Don't think I can emotionally handle failing REG. Tips for handling anxiety?

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    I'm in the exact same boat as you. Waiting on my REG score tonight, which could potentially be my last. It would CRUSH me to have to study and sit for that beast again. I'm freaking out. I had a similar experience to you, except I feel worse about my MCQ, flagged and guessed on a bunch, felt like it had sooooo many questions not covered in my study materials, and had 2 SIMS that I had no stinkin clue on.

    My stomach turns every time I think of clicking that check score button. I want to throw up.

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!


    Same boat- I feel so nervous. It could be my last one. If I don't pass, I have to take REG again. Its out of your hands now, waiting sucks but worry will change nothing at this point. Be kind to yourself. 🙂 Go for a run, color, concentrate on work, have a few beers…..
    And if there is anything I've really learned from this test- its a lesson in perseverance. You CAN emotionally handle it. If the worst happens, and you don't pass, just study more, and do it again! Really- it will be alright. 🙂


    remember, whatever the score is, it doesn't define who you are.

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16


    Face it, you won't sleep tonight. I never could. If you drink, have a drink or two.
    On the upside if you do pass it will be an awesome night!!!

    If you fail it is going to suck a lot. Look at my scores. But the one thing i never did was let a test expire. That to me would have been unthinkable.


    I'm starting to realized questions I may have gotten wrong


    Interesting posts in this thread.
    Could be my last one as well, but not overly optimistic (REG). I'll just be glad to know either way. On one hand I can focus on the application process, on the other I'll just get back into the studying routine. But at least I'll be doing -something- other than obsessively anticipating, which has been over-the-top since taking it on the 30th.

    BEC: 77
    FAR: 76
    AUD: 81
    REG: 77



    Please please be a pass lol


    Good luck to all! Please for the love of all that is holy, just a 75!


    wish I had at least a general idea of how i did


    In Q1 of 2016 I missed being done by 1 point on FAR.

    It was the first time in my life I was so disturbed by something that I could not sleep that night. I tossed and turned, kept thinking about the 1 or 2 questions that would have put me over the top, etc. There is no way to just let it go when you put so much time into it.

    I hope everyone who put in the time and deserves to pass does pass. If you don't then allow yourself to feel the pain but make a recovery and plan a new strategy.

    BEC 11/29/14 77 (Roger)
    AUD 2/23/15 60 (Roger) 4/13/2015 83 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    REG 5/30/2015 66 (Roger & Ninja MCQ(7 hours only)) 8/23/2015 78 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    FAR 11/23/2015 60 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 2/24/2016 74 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 5/25/2016 83 (Roger+Roger CRAM & NINJA MCQ/NOTES)
    Texas Ethics Exam 92%

    Licensed TX CPA Aug 2016


    I'm not gonna be able to sleep regardless


    I've lost my luster. I've taken the Reg exam more than several times. The previous scores were a 73,71,72,71 and this test time I got a 58! Makes no sense at all. I studied hard and scored very well with my Becker software. I'm no longer confident in the scoring process or the fairness of this exam. I beginning to believe they are changing the weighting value of the questions being answered depending how the candidates for a particular section perform. The process and costs for a score review and the complication of the scoring model and not receiving scores directly after the examination leads me to accept the fact that this journey is not at all about the integrity of the CPA profession. I'm convinced this entire process is a coordinated money bag effort with a large hole at the bottom with a long life. I earned an undergrad and masters degree in accounting and been in the profession for many years. Not sure where my path will take me after this very big blow but I think it is time to leave this madness of wanting to obtain my CPA designation. I'm lost for words. 🙁


    How'd it go? I passed! With a 91 no less!!!!


    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!

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