Final Thoughts

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  • #177699

    I’m just following up on a couple of posts I made here a few weeks ago, where basically I was bemoaning what I thought was a poor performance on the REG exam, primarily due to sims that I felt were very difficult, and totally out of left field. Well, I got my score this morning and was pretty shocked to see a 92. So I decieded to just post what I thought were the two most important lessons I took away from this, that may provide some insights for others. The first is you can absolutely “bomb” the sims and still pass or even do very well. I don’t just think I did poorly on the sims, I know for a fact I did. When I got home, I wrote down everything I could remember about them, and then set about determining whether my answers were right or wrong. On one sim, I got probably no more than 10-20% right, another two, not more than 50%, and two probably 70-80% at most. Unlike my auditing or FAR sims, there wasn’t s single one I felt I really nailed for most or all the points. The research question took a scary amount of time, but I was pretty sure I finally found the right one. I don’t know exactly how the test is curved, though it certainly isn’t in a conventional way, but one way or another your performance is graded relative to the performance of others, it has to be. The other important lesson I took away from this experience, is to never give up, or lose focus during the exam. I was so discouraged when I took a look at the sims, I literally felt a wave of despiar come over me. As I started to work them, I grew even more depressed, and even considered getting up and leaving. I guess the point is, keep focussed and grind and scrap for every point, no matter how bleak it seems, because you may end up having a much better shot at passing than you think. Anyway, thats my two cents, soory for the length of the post. That was my last exam, good luck to everyone, keep grinding and fighting, it can be done.

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  • #416041

    This is an awesome post! Thanks for sharing.


    I remember you had a couple of posts on here. The one where you were very frustrated and another wondering could you pass with poor sim performance…. I know you were stressed, and upset and anxious. But look at you now!

    A 92!!!! Hellz yeah!!!!

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    Thanks. Yes, the last few weeks were pretty stressfull. Today was weird, waking up knowing the day could be either one of the best in my life, or maybe the worst. I wasn't so much happy I had passed and was done, as I was relieved I didn't have to go back into the fiery hell that is REG. Lol.


    Congrats scootter! You did it! 🙂

    This is SMP73!
    My other account was wacky!

    Waiting on a NY License!

    ~just keep swimming~


    I feel the same way about BEC. I am fairly certain I got 3 questions wrong for sure. Hoping they were pre-test because they were nothing I'd ever seen before. I am just praying that I didn't do as bad as I think I did with BEC. Now begins the waiting game.


    Hey Scootter, thank you for posting, you have given me hope. I'm in absolute misery about the first testlet. My sims were fine, but I know what that first testlet can do to you and I guessed at so many. Your post gives me hope that I passed. The thought of starting over again on chapter 1 really hurts.


    @scootter… I believe that I recall your post of complaints several days after I had posted mine; we both ended up okay. Many candidates think that REG is one of the two most difficult sections (with FAR being the other, of course) but it also seems to be the one that gives the most leeway in terms of making mistakes yet still coming away with a good result. I remember at least three or four EASY multiple choice questions that I answered incorrectly due to rushing through the testlets in order to get to the simulations (for which I ended up having plenty of time to do)… and my experience on the simulations was similar. AL was okay, two others were all correct or mostly correct, but the other three were a different story. Out of those three, two must have been 50-60% correct and one no better than 20%.

    @bcjasper09… You're nuts if you think that 3 MC questions on BEC are going to make or break your score.



    I see your scores & I think you are amazing for keeping the good attitude.

    I got 73 and went crazy, being depressed about it all day.

    Then I come here and see that you had one 73 and two 74 scores…can't image how bad those scores hurt you!


    @Scooter this is an amazing post…One of the best! You have gone through the passage of hell and come out the other side with some wisdom to boot! So now what is in store for you?

    I'm just starting my journey along this treacherous passage.

    Thanks for coming back to give your “final thoughts”!

    All the best to you.


    Thanks choicpa. The first 74 in BEC wasn't so bad. I didn't know what to expect and had some serious test day anxiety. I was actually encouraged because I was so close.

    Following up with a 73 in AUD really stung. Like like when you smash your finger or something, and you don't want to cry, but the tears just well up and then there is a lingering throbbing to remind you of the incident. It crushed me. But I was so close again. I couldn't give up yet. This website really gave me hope and motivation.

    Posts like scootter's and many others here are always encouraging.

    I picked myself up, and gave FAR a go. When I saw 74, I saw red. I was so angry…. and embarrassed. The CPA exam is the first thing that I really just failed at. And that's a tough lesson in humility at 30 years old. I took it as a personal attack, and I decided to fight back. Finally, I began studying like there was no tomorrow and applied more self discipline and effort than I knew I had. And finally, I began to pass. I'm not saying I'll go 4 for 4 or anything. But I know I'll get to the other side 🙂

    It seems like when candidates get to the point that they know the information well enough to KNOW there is a reason to be mad at the test, they end up passing. If you know REG so well that the SIMS were ridiculous, or you can recall the random topics that were tested, then you know you were well prepared.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*



    Absolutely that we need to hear!!!!

    Thanks for taking time and posting and good job on persevering and passing it!

    It is interesting to observe and experience days of desperation and inkling of failure and then, to receive a top grade on the score release day!

    Awesome just awesome.

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂


    @scootter Congrats on the amazing score!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great post and I 100% agree, to pass these exams you've got to dig deep and grind it out!!! 🙂

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    Congrats scootter!!!! Points very well taken. It certainly gives me the motivation to go forward and not be afraid to fail. I don't intend to fail, but I don't have to be afraid either. The CPA passing Gods were with you. Good luck in your new career.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Very true. I scraped for every last point on BEC and REG and it definitely helped. Don't get discouraged during the exam and you'll remain more focused.

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed



    Thanks for sharing your story.

    Funny thing is, I actually tend to do better when I'm studying less.

    By less, it is not like I'm not studying as hard, but I prepare within shorter time frame.

    For instance, my total preparation time for BEC was 2.5 weeks for my first try, which I got 73.

    I also got 70 for my first FAR, which took 5 weeks.

    I prepared 3 Months for AUD, and I got 60…..

    Studying is important, but sometimes I feel that I get too caught up doing ‘xxx amount of MCQs'.

    You just get upset that exam tends to ask you on things your review courses barely focus on. (not like you didn't study hard enough)

    I am also encouraged in a way that I came so close within short period of time, I will work on my weak areas and…

    I'll BE BACK to beat this thing!



    Thank you so much for this post. It brought a bigger and bigger smile to my face as I continued to read it. I took REG yesterday and was absolutely blown away by the Sims. I also studied 150-200 hours and have had success on my previous 2 exams. (FAR & AUD) so I know what it takes to pass. I definitely nailed the research question and one other smaller sim, but still to this moment could not tell you how I did on 2 of the other 4. Like you, as soon as I got home, I got out all of my Becker Study materials and my computer and sought out the correct answers. ( I remembered all of the details of the sims) Even with those tools at my finger tips I have struggled to find answers on 2 of the 4 sims! Absolutely incredible. I'm 99% confident one of those 2 will be thrown out, so hopefully I got 50-75% correct on the other 2? Praying for the best! Thanks again @Scooter; its great to know someone in a similar position came out with a 92! Congrats!

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