
  • This topic has 10 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #176107

    I just took REG today–my very first CPA exam experience ever. I have to say that I was EXTREMELY discouraged by the time I walked out of the testing center. I used Becker to prepare for this exam. I watched all of the lectures and completed 100% of the homework… I was scoring in the 80’s to 90’s on comprehensive progress tests during my final phases of studying.

    However, I was extremely caught off guard by some of the material tested!! My exam concentrated very heavily on some of the areas that Tim and Peter had said were “lightly (if at all)” tested. Very misleading! Also, my sims were all total BEASTS!! Very obscure topics, and I just couldn’t seem to find any help from the authoritative literature. I just hate to think that studying about 30 hours a week and having absolutely no social life during my last semester of college has amounted to nothing so far. I’ve been at the top of my accounting program all through college, and this exam just makes me feel like I know absolutely nothing about the major I’ve worked so hard to achieve! I’ve found myself asking myself if I will ever be able to pass these tests and become a CPA. I guess I’m just asking for some encouragement. I really need to build up some motivation to start studying for the next section. 🙁

    REG 83 - 2/10/2013
    AUD 96 - 4/2/2013
    FAR 87 - 5/30/2013

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  • #397885
    Gerg, CPA

    this crap's tough. but if you were scoring 80s & 90s on the multiple choice questions, i'm sure you did fine.

    FAR - 1/26/2012 - PASSED (78, but Lost credit), re-do 11/27/2013 - PASSED (87)!
    AUD - EPIC FAIL, 71, 69; 68; 5/25/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    REG - 10/1/2012 - 72; 7/1/2013 - 73 UGH, 10/1/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    BEC - 2/28/2013 - PASSED (82)!
    Licensed CPA!

    Used Becker self-study materials (just this for FAR original & REG #1), WileyTestBank, NINJA notes/audio, and Roger cram course for AUD #5, REG #3 & FAR reboot. CPA!


    You'll be surprised when you get your score, just focus on the next section. Dont waste to much time because that 18 month window comes at you faster than you think.


    Keep your chin up.

    This whole process is very discouraging at certain points. Believe me; we can only look forward though. No matter how well or bad you think you did, you have to move on to the next section. Don't dwell in the past. Review courses can only give their best advice on what was tested in the past and can't control what is tested in the future. They make their best guesses on how to prepare candidates for the exam.

    Motivation comes from within. Remind yourself why you are doing this, it helps. And most importantly, don't ever give up.

    BEC (11/17/12): 88
    AUD (1/18/13): 76
    REG (2/27/13): 88
    FAR (4/15/13): 90


    If it's any consolation, REG is the section that college least prepares you for. Followed by BEC, but FAR and AUD should be much more familiar to you.

    FAR - 79 - 07/2012
    AUD - 65, 78 - 11/2012
    BEC - 76 - 11/2012
    REG - 78 - 01/2013
    ETH - 98 - 01/2013

    Material: Wiley books


    Well…college could prepare you for BEC…you just had to also get a minor in Finance and/or Econ :). I'm doing this whole thing ass backwards….have my undergrad in Finance and Econ and just finishing up my accounting classes….


    @hopefulcpa73 – This is definitely my experience also. It's almost like they buy the Becker book and build the questions out of the ancillary material. It's seems like they get the updates also (I have 2011 materials) and build SIMS from the updates. Also, they love to combine concepts to throw you off.

    Believe me, if I can pass 3 out of 4 (so far) than anyone including you can do it. If you went back 10 years in my past you'd never imagine that I'd be the kind of person that could do this. Especially if your so focused and determined in college.

    Stick with it and good luck on you score!

    FAR 69, 74, 78
    REG 69, 69, 69, 82
    BEC 75
    AUD 76


    Thanks for the kind words, everyone!! I'm thankful that a website like this exists. It really helps to have support from people who have been through this too. I really had no idea how difficult this would be! It truly is a mind game. Trying to stay positive today. I allowed myself a mini vacation from the books yesterday to relax and catch up on some TV shows, but now it's back to Becker tonight! AUD, here I come!!

    Thank you again!

    REG 83 - 2/10/2013
    AUD 96 - 4/2/2013
    FAR 87 - 5/30/2013


    I had the same feeling as you had.

    After I walk out the test center after my Audit test, I felt so bad, but I got 89

    Same thing after I took Far, feeling fail for sure, but I got 90

    Even worst feeling after REG, but I got 93

    Feeling bad after tests means you had concentrated so much on the tests, that's a good sign..


    Update: I PASSED!!! So happy! This is just the best feeling!!

    REG 83 - 2/10/2013
    AUD 96 - 4/2/2013
    FAR 87 - 5/30/2013


    Honestly, I think leaving the exam feeling utterly defeated and dejected is a good sign. Everytime I've left feeling that way I've passed, and everytime I've left an exam feeling confident I've failed. I also passed REG during wave 2 this window and it was my last shot before I lost credit for AUD. To anyone who feels terrible after their exam, don't give up hope!

    Also, my experience with the exam was as follows:

    MCQS #1: Medium, #2 Hard, #3 Easy (thought this was a bad sign, questions were considerably shorter and much easier to answer compared to #1 and #2)

    SIMS: 1 Research (100%), rest were fill-ins with no drop-down selections. I felt pretty clueless about 1 of them, about 65-75% on 2, and 75-85% on 2

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