First time taking the CPA, did I pass? Please share your thoughts :)

  • This topic has 6 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #192353

    Hi All!

    I recently took my first section of REG on 2/23/2015, and my MC testlets were significantly harder than the one before, on all three MC testlets. I take that as a good sign? (Hopefully)

    but I thought I didn’t do so good on the Sims. This is why I’m kind of concerned if I passed or not. I pretty much finished the exam with 20 minutes to go. Have anyone felt like they did pretty good on the MCs, but struggled through the Sims and still passed?

    Thank you

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  • #649052

    I took it last month and passed with an 86 and I had a similar experience as you. I thought all three testlets were pretty hard, which each one being significantly harder than the last. I didn't budget my time well and had to rush through my sims and didn't really feel confident in the majority of them. I think I only felt okay with one. I couldn't even find the research question so I just plugged something in and plugged in things for two or so sims since I was running out of time. I was pretty surprised when i got my score. So there's hope! Hope you did well!

    FAR - āœ“
    AUD - āœ“
    REG - āœ“
    BEC - āœ“

    Don't give up!


    I think everyone probably struggles with the sims. As long as you leave enough time to do them (it sounds like you did) and you put in answers for everything, that gives you a fighting chance to pick up enough sim points to pass.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. šŸ™‚


    Welcome to the lift of taking the CPA exam. You can mix feelings in a thousand different combinations. Felt good about MCQ, not about SIMS…Felt good about SIMS, not about MCQ…Felt good about both, felt bad about both…You could have passed or failed. Your feelings literally won't indicate whether you passed or not.

    AUD - July 2014 - 76
    REG - August 2014 - 82
    FAR - November 2014 - 78
    BEC - January 2015 - 81


    Used Becker online. Who needs a text when you can burn your eyes out staring at the screen for months on end?

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you're hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"


    You probably passed I would think. I had a similar experience with the SIMS. I remember rushing through 2 of them after being stuck on an insanely difficult SIM and as result of working so quickly I had 20 minutes to spare to go over all of the SIMS. I think I changed one answer, but that was about it. I remember going through all the SIMS and thinking if I got at least 75% correct. If I felt I had that covered, I relaxed and moved on. I know the grading isn't that simple, but that little mind trick helped.


    Thank you all for your comments! It was really helpful. I can't wait until I find out my score on March 10th. For now, I am moving on towards FAR.

    Good luck to all!


    I didn't feel good about REG at all right after taking it. I thought all 3 MCQ testlets were horrible, and desperation was actually beginning to set in with the 3rd one. I said to myself, as I got one seemingly impossible question after another “It doesn't really matter what answers I pick because I'll be taking this one again.”

    I felt about 70% on the Sims, although there was one I thought I had totally bombed because the instructions were quite vague. The more I thought about it after the exam, the more I felt like I had interpreted the question incorrectly and wouldn't get credit for any of it.

    I ended up with an 87 and was totally dumbfounded. I didn't think I passed at all, let alone passed by 12 points.

    So your feelings about the test, especially right after, may not be at all in line with what your score will be. And at this point, you can't do anything about it anyway, so take a breath, and start prepping for your next exam.

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