Don’t know what to do awaiting the result of my last section. Do you?

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  • #2840136

    REG is my last section. Not certain if I pass or not and anxious about what I should do during the wait. Should I keep practicing and reviewing notes or should I just wait till the result comes out? Not fun and no life at all. I so want my life back. God helps me please.

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  • #2840262

    In the same boat. Took FAR and now just waiting for my score…This is the longest three weeks ever!!!


    Take a few days off while you wait. It's not like you will be able to retake the day after score release anyway.
    Enjoy the holidays, spend time with your family. If you fail, get back to it after the new year.


    Depending on what I had going on, I either was studying the same section because I wanted to hit the ground running for a retake due to a fail or I played video games to pass the time (thank you Madden)


    Doing the Hot Prometric Girl!


    I am also waiting for the score , FAR could be my last exam… If I passed – I am done. First 2 days I was just sleeping half-day, and now I finally starting to get my energy back. So hopefully tomorrow I will start to clean up house, because last month I did not do it at all… I am so scared to fail, because I will loose REG… 3 years already and I want to be done so badly. This week will be the longest ever!

    I can and I will

    same boat- enjoy the time off.

    if you have to go re-take something, you're going want the refresh. just try to relax


    Same boat, waiting on results and not sure what to do. I have a solution though. Whiskey 😂.


    I’m waiting for REG score. I didn’t feel great taking the test, but I hope I passed. I don’t want to think about studying basis again…I’m taking a small break before the busy season starts. Although I still feel stressed. It’s nice not to listen to Ninja audio anymore, but the work has been busy, so I can’t fully relax. During the limited free time that I have, I’m just mostly running errands (trying to get things done that I’ve been putting off due to exam). I can’t wait to feel like I fully have my freedom back. Good luck to everyone!


    Take a break man. Hit the clubs or smoke a joint or two. If you fail you can always jump back on the horse.

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