Final Thoughts - Page 2

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  • #177699

    I’m just following up on a couple of posts I made here a few weeks ago, where basically I was bemoaning what I thought was a poor performance on the REG exam, primarily due to sims that I felt were very difficult, and totally out of left field. Well, I got my score this morning and was pretty shocked to see a 92. So I decieded to just post what I thought were the two most important lessons I took away from this, that may provide some insights for others. The first is you can absolutely “bomb” the sims and still pass or even do very well. I don’t just think I did poorly on the sims, I know for a fact I did. When I got home, I wrote down everything I could remember about them, and then set about determining whether my answers were right or wrong. On one sim, I got probably no more than 10-20% right, another two, not more than 50%, and two probably 70-80% at most. Unlike my auditing or FAR sims, there wasn’t s single one I felt I really nailed for most or all the points. The research question took a scary amount of time, but I was pretty sure I finally found the right one. I don’t know exactly how the test is curved, though it certainly isn’t in a conventional way, but one way or another your performance is graded relative to the performance of others, it has to be. The other important lesson I took away from this experience, is to never give up, or lose focus during the exam. I was so discouraged when I took a look at the sims, I literally felt a wave of despiar come over me. As I started to work them, I grew even more depressed, and even considered getting up and leaving. I guess the point is, keep focussed and grind and scrap for every point, no matter how bleak it seems, because you may end up having a much better shot at passing than you think. Anyway, thats my two cents, soory for the length of the post. That was my last exam, good luck to everyone, keep grinding and fighting, it can be done.

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  • #416056

    I think Scootter's post made me too confident!

    If I hadn't read the recounts of InterFC and Scootter, there is no way I would be relaxed right now.

    Normally, I would be freaking out of the 3-4 MCQ's I know I messed up. Or I would be extremely angry with the content of a couple SIMS and feel desperate.

    But because of the reassurance, I think I might have passed because I know I studied a lot and knew a lot more than what was asked.

    But then there is that little voice in the back of my head saying, “Don't get cocky now… you haven't got that passing score yet. And if you get too confident, this exam will put you in your place.”

    I shut that voice up with wine last night, lol.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    I think just studying for this exam puts me in my place. You are nothing until you pass. So there is no time to talk about taking the test, and who you will be after the test, it you don't study for the test. The reality is if you don't study….you won't pass. real simple.

    MClkt…IN your case we know you are a maverick at studying and will get it done no matter what so hey, feel good, feel good about your efforts even if you don't pass. Hey just feel good.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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