1/2015)
    REG: ... 42, (Anticipated to be around 5/20~)

    -Every Set Back is a Set Up for a Major Come Back #motivation

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed." - Michael Jordan

    "You are not your past, but the resources and capabilities you glean from it" -Jordan Belfort


    Thank you and good luck! Do whatever works best for you. I like how you analyze other people's study time to match it with your schedule. Shows you are smart, so you should be fine! 😉

    And since it's not your wedding, ask other guys to help you out! They should understand you have to study! Good luck!

    Also, good idea with WTB. Seems like it's been more effective for people comparing to Becker but I did have Becker books too and I think they are pretty good so make sure you at least review the “pass key” sections.

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    Thank you and good luck! Do whatever works best for you. I like how you analyze other people's study time to match it with your schedule. Shows you are smart, so you should be fine! 😉

    And since it's not your wedding, ask other guys to help you out! They should understand you have to study! Good luck!

    Also, good idea with WTB. Seems like it's been more effective for people comparing to Becker but I did have Becker books too and I think they are pretty good so make sure you at least review the “pass key” sections.

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    Regarding giving yourself only one week to restudy for AUD, one thing I hear repeated over and over on this site is that you're restudying to get a 75, not restudying to get two additional points. I'm not sure when you last took AUD, but you'd be amazed by how much information you can forget even in a month, especially when you're focusing on another exam. Based on your schedule, it looks like you'll be able to put in 40-50 hours tops in that week? Maybe that will be enough (I always overstudied, so I'm not the best at gauging how much time needs to be spent on each exam). Measure it against how much time you spent studying the first time for AUD. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but I would strongly encourage that you give yourself more than one week to prep for that exam.


    Regarding giving yourself only one week to restudy for AUD, one thing I hear repeated over and over on this site is that you're restudying to get a 75, not restudying to get two additional points. I'm not sure when you last took AUD, but you'd be amazed by how much information you can forget even in a month, especially when you're focusing on another exam. Based on your schedule, it looks like you'll be able to put in 40-50 hours tops in that week? Maybe that will be enough (I always overstudied, so I'm not the best at gauging how much time needs to be spent on each exam). Measure it against how much time you spent studying the first time for AUD. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but I would strongly encourage that you give yourself more than one week to prep for that exam.


    @tough_kitty.. Well, I failed a couple times, due to a lot of procrastination… So I eventually created this spreadsheet to track the “budgeted” hours, and the “actual” hours.. So I kinda forces myself and tell myself I MUST MEET THE budgeted hours.. lol… But anyway, hopefully this would work out, then I can give advice to others about how to manage time.. I was wondering, not to offend or anything, were you one of those types who study and get things right away? or do you tend to study extremely hard? I mean, I ask because, I am the type that needs to work extremely hard in order to get the good grades.. So this would be kind of hard for me to pass all 4 in 6 months? I mean, I can't do nothing about it now… either way, all 4 will expire in May, so I will just keep going until I reach it hopefully.

    @barelystayingsane Your Scores are impressive!

    I didn't time myself previous times and was some what unorganized in my studying before, and kind of procrastinated a lot.. I failed Audit a few times, and finally started to read the book page by page. Then I realize, regarding your point about forgetting things in a month.. Totally can't argue with u on that. I mean it really feels impossible to memorize everything. But I think I should have it this time, I hope. I was planning on to write out topics I'm not truly familiar with, and just read those and rewrite those areas.

    What is your study technique? WOW, 99 on Audit!!!!!

    BEC: 69, 57, 72, 73, (anticipated for 4/4/2015)
    AUD: 65, 63, 74, 84!!! (expires 7/31/2015)
    FAR: 63, 57, (scheduled for 4/1/2015)
    REG: ... 42, (Anticipated to be around 5/20~)

    -Every Set Back is a Set Up for a Major Come Back #motivation

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed." - Michael Jordan

    "You are not your past, but the resources and capabilities you glean from it" -Jordan Belfort


    @tough_kitty.. Well, I failed a couple times, due to a lot of procrastination… So I eventually created this spreadsheet to track the “budgeted” hours, and the “actual” hours.. So I kinda forces myself and tell myself I MUST MEET THE budgeted hours.. lol… But anyway, hopefully this would work out, then I can give advice to others about how to manage time.. I was wondering, not to offend or anything, were you one of those types who study and get things right away? or do you tend to study extremely hard? I mean, I ask because, I am the type that needs to work extremely hard in order to get the good grades.. So this would be kind of hard for me to pass all 4 in 6 months? I mean, I can't do nothing about it now… either way, all 4 will expire in May, so I will just keep going until I reach it hopefully.

    @barelystayingsane Your Scores are impressive!

    I didn't time myself previous times and was some what unorganized in my studying before, and kind of procrastinated a lot.. I failed Audit a few times, and finally started to read the book page by page. Then I realize, regarding your point about forgetting things in a month.. Totally can't argue with u on that. I mean it really feels impossible to memorize everything. But I think I should have it this time, I hope. I was planning on to write out topics I'm not truly familiar with, and just read those and rewrite those areas.

    What is your study technique? WOW, 99 on Audit!!!!!

    BEC: 69, 57, 72, 73, (anticipated for 4/4/2015)
    AUD: 65, 63, 74, 84!!! (expires 7/31/2015)
    FAR: 63, 57, (scheduled for 4/1/2015)
    REG: ... 42, (Anticipated to be around 5/20~)

    -Every Set Back is a Set Up for a Major Come Back #motivation

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed." - Michael Jordan

    "You are not your past, but the resources and capabilities you glean from it" -Jordan Belfort


    Well, earlier I was simply answering your questions but now that barelystaingsane commented on your exam schedule, I gave it some thought. I have to be honest, it's a crazy plan! And to answer your question, I'm one of those people who gets the material easily – at least as far as accounting and business topics are concerned. And knowing that, I personally wouldn't go with such a tight schedule. I mean, it's too much stress and there is really no rush…. if I were you, and if I knew realistically it's not possible for me to pass all 4 exams within such a short period of time, I'd just pick 2 or 3 and concentrate on actually passing them. But of course it's just a suggestion. You will have to decide for yourself if you have enough determination to study night and day every minute you got….And you can adjust your schedule later, but definitely make sure you get 80% or more on MCQs after you practice all of them for each topic and before you take the exams!

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    Well, earlier I was simply answering your questions but now that barelystaingsane commented on your exam schedule, I gave it some thought. I have to be honest, it's a crazy plan! And to answer your question, I'm one of those people who gets the material easily – at least as far as accounting and business topics are concerned. And knowing that, I personally wouldn't go with such a tight schedule. I mean, it's too much stress and there is really no rush…. if I were you, and if I knew realistically it's not possible for me to pass all 4 exams within such a short period of time, I'd just pick 2 or 3 and concentrate on actually passing them. But of course it's just a suggestion. You will have to decide for yourself if you have enough determination to study night and day every minute you got….And you can adjust your schedule later, but definitely make sure you get 80% or more on MCQs after you practice all of them for each topic and before you take the exams!

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    Honestly, I felt well-prepared but ended up with lower scores than I was aiming for, so it should tell you something…. but I did not over-study. I made a list of MCQ topics from WTB in the order of questions they have for each topic and I concentrated on those topics which had the most number of MCQ.

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    Honestly, I felt well-prepared but ended up with lower scores than I was aiming for, so it should tell you something…. but I did not over-study. I made a list of MCQ topics from WTB in the order of questions they have for each topic and I concentrated on those topics which had the most number of MCQ.

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    A good review to see how well-prepared you are is also the AICPA released questions for 2013. You can Google the pdf files.

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    A good review to see how well-prepared you are is also the AICPA released questions for 2013. You can Google the pdf files.

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    @tough_kitty Thanks! After looking at my spreadsheet and allocating my time for FAR… I have a feeling I'm going to Fail FAR again… But I'll just try my best…I mean, no choice.. everything will expire in May. I will now track and capitalized the amount of Money I've invested into this exam… smh..

    BEC: 69, 57, 72, 73, (anticipated for 4/4/2015)
    AUD: 65, 63, 74, 84!!! (expires 7/31/2015)
    FAR: 63, 57, (scheduled for 4/1/2015)
    REG: ... 42, (Anticipated to be around 5/20~)

    -Every Set Back is a Set Up for a Major Come Back #motivation

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed." - Michael Jordan

    "You are not your past, but the resources and capabilities you glean from it" -Jordan Belfort


    @tough_kitty Thanks! After looking at my spreadsheet and allocating my time for FAR… I have a feeling I'm going to Fail FAR again… But I'll just try my best…I mean, no choice.. everything will expire in May. I will now track and capitalized the amount of Money I've invested into this exam… smh..

    BEC: 69, 57, 72, 73, (anticipated for 4/4/2015)
    AUD: 65, 63, 74, 84!!! (expires 7/31/2015)
    FAR: 63, 57, (scheduled for 4/1/2015)
    REG: ... 42, (Anticipated to be around 5/20~)

    -Every Set Back is a Set Up for a Major Come Back #motivation

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed." - Michael Jordan

    "You are not your past, but the resources and capabilities you glean from it" -Jordan Belfort

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