Feeling like a complete failure after REG

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  • #2756142

    Is it normal? Do people who pass too feel like they’ve completely botched it?

    Granted, the first two questions were hard and that was when I freaked out. REG was my weakest subject too, so I was feeling a lot of anxiety. And on one of the questions there were two identical answer choices sooo.. 🙁
    And I have no idea whether the second testlet got harder or easier.. 🙁 I took AUD yesterday and for AUD the second one was definitely harder.

    Anyway is feeling like a complete failure a bad sign? or is it normal behaviour?

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  • #2756202

    When I left REG i pretty much thought I got between a 65-85. I felt pretty good about the MCQs but felt like I only got 2-3 SIM questions fully right and the rest partial credit. Worked out for me thankfully. If you feel strong about the MCQs then you have a great shot if you at least think you mustered up a decent amount of partial credit on the SIMs.


    I was absolutely, 100% sure I failed FAR, even thought of leaving the exam in the middle several times, ended up with an 81 so don't lose hope there's always a chance.


    Yes, it is completely normal to feel that way. I had a very similar test experience. The first testlet shocked me with how difficult it seemed and how out of left field the questions were, had no clue if the 2nd testlet got easier or harder (it seemed easier). Got an 86, somehow. So don't get too down until you get your score and hopefully you will see a pass!

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    Don't sweat it, nothing you can do now. To make you feel better, I was 100% sure I failed FAR. I would have bet a decent sum of money on me failing, yet squeaked by with a 77. Thought I did really well on BEC, only got a 79. Thought I failed REG (but not as badly as FAR), got a 78. Thought I got easily over a 90 on AUD, only got 86.

    You really don't know. Try your best to move on to whatever is next.


    You need to harden your mind when taking the CPA. One can truly not know how they scored until it is released. It is part of the structure of the exam to test your will and mental capacities lol


    Completely understand you. Took Reg today and I’m just proud that I got through the entire exam. I’m pretty sure I failed. First question out and all I could do was chuckle to myself and think “These guys are trying to break me.” At this point it is what it is. Am I anxious for Nov 5 release? Absolutely! Am I going to go home and cry? Possibly. But for EVERYONE who has and is sitting for this beast, you all get my respect. That’s for damn sure!

    Jimmy Dugan

    Almost everyone feels like they performed worse than they actually did for all of these exams. I felt miserable after all of them and never really came that close to failing. We all think back through the exam and ruminate on the ones we were unsure about. Even worse are the ones you know you got wrong after coming home and looking through the textbook to figure out the answer. Best thing you can do is put your head down and start studying for the next section.


    I feel the same way! I took REG last Monday and idk what it is about the questions, but I felt uncertain about close to half the questions. I did get a lot of the exceptions to the rules and I spent the whole 4 hrs regretting not reviewing so many little things and on top of that, I felt like the sims offered very few opportunities for points. I kick myself every time I think about Reg now.


    I took REG earlier this month, and felt fairly confident going into it. The multiple choice didn't seem bad at all, but the simulations were utterly dreadful. They were all difficult, and two were especially nasty. I scrolled through the authoritative literature hoping for some guidance on those two sims, to no avail. I even reviewed my Gleim CPA exam materials when I got home after the exam and they didn't cover the topics on those two sims. I don't think Gleim as a CPA review software is lacking, because I believe Gleim generally over-prepares their candidates for the CPA exam, which leads me to conclude that no amount of studying would have saved me from this horror.

    So yeah, hopefully my story encourages you, if only because you now know you weren't the only one to feel like a failure after taking this test, lol. Please let there be a curve.


    I don't know if this helps, but there was not one time where I walked out of the testing center and felt like I passed. Every exam I took, I walked out thinking I for sure failed. I ended up passing all sections on the first tries.

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ

    581 days of listening to lectures, reading texts & 10,000+ MCQs...


    Am i only the odd guy that passed the exams when I felt great and not the other way around? Interesting


    @ CPAHOPE .. Yea my feeling leaving the test center is either: Dude I totally bombed that one – and I was right I did… and then DUDE I completely passed that section .. and I was wrong I didn't! hahaa.. Thank god I finally only have 1 left but not as many months to pass it like I did the others lol .. Best of luck to ya!

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    @ CPAHOPE .. Yea my feeling leaving the test center is either: Dude I totally bombed that one – and I was right I did… and then DUDE I completely passed that section .. and I was wrong I didn't! hahaa.. Thank god I finally only have 1 left but not as many months to pass it like I did the others lol .. Best of luck to ya!

    Yea… so it took me like 100x to finally pass 3 but I didn't quit…

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    Hey Pokey
    I failed many too 😥.. Lets both pass and get it over with! You only got one exam so you will get it next time

    Captain Awesome

    @CPAHOPE, no you're not alone. I took enough of these exams that I started getting a good feeling about what score I would get. The whole ‘second testlet harder than the first' didn't seem applicable to me because I felt the second testlet was easier on the exams I passed. Perhaps I had just warmed up and calmed down.

    The second time I took REG I was on a great pace with MCQ, keeping to the timing of 45 minutes per testlet. I also felt really good about the first two sims, so it was the first test where I felt I had plenty of time. When I took a test and got hung up on MCQ or spent 20 minutes trying to work through a sim I knew I was not doing well, and that feeling turned out to be accurate.

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