Feeling After REG vs. Actual Score - Page 2

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  • #1672637

    I just took REG again yesterday after I failed it in May with a 62. I studied from September to the day before yesterday and gave myself plenty of time to study, but right before the test, I felt like I didn’t know anything. I know I’ve read many posts of people who felt similar and ended up passing, but I’d love to get some updated comments from people who have taken REG recently.

    How did you feel going into and then leaving the test and what was the end result?

    I honestly have no idea if I passed or failed (shocker, I know) but if I had to guess, I would say I failed more than I passed. Didn’t feel like I knew hardly anything during the test and was unsure on almost every answer.

    Also, I didn’t take the break since I felt like that hurt me last time and when I was almost done with the 2nd to last testlet with 56 minutes left, I got that Windows pop-up that said the driver for the test had stopped working and did I want to close the program or try to repair it. Then my test closed out and I had to sit in the waiting area for about 5 minutes while they worked on getting my test back. Luckily, they got me set up on another computer and my test got brought back up to where I left off. This made me a bit nervous, but everything seemed to be fine and it didn’t break my concentration too bad. Anyone else have a similar experience and still pass?

    Sorry, long post and kind of two questions, but you can see that I’m a bit nervous about the whole thing. Last leg to pass and all… 🙂

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  • #1683685

    I thought I got 82 on it but ended up with a 92. I spent a lot of time studying though and have always been pretty good at exams. You were within spitting distance, keep at it!


    My first MCQ seemed decently hard and my second MCQ seemed ten times easier. This made me nervous during the exam but continued to focus on question by question. For the Sims, I knew I got 3 correct (including the research); I knew I got 90% of one wrong (checked answers / calculations after) and the rest I had no idea / felt crappy on. I thought I was going to get somewhere between a 73 and a 76. I ended up with a 78.


    I was sure i failed but i passed with a 76 🙂

    FAR - 1/25/2016 - 78
    BEC - 2/27/2016 - 68
    AUD - TBD
    REG - TBD


    Walked out of REG the first time thinking I passed by the skin of my teeth. Came home feeling relatively good. Failed with a 68. Retook it and knew the only way I could have passed would be due to Divine intervention. Came home and cried. Passed with a 77.

    Funny thing is that the first time I knew what was being asked of me for every question. Granted, my recall failed a few times – hence the 68. Second time around, there were questions where I had no idea what they were even talking about! Go figure.

    Ethics, here I come!
    FAR: 80 (10/28/2016)
    AUD: 85 (2/6/2017)
    REG: 68 (5/31/2017), 77 (12/7/2017)
    BEC: 79 (9/7/2017)


    It was my first test. I knew I killed it. Was disappointed it was only an 81, made me wonder how hard the rest of the tests were. But I was also ecstatic to know that I could pass a part of the CPA exam.


    I took both REG and AUD in Q 4 2017. walked out of REG thinking/feeling that if I passed, it would be with a 75, made a 78. Walked out of AUD thinking/feeling way better about it than REG. got the dreaded 74.

    never give up.

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16

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