Failed REG, Should I change my study schedule?

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  • #179060

    I studied REG for a 7 full weeks. I was doing really well on the MCQ and decent on some of Wiley’s SIMS. When I took the REG test, it didn’t feel to bad (except the SIMS) and I thought there was a good chance I would pass. Guess I was wrong. Got a 67 =(

    The thing is I planned to finish all 4 parts by 8/31 before I start full-time work at a Big 4 in September. I have been studying the past 2 weeks for FAR and so far it not going as planned. I cannot seem to grasp the material and I am not sure I will be ready in about 4 weeks.

    Do you guys thinks I should reschedule FAR (to when?) and restudy REG from now until the beginning of August? Or should I stick with FAR and hope to pass?

    I ask because I don’t want to risk failing FAR when I know I could study REG and pass in October. Maybe I could even take FAR the first week of January right before busy season?


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  • #427775

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you need to get another NTS to resit for an exam? Also, don't they disallow sitting for the same section more than once in 1 testing window? Seems like you may be stuck taking FAR next.

    Your other options would be:

    1) Push FAR back until early Oct.

    2) Skip FAR and reapply for your NTS and register for REG in early Oct.

    Obviously it would be nice to just get things done, but sometimes there are a few hurdles along the way. Problem with retaking REG in Oct is that I seriously doubt you will need almost 2 months to restudy. At this point, you've done all the lectures and seen all the material, but you got a 67 so clearly you just need to practice more and get some key concepts straight (I doubt this will take 7 weeks, more like 2?). Perhaps you could move FAR to early Oct and you woul dhave about 8 weeks to study and hopefully pass. Then you can register for REG again the Oct/Nov window whenever you think you'll be ready. Seems like you could have the exams done by Thanksgiving?

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